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just got this the other day. Very Happy Twisted Evil

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The Mighty Surf Lords- Sparks,Nv.
"Praise The Lords"

Thats brand loyalty for ya! Shocked

Dan needs more tats. Cool

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 15:53:19

Fender is a conglomerate. They have the market cornered on guitars and shoes. Well... and now Josh's arm.

Ouch! that looks a bit sore Josh.

I didn't know Fender sold Arms! Shocked
Maybe us old guys could get a new arm every now and again and keep up with you young guys.

BTW..... Nice clean tatoo job. Enjoy it. Thumbs Up


Ouch! that looks a bit sore Josh.

yeah, that pic was taken probably about an hour after it was doesn't look so sore now!

Wow...may I suggest an IBM or Union Carbide logo for your next tattoo, or perhaps a giant McDonald's "M" backpiece? Confused

I dunno, I don't see anything particularly cool about having a big corporate logo on my skin.

i decided a long time ago that all my tats are going to be music related. i already have one of my first band's name tattooed on my right shoulder. i want things that represent me very directly-i love fender, so i got a fender tat. i honestly don't like just random pictures as tats, to me, this actually means something and represents me and what i like, whereas just some picture some guy will draw wouldn't at all.

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That's a sweet Tat! Leo would be proud!
If you scratch your arm in the right place you could make it look like grill cloth!
Too cool.

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

P.S. Just don't scratch too hard or it'll look like a sunburst strat..........;D

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

I accidentally branded myself on my propane shop heater recently.

Now my arm says "Mr. Heat"


I accidentally branded myself on my propane shop heater recently.

Now my arm says "Mr. Heat"


along those same lines, if anyone has a lot of copper pipes to sweat, wear gloves, gravity has a way of aiming those drips just right - ouch! Embarassed

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

i want things that represent me very directly-i love fender, so i got a fender tat. i honestly don't like just random pictures as tats, to me, this actually means something and represents me and what i like, whereas just some picture some guy will draw wouldn't at all.

but see, that's my issue with tattoos. your tattoo may mean something intensely to you. and some neat skull with sparrows in the background with an ace of spades drawn up in an hour in a shop could mean something intensely to the guy or gal getting that...

tattoos are for yourself, people will either like yours or hate yours. who cares?

i put off getting mine for SIX YEARS. and i'm due in the shop next friday. first ever. and most likely last. some kids in the shop giggled when they saw my design, but i don't care. it means something very important to me.

so while i wouldn't put a brand name on me, i will say congrats for doing what is important to you

You could do a lot worse--you're in good company, and they are unlikely to disappear any time soon. Is that on the bicep? Mine is on my ankle, which was a painful choice. It's a cricket (long story).

yeah, it's on the bicep.

i also got another one a week ago on my other bicep, it has checkered flags and flames, and reads "she's realy fine, my 409", my homage to teh beach boys-i grew up with them and no other music makes me feel the way brian wilson's writing does.

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oh dear Josh, please don't tell me you went with a tattooist who CAN'T SPELL ... Shock Laughing

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

oh dear Josh, please don't tell me you went with a tattooist who CAN'T SPELL ... Shock Laughing



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oh dear Josh, please don't tell me you went with a tattooist who CAN'T SPELL ... Shock Laughing

haha, sorry, that was a typo...

"she's real fine, my 409"


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At least it wasn't
She's real fine, my 401k

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