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SHADOWNIGHT5150: Bank accounts are a scam created by a shadow government
274 days ago

sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
260 days ago

dp: dude
242 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
197 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
181 days ago

GDW: showman
132 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
54 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
47 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
33 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
12 days ago

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As I posted on the front page, we are moving to a new server "real soon now" (if I can figure out what I am doing....)

I'll try to minimize disruptions, but I can't make any promises. Just giving everyone a heads up. Thanks for your patience and support.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

The move is complete. Hopefully you have found us by now and I have most everything unpacked and put in the proper place.

I also upgraded the site software. You should see a few small differences around here.

And finally that Member Map module is active now.


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian we're all very appreciative of all your time, hard work, changes and upgrades and for keeping the site in top health and I know I can speak for all I mean it man and for putting up with our punk ass's through the good times and the funked times but at the end we all have the common ground and love for surf.

Bravo and Cheers to Brian

Thank you


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

Brian we're all very appreciative of all your time, hard work, changes and upgrades and for keeping the site in top health and I know I can speak for all I mean it man and for putting up with our punk ass's through the good times and the funked times but at the end we all have the common ground and love for surf.

Bravo and Cheers to Brian

Thank you

AMEN, bradda!!!


The map is cool!

Thanks Brian, keep up the good work! Very Happy

Yesterday's glitch was part of the transfer process I take it?

Fantastic! It's back!!

Thanks for the hard work, Brian!



SG101! Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

.......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
proud owner and documented:
1963 "The Ventures" Model s/n# 0038

Thanks a lot. Nice work!


Thanks for all the time and effort put into this site, Brian!

U DA MAN!!!!!! Rock



Thanks everyone.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Great work Brian! I know that's quite a task. Thanks for keeping everything running so smoothly. Although today was a very difficult day as I couldn't check in with s101 Suicide

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Awesome job Brian! You should set up a paypal, so everyone can buy you a beer online!

I am super sweet

Rockin' bones! Cool


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

Nice work, Brian!

(But I think the RSS feed is broken.)

(But I think the RSS feed is broken.)

Is it completely dead or still just displaying crap out of order? I'll look into it a bit tonight. I think I found a fix for the out of order thing. But.....this new software version supposedly has a much better RSS feed generator. I simply haven't had time to investigate it or turn it on yet. I'll look into that shortly.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I was talking to 2 old timers from Cow yahoo group, and they were asking me if there was anyway to get the messages other than surfing around on the forum, and I told them about the RSS feed,
but I told them I have no Idea what it looks like or how it works.

can you spalin it real quick, so if somebody asks me I can tell them.



Oh I see what you mean Dane. Let me work on that.

BTD, RSS allows one to get a list of forum posts or front page news stories in an RSS reader. Since I'm lazy, here are the lead paragraphs from Wikipedia's RSS entry:

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts. An RSS document, which is called a "feed," "web feed," or "channel," contains either a summary of content from an associated web site or the full text. RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with their favorite web sites in an automated manner that's easier than checking them manually.

RSS content can be read using software called an "RSS reader", "feed reader" or an "aggregator". The user subscribes to a feed by entering the feed's link into the reader or by clicking an RSS icon in a browser that initiates the subscription process. The reader checks the user's subscribed feeds regularly for new content, downloading any updates that it finds.

You can basically scan the forum posts quickly without having to navigate the web pages.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks Brian,
I will copy that and send it to them.

will you have the RSS feed up soon?



The feed shows no posts since Sunday night.

BTD, here's a sample of the kind of thing I get from the RSS feed:

Orange Hallmark 60 Custom paint problems
Posted by Twist
Sunday, 10:51 PM
Aren't these your guitars from a post on SG101 about 6 weeks ago?? Judging by the photo you posted here on January 7th, 2008 there does not appear to be any issues with this guitar what so ever. I do not understand why there are larger dot markers on the neck. This appears to be a modification made outside of the Hallmark factory. If this is the case, any warranty would be null and vo Read more…

My eBay "mystery" reverb has arrived!
Posted by FritzCat
Sunday, 10:30 PM
I didn't find a letter code on the pan, but there is a sticker that reads "reverberation unit, type iv, Hammond Organ Co." I cleaned pretty much the whole thing today, to try and get rid of the smoke (tobacco) smell. Now it smells like Febreze instead of a stale ashtray! I've got a NOS 6K6GT coming this week, I can hardly wait! Read more…

Bambi Molesters CDs?
Posted by midwest_surf_guy
Sunday, 10:16 PM
Ferenc, If its not too late put me down for Intensity. Thanks Guy Read more…

The Volcanos at Detroit Autorama March 7
Posted by midwest_surf_guy
Sunday, 10:04 PM
Hey man! I can pass this up! I will plan on being there with my video camera! Rick last years show was fantastic! I am sure it will be a great one! Thanks Guy Read more…

I like to see what's new without visiting every page of the forum.

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