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Permalink My First Surf Guitar

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Hey guys I am looking for a new guitar that I could use to play surf with. Tell me what you think of this one.

I know it might not be the best guitar out there, but I am just learning. Do you think this would be a good one to start with? It has the single coil pick up that everybody has told me I need. Just let me know. Thanks Very Happy

I reckon it's a good choice, the Squiers that I have come across have all been superbly built and I don't think you can get much better for the cost really.

Not many colour options it seems? Not worry though, I have a sunburst strat myself. =)


I haven't played a Squier Affinity Strat so I can't comment on the quality, but as far as the style/features for surf, I'd say that's an excellent guitar to start with.


That is also a blues/hard rock/and every other genre guitar.

looks like it'll do the trick to get you started...

and at $149.00, it looks like a bargain!

happy reverberating,

It is an excellent choice for a beginner's surf guitar.


Yeah, I'd say that would be a good beginner guitar. It's cheap, and you can probably get a decent sound from it. I bought a '57 reissue Stratocaster (MIM), and I'm playing on that until I can afford a nice Jaguar or Jazzmaster.

Good luck, and have fun!

Go for it, but spend another $30 to $50 getting it a set up with thicker strings, and try flat wounds to see if you like. Why handicap yourself with a poorly tuned up guitar, as they typically are out of the box.


Danny Snyder

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

yeah looks nice enough - I 'm surprised to see they have alder bodies now - didn 't use to be pine or whatever? cool.

as for set-up - danny's totally right, these low budget guitars can be great players - if set up's right. strings, I'came off flats on a strat - just doesn't work well imho - I prefer nickel rounds .... matter of opinion really.

good luck, let us know what it's going to be and how you like it!


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Some of the Squiers have dodgy fret ends which are great for surf glissandos that end in hospital trips.


Try before you buy....I know a kid who got a Squier '51 model ( bit like a cyclone ) and it's amazing. His dad went and got him a backup 6 weeks later ( for his own use aswell I suspect ) and it is a pile of......smelly stuff.

Luck of the draw mate.


ps. Good Luck .....Hope you get a good one. !! Smile

This is an Affinity series Squier and the ones I've played were all crap. Don't waste your money. Standard series Squiers are better, and used Mexican Standard Strats are great for the money. Save up a little bit more and troll eBay for a standard Strat, even if it's an older one. Other things to look out for are Mexican made Squier Strats from the 90's (really good and not ridiculously expensive) and older Korean or Japanese Strats, though these have a reputation that usually pushes the price on eBay far beyond what they're worth. I spent $450 on a Mexican 60's reissue Strat and I'm totally Strat-happy.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

I'd take a look at Indiana Guitars and the Samick Malibu series. Both have good reviews at Harmony Central, and you won't spend much over $150 or so. Don't waste money on a small amp though. Start with maybe a Carvin Nomad or Fender Hotrod/Blues deluxe, or 50W Marshall if you don't like to wait for warm ups.

I have a program called "Riffster", cost me $25 from the UK - it slows down the music while keeping the pitch, but you can vary that too. I use it to listen to (repeatedly) different riffs until I figure it out confortably, then output it to an MP3 player at a slower pace so I can practice with the Penetrators, Nebulas, Surfaris and even Estaban. His stuff is cool with lotsa reverb.
Have fun!

<i>"In the beginning there was Nothing. Then it Exploded"</i>

HAHAH! Estaban Laughing

alright, I'm done.

Science friction burns my fingers.

I meant 'Steve Paul' of Phoenix. Sells stuff on TV, wears hot sticky leather. Isn't that surfy? or Smurfy?

<i>"In the beginning there was Nothing. Then it Exploded"</i>

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