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Permalink TAB REQUEST : Dick Dale

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I know asking for tabs gets you flamed around here, but skrew it, i am gunna ask anyway.

I am lloking for "Esperanza" from Dick Dale. I know it is in his Hal Bay book. So somebody has to have it. No, I don't need the satisfaction of learning it all myself. I have learned plenty of songs by ear, for some reason I can't get this one to sound the way I want it. I am begging for mercy here. Shocked

Oh, bare in mind I am one of the big finacial backers of Surfguitar101 so this is going to a good person.

So why not just buy the book?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Hey Stigger, I just responded to your message. When I get my hands on mine I'll run a copy and mail it to you.

I, having bad ears myself, can totally understand where you're coming from.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

rich thanks a million, I will hook you up if you need anything. I have tabbed out a ton of surf and instros. Keep me posted.

Brian, I know almost every song in the book, I cant see spending 25 bucks for 1 song! The money would be better donated here would it not?

I'm sorry, I'm just in a bad mood today. I found a website where you can download a whole bunch of Space Cossacks, the complete Cowabunga box set, Jon & The Nightriders, and a ton of stuff that is still widely available. The whole "gimme gimme" download everything w/o paying a cent to the artists gets to me sometimes. Asking someone to photocopy a tab book reminded me of that.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea's alright, Brian...

The whole "download culture" is just getting started...I wonder where it will end up?

Do we need "the man" to police the web and guard our "security" (by removing our freedoms of association and exchange), or on the other hand, should the Grid be a free-for-all, like back in 1997 when the Napster was in its full glory?

Artist who produced works under the old copyright paradigm should be reimbursed...but, what about artists creating today? Technology in general and theThe Internet in particular holds big changes in store for purveyors of "intellectual merchandise". Hey, if Disney can get the copyright laws changed in order to retain rights on "Steamboat Willie", then anything is possible...

Maybe Bach and Beethoven are good models: their magnificent works are in the public domain...their real value (the legacy to their estates), lies in the value of their endorsements...sort of like sports figures.

we all know that the music doesn't really make the's all the crappy merchandise that really fills the bank account...

so that said...stiggs, get on the ebay and buy that Dick Dale tab book...Dick need your dough, and so does Hal Leonard! Remember, Jimmy Dale just messed up his arm real bad in a motorcycle accident, and Dick is paying some big-ass medical bills right kick it down! If you don't support Dick and Hal Leonard with your $$$, they might not offer any more cool Surf Tab...and that would be sad.

Wink -dp


Well that is just the thing Dave. I know many people take offense to sharing. However, I know many bands that got big because they were able to share their music on Napster and the web. I am a big fan of 50's rock n roll and do wop. I know if I BOUGHT any 50's music there would not be one artist getting a penny of that money. So whose pockets should I line?

I have a massive CD and Movie collection. I go to concerts, buy t-shirts etc. For someone to judge me trying to get a free tab is absurd. I have given Dick a great deal of my money already my dad even more so. I wonder how pissed he would be if he found out somebody was trying to learn his song for free. Dick did not even write that song. Should he give the money to the original writer’s family? How much does Dick make of the book if I bought it in the store? I have no clue, it may be nothing substantial it may be a lot.

What about ebay? If I buy it used, nobody wins except the original buyer. Do you buy used guitars? Your used fender gives the creator NO money, should selling used items be banned?

I am a recent college grad, I have school loans, rent, bills. I still manage to support web sites like this, buy cds, go to concerts, get shirts buy new guitars. Not to go off on a rant, but If I was asking for an entire book, or for people to pirate me full length cds then I could see this being an issue.

So in essence, judge people who share all you want, it’s not going to stop anytime soon. You can either accept this and use it to your advantage or have a lot of stress worrying about it. The government steals all the money in the long run anyway.

I'll never ask for a tab here again though. Delete this thread if it offensive.

If you bought any 50's music, you say the artists won't get the money. True, cause they might be dead. But the people putting together the music collections, the people doing the remastering, the liner notes, and the estate of the artists (or whoever still has the rights) would get their money.

No one said anything about buying stuff used. Buy a used DD tab book or one off eBay if you can't afford a brand new one for 1 song. That's completely different than asking someone to photocopy it. How much money DD gets is irrelevant.

I'm not saying I have all the answers here. Once a song is captured in digital form, the cost of reproduction is essentially nil. Our laws and way of thinking about these things have to change. But use some common sense.

Stealing is still stealing regardless of the magnitude of the item stolen.

Having said that...I certainly wasn't branding you a criminal or trying to judge you. We have all traded CD-R's and DVD-R's of hard to get stuff, under the assumption that we are all scene supporters and we do eventually buy most of our music and support the bands in other ways.

It just rubbed me the wrong way to make a post here asking someone to photocopy a copyrighted work. Sure it was just one song, but where does it stop? Is it okay to make a post asking someone to make me a copy of the latest Nebulas CD?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Woah, what happened? What's the big deal about sharing tabs? Isn't it just the same as someone asking you how to play the song and then teaching them it, wow...

