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Permalink What Fuzz pedal do you recommend?

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I need some feedback on what Fuzz pedal to go for I need something with as close to the originals in Fuzz in a good price range.


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I recently got a used Ashbass Fuzzbrite for $87 on ebay. Prior to that I used a Boss FZ-2 which could approximate a Fuzztone reasonably, I think that I paid around $75 for it used. The most musical fuzz that I have used is a keeley fuzz head, but it isn't a very "60s-ish" sounding fuzz and is quite a bit more expensive.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

The Verbatone Verbafuzz is suppose to sound great, and the name certainly fits. Wink

Agree On the Fuzz close to the 60's Mosrite Fuzz as you'll get for under $100

I have a Boss FZ-2 that I have been using lately, it is truly FUZZ, not just distortion. The new version FZ-5 is supposed to sound like 3 early fuzz pedals. Cheap and easy if you can't find a Jordan Bosstone, which was my first. I think the Boss sounds a lot better than the old one.

The Verbatone Verbafuzz is suppose to sound great, and the name certainly fits. Wink

I dig the name "VerbaFuzz" Wink I was also checking these out and
the price is killer not bad for a clone Rock
FUZZbrite by Ashbass / Definitive 60s FUZZ Pedal Clone on Ebay


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The fuzzbrite is cool. I got this though for more flexibility. It's basically a standard soft clipped fuzz (by that I mean it doesn't "spit" out individually punctuated mechanical sounding noise gated notes like a fuzz factory or other modern noise box. It's smoother) but it's got a six position "strangle switch" which operates just like your jags... full right, it's a big buzzsaw of fuzz. Full left it sounds like a fuzzed out transistor radio with a blown speaker if you're old enough to remember those:rock: Very versatile, although I only use "6", "4", and "1" on the strangle. "2" and "3" sound too much like "4" to me, and "5" sounds too much like "6" too subtle a difference to be individual voices... You need to put on your douchebag filter to watch the dude in the video, but if you can stand him, it's worth watching. $99 new.

Oh, one note about the demo video. He never sets it to full fuzz without strangle so you never hear it balls to the wall... Suicide

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 17:00:59

in a good price range.

how about a Baldwin Burns Buzzaround? Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

(sorry for the threadjack, I'll just say DAMN Shocked for all of us and let's talk reasonably priced fuzzes again.)

I like that tweak fuzz but it doesnt sound particularly vintage to me. I can vouch for the verbafuzz as well but I think you'll have a hard time finding one. My only other eperoiecne is with a fulltone soulbender, I dont think that's what you're looking for either, very smooth, rounded of sound.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Another vote for the Ashbass Fuzzbrite.

It's very close to the Fuzzrite and a steal at the price he sells them for.
I really dig mine.

The Thunderchiefs


in a good price range.

I like that tweak fuzz but it doesnt sound particularly vintage to me..

Well, it does do a passable vintage thing. It's a very versatile pedal. You have to bear in mind that those pickups he's using are active EMGs and he never turns the fuzz up all the way, nor does he put the strangle in the full off position. You can find lots of vintage sounds in it. Is it easier to take a fuzz face, or maestro, or fuzzbrite and plug it in and sound like a fuzz face, or maestro, or fuzzbrite? Yeah, but then you sound like a fuzz face, or maestro, or fuzzbrite. All the time... And that's it... I'm considering building some vintage clones from BYOC (build your own clone) but I don't need to with this pedal. From "can't get no satisfaction", to Ventures, to Hendrix, to ZZTop I'm happy with this relatively inexpensive, true bypass pedal.

The Addrock Geranium fuzz is one of the best i have played. They can be found for around $100. The barber trifecta is also very nice.

At this very moment, I'm chasing a Mosrite FUZZrite on E-Bay. Rock

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038

Another vote for the Ashbass Fuzzbrite.

It's very close to the Fuzzrite and a steal at the price he sells them for.
I really dig mine.

It's actually a woman who builds and sell them. I really dig the sounds out of mine too.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S


Another vote for the Ashbass Fuzzbrite.

It's very close to the Fuzzrite and a steal at the price he sells them for.
I really dig mine.

It's actually a woman who builds and sell them. I really dig the sounds out of mine too.

Wow that's too cool Shocked


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Killer feedback guys keep em' coming please and thank you!!

I came across this site for Ashbass Fuzzbrite with audio clips
that's one thing that most site don't have half the time is audio clips especially when your shopn' for one it's nice to hear some kind of audio sample clip of the product.


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Well, besides the Addrock Fuzz and the Ashbass, are there any other units
out there with the Germanium? Confused

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038

Last edited: Feb 19, 2008 20:46:06

I need some feedback on what Fuzz pedal to go for I need something with as close to the originals in Fuzz in a good price range.

I'm pretty-much a noob when it comes to surf gear but I'm a self-proclaimed expert on everything Fuzz! Confused

Which "original" are you looking for? Something Germanium (Fuzz Face, etc) or a really nasty Silicon Fuzz?

The all-out coolest true Fuzz ever is the 2 knob Colorsound Tone Bender MKII 2 in my a Fuzz Face on steroids but you can dial it down to "reasonable" levels too.

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 17:00:48

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