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I just finished "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson. Mostly humorous, sometimes disturbing adventures on the Appalachian Trail.

Before that, Tony Horwitz's "Confederates in the Attic", which looks at the lingering War Between The States. Also humorous, but even more troubling.

Wheeler's new "Soul of Tone" is sitting on the coffee table. Wish it didn't weigh so much, so I could read it comfortably on the vanpool ride to work. Looks great, though.

I just finished "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson. Mostly humorous, sometimes disturbing adventures on the Appalachian Trail.

Before that, Tony Horwitz's "Confederates in the Attic", which looks at the lingering War Between The States. Also humorous, but even more troubling.

Wheeler's new "Soul of Tone" is sitting on the coffee table. Wish it didn't weigh so much, so I could read it comfortably on the vanpool ride to work. Looks great, though.

i've enjoyed all the bill bryson books. 'a walk in the woods' is one of my favorites. the australia book is quite good also. the title escapes me at the moment, something about a sunburned country, i think.

Just took up this one again and continuing from about half way through it.


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Now that I'm back to "pleasure reading" for the next month, I just cracked into "Run with the Hunted" which is a Charles Bukowski reader - it's got a smattering of all his works. Next in line after that is "A&R" by Bill Flanagan.




That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.


A very interesting read about the subconscious tricks of communication, especially political. It has a liberal bent, but many conservatives are known to have read it and learned from it as well.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

So do the Tomorrowmen have any subliminal messages in their music? Wink


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Last edited: Dec 27, 2007 13:50:22

Animal Farm. Orwell is amazing.

Stuff related to ordained ministry. Not exciting to most of you, I know, but essential to my career.

Calling and Character - William Willimon
One Gospel, Many Ears - Jeter and Allen

Swing! Twang! Shake! Twist!

So do the Tomorrowmen have any subliminal messages in their music? Wink

Actually we do, if you listen enough times, you'll learn subconciously that you don't need a singer to rock Wink

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF


'My Lobotomy" by Howard girlfriend got this one for me for Christmas... the true story of a guy who got a lobotomy at age 12, and how it effected his life...

great book with a lot of stories of some of my favorite bands, like El Chicano, malo, and the original SAntana band, first three albums are the best. the rest i could care less for. It tells it how it used to be for the latin bands back in the days, anecdotes, and timelines for a bunch of bands...OH and cool pictures ! Very Happy haha





Combo Tezeta IG

I'm pretty excited. I just picked up "The Basic Works Of Aristotle" today with a gift card my sister gave me for christmas.

i'm just finishing 'the zombie survival guide'............i'll pass it on (via mail) to the first person to PM me

we have a winner! and it will be in the mail after new years day.

Last edited: Dec 29, 2007 20:40:58

I just got 3 more books for Christmas.

'The millionaire next door' by 2 guys w/ Ph.D.'s

'A concordance: Stephen King's The Dark Tower' by Robin Furth

'HEAVY METAL: the music & its culture' by Deena Weinstein

Bob Bitchin'

More Orwell: 1984.

great book with a lot of stories of some of my favorite bands, like El Chicano, malo, and the original SAntana band, first three albums are the best. the rest i could care less for. It tells it how it used to be for the latin bands back in the days, anecdotes, and timelines for a bunch of bands...OH and cool pictures ! Very Happy haha


You don't play conga by any chance? I think I want a conga (and quinto and tumba?). That great picture doesn't help. Those look like the LP Giovanni Hidalgo signatures on the cover.

(Legendary conguero Carlos "Patato" Valdez, R.I.P.)


great book with a lot of stories of some of my favorite bands, like El Chicano, malo, and the original SAntana band, first three albums are the best. the rest i could care less for. It tells it how it used to be for the latin bands back in the days, anecdotes, and timelines for a bunch of bands...OH and cool pictures ! Very Happy haha


You don't play conga by any chance? I think I want a conga (and quinto and tumba?). That great picture doesn't help. Those look like the LP Giovanni Hidalgo signatures on the cover.

(Legendary conguero Carlos "Patato" Valdez, R.I.P.)

i've played them but dont have the real thing just a miniature size conga that i got signed by Michael Carabello and Gregg rolie when i met them.




Combo Tezeta IG

Random Bay Area Latin Rock connection -- I was in the same homeroom as a guy named Omar Arias, son of Chepito who played congas for Santana for years.

Smaaaaaall world.

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