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Posted on Jan 23 2008 11:15 PM
Don't forget all the guys that have to ASK their wives if they can go.
they will need to fill out in triplicate a please release my balls from your purse for the weekend pass.
sorry had to go there.Jeff(bigtikidude)
Couldn't be any harder for the married guys than those guys that have to ask their parents if they can go...
And seriously, I'd love to get the opportunity to meet everyone face to face.
— drummer-Lava Rats
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PacNW (Vancouver, Wa U.S.A.)

Posted on Jan 23 2008 11:30 PM
I think Vegas is a good idea. Anaheim is as well because you could bring the kids with you and get no grief from the missus.
Granted I will not be able to attend unless it is in Seattle, and that would be a terrible place for a convention. Too much money to travel for someone my age.
I want this to be an all ages deal guys I want to also incourage the fellow family surfer to bring their beloved with them and kids if they wish and why not Marie would kill me if I didn't bring her as she has a soft spot for surf music.
— -Kyle
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Hell\'s Kitchen, NYC

Posted on Jan 23 2008 11:34 PM
hey Kyle
it's not easy to use the words "kill me" and "soft spot" in the same sentence when describing someone!!!!
so, bravo!
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PacNW (Vancouver, Wa U.S.A.)

Posted on Jan 23 2008 11:41 PM
hey Kyle
it's not easy to use the words "kill me" and "soft spot" in the same sentence when describing someone!!!!
so, bravo!
Thanks Freddie I hope she doesn't read it Ha ha!! or I'll get whacked Ha ha LOL!!! but no she's digs surf if she didn't she wouldn't be go go dancing for us 
— -Kyle
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Hell\'s Kitchen, NYC

Posted on Jan 23 2008 11:54 PM
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Posted on Jan 23 2008 11:55 PM
Hey Freddie, I've got 12,051 kilometers or 7488 miles to go if I was going.
A suggestion for this little soirée...
Keep the bands or 'Artists' to people on or from SG101 for at least the first time around, as I think there's more than enough talent to go around for a 2-3 day festival of Surf.
How would you find out who would be willing and able to come and play?
Ask, maybe a poll or something.

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PacNW (Vancouver, Wa U.S.A.)

Posted on Jan 24 2008 01:19 AM
Hey Freddie, I've got 12,051 kilometers or 7488 miles to go if I was going.
A suggestion for this little soirée...
Keep the bands or 'Artists' to people on or from SG101 for at least the first time around, as I think there's more than enough talent to go around for a 2-3 day festival of Surf.
How would you find out who would be willing and able to come and play?
Ask, maybe a poll or something.

Spud Excellent question this is what I had in mind:
I would like to keep the event open to the general public but... for us SG101ers and how we can identify who is who I was thinking of an RSVP list of SG101ers and ticket purchases of those SG101ers and then I would mail out to each SG101 attende a plastic VIP style card they would wear around their neck the day of the events with SG101 logo, SG101 user name and real name and the rest of the non SG101ers we don't have to worrie about.
— -Kyle
Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
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Star, Idaho. Formerly lived in Surf City USA.

Posted on Jan 24 2008 01:47 AM

Last edited: Jan 24, 2008 21:15:20
Joined: May 20, 2006
Posts: 2174
PacNW (Vancouver, Wa U.S.A.)

Posted on Jan 24 2008 01:58 AM
Hmmmmmm,,, summer in Vegas or at the beach? Easy choice for me.
Anyway, summer, Vegas or the beach? Would you rather have a jam on the strip or on the beach, maybe near the old Rendezvous Ballroom site?
For me, an easy choice....
We should leave Vegas for the rockabillys and for us surfers let's keep the convention in SoCal for the 1st year at least and see how it goes.
Tim don't go silent please keep pushin' for SoCal I need the help to make it happen in SoCal.
— -Kyle
Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
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Southeast, Florida

Posted on Jan 24 2008 08:06 AM
Hey Freddie, I've got 12,051 kilometers or 7488 miles to go if I was going.
A suggestion for this little soirée...
Keep the bands or 'Artists' to people on or from SG101 for at least the first time around, as I think there's more than enough talent to go around for a 2-3 day festival of Surf.
How would you find out who would be willing and able to come and play?
Ask, maybe a poll or something.

