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Permalink My New Year's resolution for 2008 is...

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Page 1 of 1 get at least one album recorded, although I'll be working on three nearly simultaneously. Mostly, this year will be about practicing my original stuff, then recording it, which will account for the "at least one album" part of my resolution. Everything else will be along the lines of: pick out the part; practice the part; record the part. I kinda sorta kept my 2007 New Year's resolution (to become a better guitar player), in that I've "learned" about a handful of chords. Just don't ask me what chords I've learned, as I have no clue. I basically found some shapes that produced something not grating to the soul, and went with it.

So, what is everybody else's 2008 New Year's resolution?


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

To get out of town more and play with some of the great bands on this forum!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

To be less selfish, to be a good kid, to get good grades and to get a lot of cool gear.

Augusto Vite

Finish grad school and get a job Razz

I need to eat more healthy to many dam fish tacos and rum no J/K Laughing but reallllly I need to eat healthy stay a little bit more fit work out more then I do now, stop smoking! and use that dough save it up and buy something cool (another guitar or another vintage Fender head or vintage Fender combo, Vox) at the end of this year.


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
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The Verbtones @ bandcamp

stop smoking!

You and me both!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook


stop smoking!

You and me both!

I tell you bro it's going to be a tuff road for me, I did stop for 1 year when we had our 1st born back in '98 and I was not playing any gigs and it felt great to not smoke but after that year I got back into the club scene the smoking started Crying I will sure miss the 1st smoke in the monring, after a meal is the best, when your drinking but I have too I want to be around for my family and be cancer free I hope, and then the state passing laws about smoking helps to stop I guess.

I just heard on the news last night that all of Germany and France passed a new law and now smoking is banned in bars/pubs and all public place yikes!!!


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp



stop smoking!

You and me both!

I tell you bro it's going to be a tuff road for me, I did stop for 1 year when we had our 1st born back in '98 and I was not playing any gigs and it felt great to not smoke but after that year I got back into the club scene the smoking started Crying I will sure miss the 1st smoke in the monring, after a meal is the best, when your drinking but I have too I want to be around for my family and be cancer free I hope, and then the state passing laws about smoking helps to stop I guess.

I just heard on the news last night that all of Germany and France passed a new law and now smoking is banned in bars/pubs and all public place yikes!!!

It's closer than Germany and France my friend. Chicago just passed the same law.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

I know Wink of all places why Europe!! was my big thing! We have the same law pass in the Pacific Northwest and in California, but not in the state of Oregon! smoking is still allowed in clubs but that won't last I heard that Oregon will pass the same ban.


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

I see the benefits for health with this law, however I'm totally against it and I don't even smoke cigarettes.

First I don't think it's the governments role to tell me to do anything! Secondly, its a crime a man can't enjoy a cigar with his bourbon.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

I see the benefits for health with this law, however I'm totally against it and I don't even smoke cigarettes.

First I don't think it's the governments role to tell me to do anything! Secondly, its a crime a man can't enjoy a cigar with his bourbon.

Amen to all of that!


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I see the benefits for health with this law, however I'm totally against it and I don't even smoke cigarettes.

First I don't think it's the governments role to tell me to do anything! Secondly, its a crime a man can't enjoy a cigar with his bourbon.

Amen homie!! well said!


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

learn to play "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" by JS Bach on the guitar and bass.



oh yeah, i want to return to Dr. Chen for another round of auricular acupuncture to help with smoking cessation...i quit drinking coffe on christmas, switched to tea...maybe now i can kick the nicotine, too...


I just heard on the news last night that all of Germany and France passed a new law and now smoking is banned in bars/pubs and all public place yikes!!!

We've had the ban in the UK for 6 months now. I have mixed feelings about it. As someone who makes most of his living from playing in bands it's terrible: people are just not going out as much which equals less work. As someone who, although technically has given up smoking, used to nick cigarettes off audience members: it helps me stay away from it. It's much easier to abstain yourself when you don't have to be in a room-full of smokers. As someone who does all the singing in one of my bands: it's great and makes gigs much easier: nothing worse than gulping in thick smoke when you are trying to sing.

So - swings and roundabouts really... You'll certainly find it easier to quit if it's not in your face all the time. It seems to me that it breaks the addiction better when you don't have to inhale other peoples smoke when you are trying to give up.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

My resolution is not to buy any new gear in 2008, the budget is closed.

Unless of course, it's really really cool...

Well, here's MY resolutions:

--start drinking more (and earlier!)
--gain AT LEAST 127 pounds
--start smoking
--become addicted to one or more drugs
--rack up $26,278 in credit card debt
--contract a venerial disease
--raise my cholesterol level to 356

Hey, at least these are resolutions one can achieve without TOO much
effort! Rolling Eyes Laughing

Happy New Year all!


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

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