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Permalink CA World Guitar Show 2008

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Anybody going?? im thinking of going again, the last time i went i saw tons of cool stuff but did not have the money to buy anything! hopefully i will this time around and who knows...maybe i'll find me a nice blackface bandmaster or showman head.... well if anyone from the forum goes let me know!





Combo Tezeta IG

I went to this a few years back, its always the same weekend at the big NAMM (National assoc. of Music Merchants) convention in Anaheim.
which is kinda weird you'd think they wouldnt want to compete, but I'm sure most people that go to one, wouldn't appreciate the other.

also Deke Dickerson is doing the Guitar Geek Fest that Sat. night also.
at the Jolly Roger in Anaheim, right by the Convention center.

the info for that is here:



haha oh well the one im going to is the bay area one not the LA one too far for me !!




Combo Tezeta IG

doh oh well I tried.



Dam! I wish I could go Crying


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Dam! I wish I could go Crying

dont worry kyle they do this thing like every 6 months or so. another one is coming up on july.




Combo Tezeta IG

I wanna go to this thing. I'll pm you Santi.

I went a couple years back. It's cool to see all those vintage guitars, but the price tags really are intimidating. It get's a little boring once you've looked at your 20th vintage jag. And you'll still find plenty of shmucks strumming away "Stairway to Heaven" on a $50K Les Paul Rolling Eyes

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

haha yeah totally the prices are really high. and some of the vendors were jerks, specially this one guy that was selling stand up basses, my friend asked him if he could try one out, and he said "you got money?" and he said no and he's like "then no". mann he even asked my friend for his pick back after he took one that had his shops phone number and stuff, saying "picks are for customers only" i still want to go though haha




Combo Tezeta IG

I went to this 2 years ago. Saw some scruffy guy from behind with grey hair sitting on a tweed fender amp playing a Telecaster. The guy was pretty decent. I dod a double take but it was really Neil Young.

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