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Recently, I have begun work setting up several online courses for myself and colleagues within the Blackboard online learning framework. I just wanted to report back that several features here at SG101 have helped me to help others learn how to teach better online.

First: the groundrules here at SG101 are succinct, explicit and most importantly, both enforceable AND enforced.

The layout and design of the site is straight-forward and pretty logical: one doesn't need a full-blown class in order to figure out the online classroom environment at SG 101. Most of the direction on how to utilize the site is supplied by the members with rare input from the site manager.

The forum here at sg101 seems to function well: most seem to express themselves clearly and respectfully. I think that word choices and connotative meaning can often wreck havoc with online discussion forums: misinterpretation can run rampant. Perhaps it is because our focus here is somewhat narrow, even though it is open to varied interpretation?

Lastly (for now): it seems that SG101 users assume a sort of code of responsibility for the smooth operation of this facility. This aspect is the most admirable trait, yet also the most other words, how did it happen that this cool little web society can exist so peaceably?

Anyone else out there who might have insights or opinions about online schooling (and it's relation to sg101) please feel free to leave a comment. I have been pondering and analyzing this connection for several weeks now, and I am surprised by how well SG101 operates as an online learning center for aspiring surfguitarists, as well as surf music enthusiasts in general.

My experiences here at SG101 have allowed me to develop many insights into web-schooling that I am deeply grateful for. Sincerely: Thank you all.



DP, most credit goes to Brian. Like any organization, success is dependent on a leader with clear vision, ability and consistency, all traits that Brian has. This filters down to the rest of the members of the forum who participate regularly, helping to keep the discourse civil, informative, on topic and fun.

Good luck with your project, keep us posted.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I agree that it's got a lot to do with the way that Brian runs it. I also think that by the nature of its focus, it has a fairly mature user base. This keeps it free of the really irritating and often inflammitory 'leetspeak' (including terms like 'pwn' and 'n00b') that litter the internet in general.

It would be quite interesting to know what the average age of SG101 members is...

Another thought springs to mind.... for a 'band' forum it's also free of lead singers and all the attendant ego problems that go with them ... haha

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

Ive teached at university for 6 years, and Id welcome each and everyone of our younger members in my class - much unlike many of the students that actually were in my class!!!!!

well said DP, all hail Brian!

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

This forum is very well run and the members that contribute frequently are first class.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Danny is right.

Its thanks to Brian for running this show and letting us be part of it.

The fact that the many of the members are "mature" is part of the reason but it is also because we all realise just how lucky we are !

Freshwater Surfin'

The Murray Basin

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