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@ the Touch and Go 25th anniversary.

Killer giant Teslacoil ending.

Science friction burns my fingers.

That was nuts. Shocked

man I miss those guys.

I wish they would do a whole reunion tour for those that never got to see them.



Looks like their stage antics are really fun.

Augusto Vite

Have you ever asked yourself, "Gee, I wonder if MoAM ever covered ZZ Top?" I know I have. And now, the search is over.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

thats funny,
whats the other song they play right before it goes into the drum and tesla coil part?



I may be setting myself up for some serious invective here (rockfish apparently listens only to these guys to the exclusion of all other music), but I just can't seem to get into these guys. I dig a handful of their more melodic tunes, but a lot of it just sounds noisy to me. No doubt they are inventive and talented musicians, but I just can't get into their sound.


Their earlier work appeals to me, and is what dragged me into this genre (see my tablature page). In hindsight, some of their stuff is quite basic and not fully developed. This might owe to their quantity over quality, let's get a ton of material out there mentality. However I think they really jelled and came up with an original sound of their own for Project Infinity and Experiment Zero. I really like those two albums. Made from Technitium was not surf by any means but I still dug it due to Star Crunch. After he left I kind of lost interest. They sounded more and more like a hyper active Pink Floyd to me. Which isn't bad, but by that time I was more into traditional surf. But yeah, they put on a helluva live show and I am sure sad I never got to see them live.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I do admit that Bermuda Triangle Shorts is one of my favorite instrumental songs of all time.


Brian if it wasn't for your moam page i don't think i would have any interest in playing guitar.

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