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Posted on Jan 23 2008 09:47 AM
have you had your ears checked?
............................huh??? I couldn't resist..............
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Sackville, New Brunswick

Posted on Jan 24 2008 04:26 PM
I've had a bit of hearing loss resulting from infections when was 5-8 years old (I'm 54 now) and it mostly affects my right ear.
I haven't been tested again for decades, but I know that I now have difficulty following some conversations in crowds, or following dialog when watching TV, even when I perceive them as moderately loud. Probably a frequency response issue, or lessened ability to mask out background noise.
I haven't had any ringing or anything like that.
I use open-air headphones only when playing. I'm not a public performer and don't have an amp other than a Line 6 Pocket Pod, so I suppose I have to be more conscientious about not cranking it up too far. It's too easy to do that without having the neighbours phone the police.
I do wear earplugs when I'm working on an armour project, which involves a lot of hammering on sheet metal and some use of power tools (drill, sheet metal shears, angle and bench grinder).

For activity that I have a pair of inexpensive silicone rubber plugs connected by a cord. similar to these ...
... but in fluorescent orange.
For guests, I keep a bunch of disposable soft foam plugs around.
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Posted on Jan 24 2008 04:38 PM
I was just in my basement where I ripped it up for 20 minutes with the Showman on 7 - felt SOOOO good. I really, really love loud music. I haven't been tested but I would be shocked if I haven't had hearing damage by now (my wife swears it's selective). In a way at this point it seems like a fair trade off, given how much I love the rush that high volume gives me (I don't do drugs or much alcohol - this is how I get high). No way will I be using any sort of ear plugs. I know, I will probably regret this when I'm older and have serious hearing damage, and it's not a very politically correct thing to say. It begs the question: how does DD do it? He's been punishing his ears much more frequently and brutally than I ever will, and I don't think he ever used plugs either. Anybody know how his hearing is?
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Posted on Jan 24 2008 06:50 PM
I've often wondered the same thing Ivan. I remember when I went to see DD for the very first time. I was in the john before the doors opened and all of a sudden the band started sound checking. The most evil sounding low E double picked nightmare dual Dual Showman induced concussion shock wave started literally shaking the building. Holy cow I thought, this is going to be awesome. That answered my question about whether I was going to wear ear plugs that night.
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Posted on Jan 24 2008 07:05 PM
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Ithaca, NY

Posted on Jan 24 2008 07:08 PM
Maybe DD is just the world's greatest lip-reader.
The one time I saw him live I already had my earplugs in by the time he started. A couple songs into the show I thought I'd take them out to get a sense of what the dude is really like live. I just pulled out one side and about two seconds later I was already thinking "okay, enough of this." I definitely love loud music too, but I also love it when my ears don't bleed.
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Posted on Jan 25 2008 03:01 AM
Id estimate that Dick has some ear damage in teh high freq's mostly, which would also explain why his amps were set way to trebly the few times I saw him life.
on the other hand, the stuff the man's made of seems twice as solid as with the rest of us, I think he has a bowl of kryptonite for breakfast everyday. So maybe his eardrums take the beating a bit better well.
Zak: Dick Dale? Clean guitar-sound? I think not!
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Sackville, New Brunswick

Posted on Jan 25 2008 11:18 PM
A relevent remark from Pete Townsend:
According to his website, the 60-year-old guitarist said his studio headphones caused the ringing in his ears. "I have unwittingly helped to invent and refine a type of music that makes its principal proponents deaf."
Pete Townshend, who discovered his hearing damage in the 70s, is currently writing a new album in preparation for a tour later this year. He also wrote, "My ears are ringing, loudly. My own particular kind of damage was caused by using earphones in the recording studio, not playing loud on stage." He must take painstaking 36-hour hearing rests while recording.
(bolding by me)
I have had only two sets of (fortunately inexpensive) headphones suffer catastrophic failure while listening to music, and both times it was in the middle of "We Won't Get Fooled Again", from the "Who's Next" album.
Coincidence? I wonder... 
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Posted on Jan 25 2008 11:29 PM
two things smashed up my hearing:
1. late-night being drunk headphones
2. the drummer's left hand on the ride cymbal in my right unprotected ear for five years onstage and at practice
but, mostly the headphones...Pete's right...and it's not just's the ringing persistant tinitus that really sucks!
thank god I stil have a decent left ear (i wore a single earplug onstage forever)
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Posted on Jan 25 2008 11:35 PM
Hearing DP say late night headphones made me chuckle. We live in a backwards society these days. We wear our headphones during the day and we crank our stereos at night.