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I'm with ya big time with the same frustrations, I'll give Jeff a call and see wazzz up and get his feedback and see where he stands with this whole thing and then if he's up to it we'll plan it out behind the scene I'm gain to help.


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

i'd just like to visit california, see some bands, meet some of the fine folks here on sg101 and leave with a smile on my face. period. Cool

Let me know if I can help w/ anything...

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

ok say we do it the weekend of when the Maderia and Aquasonics are here.
say we do the meet and greet and jam, and itty bitty sg101 convention,
on Sat. day.
I need to know where the Maderia and Aquasonincs are playing on Fri. and Sat. nite. to ensure that this will go down ok.

if they or 1 of those bands are in San Deigo one of those nights it might make plans for the Sat. day thing kinda hard.

so I Need a PM or e-mail from
Chris, and Ivan
with Tennative schedulles for thier tour out here.
also if either band needs help getting a gig in LA OC area for Fri or Sat. nite let me know that too.,



I know this guy will be stoked.....


The fans in HB are the best!!


You can book this whole gig at Suzy's in Hermosa Bch. Were having 10 surf bands there anyways on Memorial Week-end, I can book another date for this SG bash. You can jam till 1in the morning. No biggy.
Plus, I'll email everybody hotels, motels, to stay in the local area.

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

Let me know if I can help w/ anything...

Hell yeah man and I love your idea of a website.


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

Do and shoot for a date then, as some think I can up and go when ever I please I don't have the time and luxury to up and go just by the snap of the finger (day jobs, family, kids, commitments, money) I'm already heading down to SoCal in mid summer with The Verbtones for the weekend but me and Marie will be in SoCal for an extra few days with my folks in OC and the rest of the band will only be there for 3 days (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) but if it happen's sooner then this summer count me out I'll be there next year 2009 instead!!! some of us do need to plan ahead and save some dough and make arrangements at home. This is my last input and update.



Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

see I knew this was gonna happen,
damn it all.



see I knew this was gonna happen,
damn it all.


Jeff let's crack open a beer or make ourself's a hard drink and let's just sit back and relax and think good vibes I'll call you soon bro it's all good man we'll work something out there's plenty of time to make something happen' weather we're there or not I'm ok with that I'll still be on the other side helping out in anyway I possibly can an as well as many other will be too I'm sure no worry's dude Wink



Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp


Let me know if I can be of any help. We (The Torquays) had 2 CD release parties at Sam’s Seafood in Huntington Beach…they were a bit of work but, a lot of fun. The place is perfect for what has been discussed…IMHO.

With enough advance planning, this kind of event could attract some good sponsors and nice local media coverage too!

  • Surfbeatnik

Hey Everybody,
just a Heads up about the
Surf Guitar 101 Convention,
1st off its gonna be many things
surf music, and instrument/gear swap meet,
multi media presentations,
4 Bands
surf jam/Karaokee (sign up list to join will be posted soon)many songs,
you play a Standard along with a Live backing band
and get together
plus more maybe.

I am still talking to people about coming to it, and being involved.
But I wanted to Officially announce when it will be.

Sat. Aug 2nd. at Suzy's in Hermosa.
noon to 5 pm

Later that night.
The Maderia from Mid west, Pollo Del Mar from Nor. Cal., Insect Surfers and Detonators are playing 8 pm till Midnight.

On Sun. Aug 3rd at the Huntington Beach Pier, 11 am to 5 pm will be.
The Fabulous Nomads, The Relix, Aquasonics from Colorado, Pollo Del Mar,
The Maderia, and The Surftones, Feat. Matt Q from Reventlos, and Kerry Chester ex of DD's 80s band.

I Figured it would be best to announce it asap, as I know the sooner the better, for arranging for airfare and sleeping and car accommodations.

There is also a San Diego show with Pollo, Maderia, Secret Samurai, and
Zombie Surf Camp, on the Fri. nite. Aug 1st. If anybody would liek to go down there to get an early start on the Reverb overdose weekend.

Let me know if you have any questions,
and I will be posting more info soon, and
Official line up of bands, and guest speakers.



So you booked 4 more bands the afternoon before we're playing in the evening, at the same venue? Are you kidding me?

(I'm subbing 2nd guitar for Pollo)

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I booked 4 really good band to play 4 1/2 hour sets at an event, that will have a break between 5 and 8 pm,

I dont see the prob.
we have had many events down here with 8 to 10 bands.
and its packed all day.

If people dont want to come to the Event Im doing fine,
go see the night show only.

I just want to do something really cool,
Everybody Ive invited and or told about it sounds super stoked.

AND a ton of People said they would want the Event to be When the Maderia is here. so Im just doing what was asked.

If there is any question as to which show to go to that day,
if you can't handle 12 hours.
go to the night one,

I just figured doing the event,
where a show was gonna be was better,
Less driving around for people that are from outta town.




but, as it happens, I have a SURF-ROCK SHINDIG that poses a conflict for me

so, D-A-M-N, I'm gonna have to miss out on this great day you guys are puttin' together

BTD/Jeff, you rock! Your efforts to keep the twang out there are non-stop....KUDOS, BABY!!

Unsteady Freddie

I know this is hard work getting it all together "A one man operation with a goal" organizing and trying to orchestrate it all and trying to make everyone happy on the other hand I know there's other things going on simultaneously on that date or dates but... the reality is that you can't please everyone, Jeff awesome job for pulling it off and for listening to other's considerations and ideas, we're only human.

KUDOS ALL THE WAY Thumbs Up Thumbs Up



Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

hope to be there with a midwestern contingent. I'm waaaaayyyy overdue for a vacation and haven't been to California for 5 years and have never been to that part of the state.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

I know this is hard work getting it all together "A one man operation with a goal" organizing and trying to orchestrate it all and trying to make everyone happy on the other hand I know there's other things going on simultaneously on that date or dates but... the reality is that you can't please everyone, Jeff awesome job for pulling it off and for listening to other's considerations and ideas, we're only human.

KUDOS ALL THE WAY Thumbs Up Thumbs Up


I couldn't agree more. Very well said Kyle. Jeff, thanks for pulling this thing together. I'm sure it is a pretty large undertaking.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

This sounds like it will be a great time! Nice organizing BTD.

Why California? It should be held in the true "birthplace" of surf music, out here in Quincy, Massachusetts...............

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