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Permalink Why Double picking ?

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I'm interested why 'surf' muso's call Tremolo Picking , Double Picking ?

More intrigued at the word 'double' rather than say, 'triple' or 'Alternate' or 'Mandolin'.

Thanks in Advance


I going to guess that it's the rapid "down" and "up" pic movement are the two motions; thus double picking. But what do I know, I'm a drummer.

Science friction burns my fingers.

Sounds good to me.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I've also heard it called flutter picking 'cause that's basically what you're up and down picking fast enough you're literally fluttering the string with the pick.


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

I'm interested why 'surf' muso's call Tremolo Picking , Double Picking ?

More intrigued at the word 'double' rather than say, 'triple' or 'Alternate' or 'Mandolin'.

Thanks in Advance


If you are more intrigued at the use of 'double' than 'triple' 'alternate' or mandolin please explain why you find those better choices. Also, why would it be tremolo picking?

Main Entry: trem·o·lo
Pronunciation: 'tre-m&-"lO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -los
Etymology: Italian, from tremolo tremulous, from Latin tremulus
1 a : the rapid reiteration of a musical tone or of alternating tones to produce a tremulous effect b : vocal vibrato especially when prominent or excessive

Tremolo can also mean a volume effect, but it also appears to be the correct musical term for double picking. I learn something everyday...!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Tremulus was also a Roman Senator who was Consul twice in 306 BCE and 288 BCE.

Tremolo picking is usually used for very static left hand sequences in music. Mandolin picking is used for a lighter touch. So....

I was wondering if 'double-picking' is called that to distinguish it from it's relatives in the picking technique world.

Alternate, Economy, Sweep and Circle Picking Techniques are used, in small doses, by the greats. Some even put Chicken picking and Banjo rolls into their styles. It seems that it's a bit like making a stew, just add something for taste.

WEEEE !!!!!

How about 'very fast picking'?

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

It ain't that fast !

It's just relentless.

Are you a crazy man? Not that fast???

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

you know, i almost got a heart attack when I read this thread's title.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Are you a crazy man? Not that fast???

Fast yeah.

Not that fast though.

and yes i'm being serious. Smile

In Flamenco and Classical the technique they
call tremolo
involves the thumb playing the bass strings.
While the Index,Middle and Ring fingers
play the treble strings.
Example of a classical tremolo




Example of a Flamenco tremolo




I just thought I'd confuse the issue much
more ?!

Some techniques that involve a pick the rapid up and down movement locking the wrist.
This can wear your arm out .
2. You can try it with rapid wrist movement .
3.And finally
you can experiment with moving only the index and
thumb simutainiously while holding the pick.
The last one sounds very nice and smooth once
you get it down.

Johnny Rocket
The Monterreys !

the little 0's close together is tremolo because that's what it is....rapid notes that don't flow into each other. ie staccato rather than legato.

Why double ??? then ???

The tab is an example of 3/4 timing and it is
Staccato ......
Yes they are rapid notes,these four notes
take up a One beat measure.

Example in 3/4 timing





Johnny Rocket
The Monterreys !

'Double' picking because of the rhythm of the tremolo picking is as much as I could find out.

It all started because I was playing guitar with a friend who's heavily into surf music and is a competent picker. He was interested in the fact that as a newbie to surf instro and spy-fi I could 'double pick' till the cows come home. I said what's double picking ? and explained that what I was doing was Tremolo picking. Hence my curiousity in the naming of the technique.

He also flipped when I tapped using the edge of the pick to get double time tremolo picking effects.

Anyway I'm returning to my roots and just wanted to know stuff.


He also flipped when I tapped using the edge of the pick to get double time tremolo picking effects.

Roger, I'm curious as to what you're referring to. Any way you can give us an example?

I have another theory about the term 'double picking'. I know that horn players have a technique called 'double tonguing' even 'triple tonguing' which yields similar results as we're getting on the guitar. I wonder if it transferred over.


Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF


He also flipped when I tapped using the edge of the pick to get double time tremolo picking effects.

Roger, I'm curious as to what you're referring to. Any way you can give us an example?

I'm a little lost, too--if he means like Eddie Van Halen (or Billy Gibbons or Steve Hackett or whoever was first--I really don't care) tapping with the pick instead of the finger, how would that be twice as fast? Also, it wouldn't be on the same note ... add me to the list of the confused on this one.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.



He also flipped when I tapped using the edge of the pick to get double time tremolo picking effects.

Roger, I'm curious as to what you're referring to. Any way you can give us an example?

I'm a little lost, too--if he means like Eddie Van Halen (or Billy Gibbons or Steve Hackett or whoever was first--I really don't care) tapping with the pick instead of the finger, how would that be twice as fast? Also, it wouldn't be on the same note ... add me to the list of the confused on this one.


and on top ... the subject would belong in the shallow end forum, not in the surf musician forum.

just razzing. Razz


(loosly paraphrased from Pulp Fiction : "what kinda technique 's that, honey?" "it's shred." "What's shred?" shred's dead baby, shred's dead.")

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

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