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Permalink The Pyronauts, Insect Surfers, Purple Orchid - Feb 1st

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Friday February 1st:

Don't miss it! Not sure when we'll be in LA next... so come on out people!

This is going to be a cool show, reminds me of the time The Pyronauts played with Insect Surfers at the Lava Lounge, but this time will be cooler because there won't be some lame punk band from New York borrowing all of our gear!

Who's gonna be there?

Hey Paul I will send this out to all those on my email list and see if we can't fill the place as we did last night. Anytime you have shows in So Cal let me know and I will be more than happy to send the word out....Take care and maybe we'll see you there...Linda

I'm a lover not a fighter, a hugger not a handshaker and I take friendships very seriously...Love the life you live, live the life you love. Cool

Thanks Linda!

Keepin' the surf alive!

Paul The Pyronaut Monkey

um I heard last night you were playing with CHUM,
the INsects are playing a art gallery thing, at 8 pm somewhere.



There were some questions as to if it was Insect Surfers or Chum playing this show, just got an email from David Arnson confirming that it will be Insect Surfers! The Insects will open the show (due to an early next morning for one of the guys), and The Pyronauts will play all night long!

See ya there!

thanks for confirming, Paul,
I will be there.



bump for this friday.
will be great to see you guys again.



Well, we're starting our drive early in the morning, hopefully the weather will give us a clear run down south! Can't wait to see everybody!

Paul The Pyronaut

Man...I hope it doesn't snow over the Grapevine....

How's the weather in so-cal Jeff? I'm looking forward to getting out of this freezing rain...

Bob Bitchin'

Weather is gorgeous down here.
about 62 in the day. and real light high clouds or none.

for those that would liek to join us.
Meet at Purple Orchid at 8 pm
then walk one block away for Pizza.



Pyronaut Paul,

If this show might be anything like your 4th of July Baja Cantina Blowout, I won't want to miss it. That was an Awesome show! Pretty hard to top Pyronauts in the air and fireworks in the sky.

Glad to be seeing you guys back in the Southland,
Surf Nut Duke

Looking forward to seeing you SurfNutDuke. Please come early and have some Pizza!

Jeff, will Baja Marty be there?


Man, The TO's would love to see this show......why doesn't someone bring a show over here? Yeah, i know...$$$$$$.

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

Looking forward to seeing you SurfNutDuke. Please come early and have some Pizza!

Jeff, will Baja Marty be there?


I know its silly to answer now, as they will be here soon,
NO Baja Marty will not be there.
he wants to be, but has the killer Flu that is going around.
he said to say hi, and is bummed to miss ya again.



Great show last night, pretty fair turnout. and lots of peeps for the
before hand Pizza meet up, the lady at the place freaked out, when Jim Frias told her we needed a table for 15 !

The Insects did a shorter fun set.
and The Pyronauts ripped it up for about a Hour and a half.
standard set by them.
Punctuated by Brett Cole busting 2 strings on His animal performance on his bass for Miserlou.
the stage show was them dressed up as Hillbillys/Rednecks etc.
in Coveralls and Boots and cowboy hats , or Bob had a CAT trucker b-ball
hat on.
towards the end of the Set, Brett said he was getting warm, and he stripped down to a pair of Bright red Valentines day style boxer shorts, and his shirt.
, a few songs later Paul got warm, and did the same, down to Boxers and
The next song, They asked Bob if he was getting warm.
I said if it gets any warmer in here, I'm gonna have to leave.
Shocked Wink

so luckily it was only the 2 of them,
and not quite as bad as the Diaper incident at the Hotel Utah.

good to see the Nor. Cal. guys down here for a 1 off show.



great coverage Jeff!

2 great bands......for sure!!

curious why the Insect Surfers did a 'shorter' set?
and how long was that 'shorter' set?

well, hoping for a similar fun evening as I get ready to head out for my monthly SURF-ROCK SHINDIG at OTTO's SHRUNKEN HEAD

SURF + TIKI = the perfect combination!

B T D we gotta get you East one of these days.....


great coverage Jeff!

2 great bands......for sure!!

curious why the Insect Surfers did a 'shorter' set?
and how long was that 'shorter' set?

well, hoping for a similar fun evening as I get ready to head out for my monthly SURF-ROCK SHINDIG at OTTO's SHRUNKEN HEAD

SURF + TIKI = the perfect combination!

B T D we gotta get you East one of these days.....


Thanks Freddie,
I was told one of the Insects had to get up early for work on Sat.
The Insects played about 50 min. probably
and I think they wanted to let the Pyros stretch out and and do a good long set.
Yeah I would have loved to go to the Ghastly Ones tour, or your upcoming show with the Mderia and others.
But Finances make it hard for me.
I was also wanting to do the Great Lakes surf battle and the Hukilau in Florida, but I can't do either one of those.
the only thing thats feasable for me is San Diego and Bay area stuff.






Sorry I missed it...I was bogged down with the museum newsletter, meeting minutes, last minute details for 5 bands at the marathon tomorrow, upcoming Woody show and the upcoming Big Wednesday fundraiser just to name a few. Hopefully after the marathon I can get started on Surfin Sundays and several other events yet to be announced. Construction begins on our new location by summer this year. That's right HBISM is finally getting our much deserved ultimate museum and will be moving into it before the end of this year. Pierside Theater will be vacating the building and re-modeling it to accommodate our needs. Yahoo! Monkey

I'm a lover not a fighter, a hugger not a handshaker and I take friendships very seriously...Love the life you live, live the life you love. Cool

We had a blast! Purple Orchid is a great place to play... cool people and a cool little town!

It was great to see everyone, hopefully there will be some pictures and maybe video soon? SurfNutDuke???


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