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Permalink Iron Maiden Rules the World

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Ok, according to the official Iron Maiden website (,
these are the US/Canada tour dates:

USA March 14, 2008 New Jersey Izod Centre
CANADA March 16, 2008 Toronto Air Canada Centre
USA May 21, 2008 San Antonio, TX Verizon Wireless
USA May 22, 2008 Houston, TX Woodlands
USA May 25, 2008 Albuquerque, NM Journal Pavilion
USA May 26, 2008 Phoenix, AZ Cricket Pavilion
USA May 28, 2008 Concord, CA Concord
USA May 30, 2008 Los Angeles, CA Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
USA May 31, 2008 Los Angeles, CA Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
USA June 2, 2008 Seattle, WA White River Amphitheater

Ok, um. . . wtf?!?!? Is that ALL they're playing in the states??? I've
been dying to see this Powerslaves tour for the past few years, when it
was first rumored. But they're only playing the the west coast, and
just a handful of shows in the east???

Unbelievable. Crying

Or are there going to be dates in the fall?


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

Ok, according to the official Iron Maiden website (,
these are the US/Canada tour dates:

USA March 14, 2008 New Jersey Izod Centre
CANADA March 16, 2008 Toronto Air Canada Centre
USA May 21, 2008 San Antonio, TX Verizon Wireless
USA May 22, 2008 Houston, TX Woodlands
USA May 25, 2008 Albuquerque, NM Journal Pavilion
USA May 26, 2008 Phoenix, AZ Cricket Pavilion
USA May 28, 2008 Concord, CA Concord
USA May 30, 2008 Los Angeles, CA Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
USA May 31, 2008 Los Angeles, CA Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
USA June 2, 2008 Seattle, WA White River Amphitheater

Ok, um. . . wtf?!?!? Is that ALL they're playing in the states??? I've
been dying to see this Powerslaves tour for the past few years, when it
was first rumored. But they're only playing the the west coast, and
just a handful of shows in the east???

Unbelievable. Crying

Or are there going to be dates in the fall?


Vincent, relax. More US dates will be announced soon, the above is just the first leg. I expect they'll be playing the midwest, the south and the east coast for the first two or three weeks in June, since their dates in Europe don't start until the end of June. So, keep checking and hope they hit your city! I sure hope they come back to Detroit in June, but I'm fairly confident they will.


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Vincent, relax. More US dates will be announced soon, the above is just the first leg. I expect they'll be playing the midwest, the south and the east coast for the first two or three weeks in June, since their dates in Europe don't start until the end of June. So, keep checking and hope they hit your city! I sure hope they come back to Detroit in June, but I'm fairly confident they will.


Thanks, Ivan! Not only are you a wonderful musician, but you are
great at calming one's nerves! Very Happy


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

ok maybe I did miss out on this one,
I'll go to the Irvine Meadows, oh I guess I should call it the Verizon Wireless ampitheater, sheeesh,
but it would nice if they said it was in Irvine,O.C. not Los Angeles.
Warren you up for it?



quite possible.

The Secret Samurai Website
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but it would nice if they said it was in Irvine,O.C. not Los Angeles.

Blame it on the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, I guess.

Count me in possibly - it depends on how much tickets cost.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Do I smell a pre metal show meetup?
I already expressed my intent to be there, no matter the costs to wallet, health, or family...

Up the irons!!!!!!!!!


you saying you and Paul might come down for this show?

Iron Maiden Outdoors at Irvine meadows is a Must see experience.

I saw them there 4 times.



Who said anything about Paul???? Rolling Eyes
I'm bringing my wife... Cool

woo hoo!!!!!!!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Rock


Based upon Ivan and Warren's recommendations earlier in this thread, I finally picked up Bruce Dickinson's Accident of Birth and I'm glad I did! I'm really digging this album a lot. Much better material than I expected and Adrien Smith just smokes on guitar on this album! Worship

I completely dismissed any BD solo material after hearing late Maiden (prior to Brave New World) and Balls to Picasso. BD shows some range here that didn't really show through on his Maiden work. He definitely could have played the lead on something like Jesus Christ Superstar Wink

Anyways, thanks Ivan and Warren for the heads up on this one. Its killer!! Rock

Also, check out BD's website: scream for me. He's even got a forum!

The Secret Samurai Website
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Awesome, Ryan! Any traditional metal fan will absolutely love AoB, so I'm not at all surprised to read your post. Now you have to pick up Bruce's follow up to AoB, The Chemical Wedding. A bit heavier and more modern sounding than AoB, but in some places even better. The title track is AMAZING, as are several others (Jerusalem, The Tower, Book of Thel, The Alchemist). You can find the recent reissue with extra tracks for cheap on Amazon.

BTW, though Adrian does indeed smoke on many of the tracks, do not overlook the remarkable playing by Roy Z - he does all the more shred-like stuff - every note played with a pick vs. H's more legato style. Roy plays some of the most tasteful shred I've ever heard.


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BTW, though Adrian does indeed smoke on many of the tracks, do not overlook the remarkable playing by Roy Z - he does all the more shred-like stuff - every note played with a pick vs. H's more legato style. Roy plays some of the most tasteful shred I've ever heard.


Yeah, I concur Ivan. The difference is obvious when Roy Z. is playing a solo vs. Adrien Smith. Roy's playing is ultra shred bedazzlement. His playing is still very tasteful though. I really dig it. I could never even approach those speeds in my playing though. Mind boggling.

The Secret Samurai Website
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More media coverage of Maiden's tour, Captain Bruce Dickinson and Ed Force One - this time on ABC News Now:

I hope this works. Each segment is about 6 minutes long.


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The Madeira Channel on YouTube

That's good stuff Ivan. Thanks for posting! I want a ride on Ed Force One!! Rock

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Bump, so's we can stop the Maiden lurv on the other thread!!!!

Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

Be there ill will of Maiden? Avast ye scallywags!!!!!

Aye! landlubbers...

I can't find the link but I read a Modern Drummer deal in the 90's where Nicko said Surf influenced him in the way he plays...

I can see it. (and feel it)

I ripped him off for East/West...

Jeff Utterback

Die! Die with your boots on, cause your gonna die!
Oh yeah, the good ole' days.
I think "Surf Report" covered the "Trooper" by Maiden if I'm not mistaken. Hats off to those surf bands who take risks.
Dig it.
Beats the hell out of Baja, Penetration, and Walk Don't Run..............

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

I wouldn't even think of dissing the great and all-powerful maiden... how could anyone after seeing this? Just unbelievable!


The Maiden MOVIE on the way!!,22901/

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The Madeira Official Website
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The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
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