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Marshall sound - bad sound Question

Fender American Stratocaster -> MarshallAVT50

Nice piece of music.
Sounds very nice to me.


Very nice, very smooth, I like it.

Cool Very Happy

Joelman, Spud - thanks for your opinions ! Smile

Fender American Stratocaster -> MarshallAVT50

100x better than i can do:) and i like the sound... that just played over a backing track i take it?

I wanna play just like him when i grow up...

If you had slipped this tune into one of the Aqua Velvets albums, I might not have even noticed. And that band has sold more than a few records along the way, I might add! Smile


100x better than i can do:) and i like the sound... that just played over a backing track i take it?

Hello Icetech!
Thanks for a response! I am sorry, I have not absolutely understood, that you wished to tell about «backing track». (I badly speak on English, sorry).
I made record so
Computer drums - a ready track. I start drums, and I start to play a rhythm a party on my guitar. Record wave file. Then I start drums + rhythm and I write down a bass. Too on my guitar. Record wave file bass. Then solo. I have file with drums, a file with a rhythm, a file with a bass and a file with solo. Then I mix (mixing, reduce?) all tracks in program Samlitube8 in a single whole. It is ready! Smile
If you wish to receive rhythm separately written down by me and bass parties (and drums, certainly) as Soundtrack, it will be not so simple. But if you wish to play my song I shall try it to make. I truly have understood you? Smile

If you had slipped this tune into one of the Aqua Velvets albums, I might not have even noticed. And that band has sold more than a few records along the way, I might add! Smile

LHR, thanks! I very much love music of group Aqua Velvets Smile I would like such sound as at them, but me up to them is far. I know Aqua Velvets used American Standard Strats 1987 and 1995 models. also use reverb and tremolo effects on the Fender Deluxe Reverb amp. Great gear + good the sound technicians Smile
I use Stratocaster series American 2006 and (now) amp Marshall AVT 50. Good, but not ideal gear Smile And I have a secret – I changed sound pickups on a my guitar to made other sound. I used single in middle position + DiMarzio FastTrack2 in bridge position.

Ooh, It is too much words. I am sorry for bad language Sad

Fender American Stratocaster -> MarshallAVT50

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