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Permalink Efficient way to make tabs?

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is there an efficient way to make tabs? I was thinking about taking some of my tabs I wrote out on paper and submitting them to the website. Problem is, when I mess around in Microsoft word I am just getting a jumbled mess. I put the 6 bars in, but once I start adding the numbers the lines start getting all jumbled. Is there a template or efficient way of doing this so it does not have to be so time consuming?

Problem is, when I mess around in Microsoft word I am just getting a jumbled mess.

It's much, much easier to do it in Notepad.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

If you are using Word, use a non-proportional font like courier.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'll keep playing with it guys, thanks.

powertabs! use the power tab editor its pretty easy to use all u have to do is download it and stuff, and u can even play the song on the built in midi player as u write it.

i use it! im using it right now to tab out Chrono Surf




Combo Tezeta IG

I use Guitar Pro software to create tabs. It's similar to Power Tab, but it has many more options and allows you to really create exactly what you want. I've used both Power Tab and Guitar Pro, and I feel that Guitar Pro is much better.

However, Guitar Pro does cost some money. But if you're into writing tabs or creating new music, I think Guitar Pro is the way to go. You should give it a free trial and see if you like it.

I'm using it right now to tab out Psychobilly Freakout by Reverend Horton Heat.

"Hope is a waking dream." - Aristotle

Check out the Open Source (free, available for different platforms) TuxGuitar application.

Tablature editor
Score Viewer
Multitrack display
Autoscroll while playing
Note duration management
Various effects (bend, slide, vibrato, hammer-on/pull-off)
Support for triplets (5,6,7,9,10,11,12)
Repeat open and close
Time signature management
Tempo management
Imports and exports Guitar Pro .gp3, .gp4, .gp5 and Power Tab Editor .ptb files

Also imports MIDI files.
Can export score, tabs, or score & tabs as PDF; tabs alone as ASCII text.
You can also have it display a fretboard across the bottom which shows a moving blue dot that indicates which string/fret is currently being played in the selected track.

I just don't usually agree with its default choice of string and fret for a tune you've inported from a MIDI file, so it needs tweaking to print out something playable. It also does not appear to recognize repeated sections in MIDIs, so the tab files end up much bigger than you might want unless you edit it to show repeats.

I just got it for MacOS X, but have not had much opportunity to mess with it. Looks promising though.

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

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