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Watching the movie Endless Summer will give you more inspiration to draw from than any list of 10 songs ever could.

I've seen the movie quite a few times...I've pretty much lived it my whole life, so I've got all the inspiration I need in relation to surfing Smile

That plus the $'s the guitar lessons are costing me Shocked Shocked is uh inspiring - no, motivating!

I was more looking for a good base of songs to get started with. Thanks for the suggestion though!

image noseriding, Kauai style

Check out Rat Surf Radio - Surf Trash Garage Punk PODCAST!

I think with all my books I have tabbed sheet music for just about every song listed except for the Theme from Endless Summer!

I tabbed out Endless Summer. Acutally it's more like playing notes with the different parts tabbed out. I'll send it to you if you want it.

My Web Site - Tunes - Pictures - Guitar Projects - Hard Rock Cafe Guitar Pins


I think with all my books I have tabbed sheet music for just about every song listed except for the Theme from Endless Summer!

I tabbed out Endless Summer. Acutally it's more like playing notes with the different parts tabbed out. I'll send it to you if you want it.

PM it to me please! I still haven't found it yet, thanks!

Check out Rat Surf Radio - Surf Trash Garage Punk PODCAST!

Do you have Power Tab? If you do, I'll send you the power tab file, otherwise I'll have to do a screen capture of it, and send it as a picture.

Check your PM. I reworked it
to give you the complete score, but I'll have to send it to your e-mail address.

My Web Site - Tunes - Pictures - Guitar Projects - Hard Rock Cafe Guitar Pins

Would The Wedge fit or is it one too many Dick Dale songs?

Happy Sunsets!

Would The Wedge fit or is it one too many Dick Dale songs?

If we're talking 60's DD, then there is no such thing as too much.

But "The Wedge" is (IMHO) one of his harder ones to play--I'd start with "Surf Beat" or "Mr. Eliminator," then work your way up to "Misirlou" and "Have Nagila," and then try "The Wedge."


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Greetings to all…
This is my first post here and I am brand spanking new to the world of surf guitar. I was wondering if anyone had compiled the tabs for the guitar parts for the “surf foundation” and would be willing to shoot ‘em my way.

Thanks a bunch,

Monkey Wandering

Welcome to the group, Monkeywandering!



Greetings to all…
This is my first post here and I am brand spanking new to the world of surf guitar. I was wondering if anyone had compiled the tabs for the guitar parts for the “surf foundation” and would be willing to shoot ‘em my way.

Thanks a bunch,

Monkey Wandering


That's an ambitious list, why not start with something slow and work up to the more involved tunes. Smile

Like mom_surfing says, learn the whole song, rhythm and lead.

Any tabs from Slacktone Dave for say 'Coffin Closer' ? Wink

You can find many of these first-wave songs tabbed out in a variety of collections - "Surf Guitar by Creative Concepts press is a good one, it includes Misirlou, Mr. Moto, Penetration, Wipe Out!, Tequila, Rumble, Out of Limits, Lets Go Trippin, Surfers Stomp and more. "Surf" by in the Hal Leonard Play Along series, has Out of Limits, Penetration, Walk Dont Run, Pipeline, Let's Go Trippin', and The Wedge, plus others and a play-along CD with the song plus a backing track (good for practice). Another CD title is "The Best of Dick Dale", 15 classics from The King of Surf Guitar, also published by Hal Leonard.

Working off tabs is fine, but you will fine that a lot of people do shoddy tab work. I think it better to learn off professional tabs, even if you have to spend a few bucks. But, learn to play by ear too, that seems to be the ability that separates the musicians from the hacks (like me!)



Swing! Twang! Shake! Twist!

I agree with Spud and Mom_surfin, Learn as much of all the parts as you can. I have this really terrible habit of writing a new song and finally getting it so I can not only remember it, but pretty much play it without interuption as well, only to show up a practice with it and somebody asks, "well.....what are the chords?" Good question.

I always have to ask Mitch....."Hey Mitch, any idea what these chords ought to be?" He's the true musician in the band. He can figure it out in no time at all. Which I think is pretty amazng considering how off the wall some of my tunes seem to be.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I am also not sure about removing Walk Don't Run. I will probably keep that one in there unless someone can come up with a good reason to pull it. I know it's the Ventures but it is so closely asociated with the genre I find it hard to leave out. Plus I really like it a lot Smile

To make the zealots around here happy, just make it Walk Don't Run '64. Smile


"diamond head", "the cruel sea" and "'out of limits" are good songs to practice, study , and could fit in your repertoire...


Yeah, what he said. I'm very surprised it hadn't showed up yet.

It's the first one I tried with anything like success. Nice and slow for my fat clumsy digits.

Regardless of the heritage of "Walk Don't Run", it's still a fun tune.

10 Song Surf Foundation

And here I was expecting a notification about a new charitable institution, something like a "One Jaguar Per Child" campaign. Wink

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

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