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

Another thing. I think most people would rather have a tab book than looking for some crummy tab on the net (that are wrong many-a-time). I think it's a luxory that you have to realize that some people can't afford. And just because someone markets something doesn't mean you have to buy it.

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

I am almost blown away by that response.

By law you can make up to 9 copies with no legal penalty. College professors often do this; they make copies of chapters from books where they don't need the entire contents to save the students money. Is that wrong, I sure don't think so. Regardless, this is your board so I apologize for asking for a tab, Rich said he was gunna tear it out of the book an mail it to me, would that still be wrong?

Oh well, goodbye surfguitar101. I can see open-minded people are not welcomed here. Hey Brian, I am sure you don't want to send me back the money I donated to this site to buy the book, but if you do I will buy it brand spanking new. Just for Dick.

stiggs and all:

copyright law is a real big issue in the music/Internet scene right now.

the jury is still out on this one in the court of public opinion.

I believe that eventually, the "myspace" sort of model will prevail: artists will gladly "give away" content in order to attract attention. then they will get you in the end with their merchandise and show fees. check out the Turbonegro web portal/merchandise hub: not to mention the huge web-driven-world-wide "Turbojugen" fan base: amazing stuff if you really think about it. The Who has approached the piracy issue from a totally different angle: they offer live broadcasts and official "bootlegs" of every show on their tour. In a sense, they have co-opted the bootlegger. They provide high quality "bootleg" material throgh standard commercial channels, at a great savings to the consumer in $$$ and effort. Likewise, Mike Watt/Minutemen has endorsed a "not-for-profit" bootleg sharing culture. People share Watt/Bootleg material freely, no one charges...and Watt's legacy continues to grow.

Remember: $100+++ concert tickets and $30 tee-shirts are the norm now for "big name" (and not-so-big-name) acts...think about that Crying

Hopefully, the Technocratic-Internet-Nazis-Governments won't kill off intellectual freedom and exchange on the net by enforcing new file share protocols and regulations: for example embedding files with "self-destruct" code, or creating some sort of IP address/user verification nightmare. Imagine having to bioscan your ID in order to download...yipes!...but, I can see things slowly driffting that way, especially in light of the "Metallica vs. Napster" boondoogle.

"Intellectual Property" is big BIG business worldwide, and many Trans National corporations want to "plug up the dike" so to speak by regulating Internet traffic...

call me a naive Liberatarian, but self-policing personal behaviors is the way to go, in my book.


ps: stiggs, sorry any of my replies came off as "judging". I appreciate all input in this forum, yours in offense intended. Wink

Woah, what happened? What's the big deal about sharing tabs? Isn't it just the same as someone asking you how to play the song and then teaching them it, wow...

There's a big difference between asking for a tab (the Link Wray bass tab post) and asking for someone to photocopy a tab book.

For "Esperanza," the chords are Am, F and E.

Here's the scale:

e: --------------0-1-3--
B: ------0-1-3----------
G: -1-2-----------------

When the melody jumps, shift it up to fifth position. He adds a G# (edit: on the high e) at one point. This should be enough to get you going.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Dave I was not talking to you. You are are one of the most kind posters on this board. I will try and stay in touch with you on myspace. Your wisdom has been very beneficial to me.

Your post is absolutly correct. However, these laws really exsist not to protect the artist, more the finacial backers of the artists. Artist get skrewed all the time, record companies have made billions off their monopoly of the music industry and exploiting people. The internet has been a minor backlash to this.

Brian I did not make a post here asking for anything, I asked if anyone had the tab. Richard responded because he had the book, he could have just emailed me the choards or whatever. Nothing has transpired nor will it ever, you don't have to worry.

To me this is a dead issue, all i asked for was a louzy tab, i am not even talking about downloading music.

There's a big difference between asking for a tab (the Link Wray bass tab post) and asking for someone to photocopy a tab book.


Brian I did not make a post here asking for anything, I asked if anyone had the tab. Richard responded because he had the book, he could have just emailed me the choards or whatever. Nothing has transpired nor will it ever, you don't have to worry.

Stigger, I apologize, I misunderstood your post. I thought you wanted someone with the book to photocopy it for you. I see now you were just asking for help with the song in general and wanted "a" tab.

I will send your donation(s) back tonight when I get off work.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Woah, what happened? What's the big deal about sharing tabs? Isn't it just the same as someone asking you how to play the song and then teaching them it, wow...

It is okay if I figure out Esperanza, write it down, and share it with others. It's not okay if I photocopy the tab for Esperanza from a commercial copyrighted publication without the copyright holder's consent and start handing it out to others.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Hmm...this was not at all what I expected when I entered this thread.:?

Hmm...this was not at all what I expected when I entered this thread.:?

me too, it left me feeling kind of sad Sad seems to be a lot of misunderstandings.

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