Spud Excellent question this is what I had in mind:
I would like to keep the event open to the general public but... for us SG101ers and how we can identify who is who I was thinking of an RSVP list of SG101ers and ticket purchases of those SG101ers and then I would mail out to each SG101 attende a plastic VIP style card they would wear around their neck the day of the events with SG101 logo, SG101 user name and real name and the rest of the non SG101ers we don't have to worrie about.
I like the ID game plan, however, mailing the ID Necklace/Bracelet to each one of us who are planning on attending might be costly. But we could distribute these to our fellow SG101 attendees at a "certain location/check point" as we check in...... 
— .......make the Mos' of it,
.....choose the 'rite stuff!
.........owner of 9 Mosrites
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Hamilton, Ontario

Posted on Jan 24 2008 08:24 AM
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Jan 24 2008 10:30 AM
Hmmmmmm,,, summer in Vegas or at the beach? Easy choice for me...
oh...i wasn't considering the season...if we choose a summer event, then SoCal OC would have the better climate...Vegas in July and August is screaming hot...
if we are going for a fall or spring or winter event, then the Las Vegas climate would be real nice...
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Brew City

Posted on Jan 24 2008 11:07 AM
We played the rockin' 50s fest in Green Bay this year and even though there was a bit of variety, in that there were R&B bands as well as Rockabilly and some country, I wished that there was more. I like the idea of having a few Garage/Mod bands and rockabilly bands in addition to surf. Kind of like how sleazefest in Chapel hill was, but with more emphasis on the instro bands.
Some ideas of potential headliners: Southern Culture on the Skids, Los Straitjackets, The Ghastly Ones, Deke Dickerson -- bands that will draw people from outside of the "Surf Guitar" World. Other headliner ideas: The Kilaueas, Eddie Bertrand, The Madeira, The Nebulas etc. Bands that have been around for a while that have toured and have drawing power from outside of their respective regions.
I'd suggest having a lottery for the lower echelon or opening acts. Or invite bands from different regions. East Coast, Southwest, Midwest, Pacific Northwest, Canada, Mexico etc.
I've played at and attended a lot of festivals and it's key to have a side stage or 2 so that there is constant music going on. This gives you the opportunity to have more bands on the bill and more variety.
You will also need to have food and beverage concessions available as well as other vendors (records, tiki carvers, vintage clothes etc). I bet you could probably even get Fender to set up a booth.
— The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -
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Ventura, CA

Posted on Jan 24 2008 12:28 PM
I'm getting confused. Is this event to be a Festival or a Conference? There is a big difference.
A festival would have to have to focus on entertainment and merchandise and a conference would focus on information and just meeting other SG101ers and sharing ideas, with some music thrown in. I like the idea of a conference better. There are plenty of surf shows alrteady and I doubt that such a festival would draw any more outsiders than any other show. And don't forget there is more to SoCal than Orange County!
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San Diego, CA

Posted on Jan 24 2008 12:40 PM
A festival would have to have to focus on entertainment and merchandise and a conference would focus on information and just meeting other SG101ers and sharing ideas, with some music thrown in. I like the idea of a conference better.
It would make a big difference on how it would get planned, expenses, etc. I like the conference angle as well. It would give us all a chance to get together at one place at one time and hang out, check out some vendor booths (e.g., Gomez Amps, Double Crown Records, etc), showcase bands at local venues (maybe?), etc...
— Ryan
The Secret Samurai Website
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Jan 24 2008 01:05 PM
A festival would have to have to focus on entertainment and merchandise and a conference would focus on information and just meeting other SG101ers and sharing ideas, with some music thrown in. I like the idea of a conference better.
It would make a big difference on how it would get planned, expenses, etc. I like the conference angle as well. It would give us all a chance to get together at one place at one time and hang out, check out some vendor booths (e.g., Gomez Amps, Double Crown Records, etc), showcase bands at local venues (maybe?), etc...
I too think that "mostly conference/ some music" rather than "mostly music/some conference" would be more my style.
You know...have some meetings/seminars/classes during the day, and maybe some music/film/video in the evenings. Having some planned mealtime/social events might be cool.
I would love to see all sorts of people there: music publishing, amp designers, Fender Guitar, TapeOp, film or video people...I'd like to see Nokie there too...
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Posts: 1224

Posted on Jan 24 2008 06:57 PM
I have to admit, I guess I was kinda confused on the festival vs. convention issue. I think a festival would do much better in a place like Vegas, but a more stripped down convention makes more sense in CA. I wouldn't expect many travelling bands to come in for it, because I don't think the money will be there, but perhaps you'll get members of some of those bands coming down, and perhaps someone could set up a surf jam kinda thing where the visiting musicians could play a bit. Sounds like what a bunch of people are envisioning is less a Viva Las Vegas festival kinda thing and more of a Tiki Oasis kinda thing - still a big undertaking, but at least the music could be in an established venue and the convention could be in just about any kind of meeting space.
I'm still up for doing a vending table and a program - who wants to be the head coordinator?
— Sean
Double Crown Records
Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD
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Posted on Jan 24 2008 07:12 PM
Forgive my ignorance but I'm going to throw this out there anyhow...
Does it not happen that people/bands play a set or two just for the hell and fun of it. It's the fun of getting together that matters and not the money?
I would've thought any money collected would pay just for the expenses of the venue and associated running costs, as after all it's for SG101 first and surf music in general second.
As I said, forgive my ignorance, but it's just the way I thought of it.
Have at it...

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Posted on Jan 24 2008 07:16 PM
We don't travel by air to play a free set. We will drive however if the crowd would be good.
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Posted on Jan 24 2008 07:18 PM
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