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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 22:49:16

Yep. I just heard about this as well. Ike was a pretty bad ass guitar player back in his day.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Ike Turner (and his band) played on the "first" rock and roll record 'Rocket 88' but it wasn't credited to him. The vocalist Jackie Brenston is credited.

Last edited: Dec 12, 2007 18:37:17

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 16:10:36

I think Ike played piano on that one, and Willie Kizart played guitar.

Yep, according to Wikipedia:

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Gentlemen. whilst we argue 'who played what' lets not forget that Tina still needs slappin about a bit. Wink

Im in, tho its not my style. Very Happy

I have an instrumental called "Prancing" by Ike that he recorded in 1959 under the name Icky Renrut (Turner spelled backwards). It is still one of the wildest things I have heard. Total reckless abandon on the Strat trem bar with ice pick-like treble tone and some dirty distortion.

From the liner notes---

Another, even more eccentric wang bar virtuoso is Ike Turner, whose contributions to the history of rock n' roll simply cannot be overstated. His resume is staggering: from leading the backup band on Jackie Brenston's 1951 recording of Rocket 88 (considered by many to be the first true rock n' roll record) to his multiple duties (pianist, guitarist, talent scout) at Sun and other labels, to his work with Tina Turner (from 1960's "A Fool in Love", to 71's "Proud Mary"). But equally overwhelming are his strengths as one of the most original voices in R&B guitar.

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 16:10:32

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 16:10:25

Well, i have an Ike and Tina Turner tale to tell......a long time ago, 1969 to be exact, i was a rookie drummer in a band of older guys called The Crabs. We were darlings of the Berkeley, Ca. hippie scene and we got to open for Ike and Tina Turner at a small college in Oakland and i'll never forget it. After our set as we we're heading towards our dressing room, there was Tina Turner sitting in a chair which wasn't that big of a deal untill we realized she didn't have her wig on!! Yikes!! She had really short hair and it just kind of startled us to see her like that.....she was very gracious and friendly and acted like it was no big deal and it's just a part of show business. When they all went out and started their show we stayed back stage and hung with their crew......all of a sudden the music stops and Ike Turner comes running back stage and comes up to us and says their equipment (guitar and bass amps) weren't working and they needed to use our stuff RIGHT NOW!! He yelled at us so loud and he looked so intimidating with that slick hairdo that we mumbled OK and jumped up to help them get our amps back on stage and after a few minutes the show continued and it really was a great show. After they finished they came back to the dressing room and Ike thanked us and shook all our hands. I remember very clearly that the guys all had suits on (we of course were wearing jeans and t-shirts!!) and they were older and very professional musicians and i said to myself that i would try to look more like a professional musican and dress nicely when doing high profile gigs like that. They were kinda scary. We were Berkeley hippies and they were a gnarly R&B band from the South. When we left we were so stoked to have played with them. I remember almost every song was super fast tempo.....even the ballads!! I was amazed the drummer could play that fast!! I have a photo of me playing my brand new Rogers drums at a noontime rally on the campus to promote the show for that night. I had just turned 21!! Well, that's my Ike and Tina Turner story.
RIP Ike Turner

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 16:10:22

Ike Turner is one of my favorite guitarists and R&B artists period. Unfortunately he had to put up with a lot of bullshit when he was coming up and it obviously manifested itself in some nasty behaviour that is all to well documented. Nevertheless he is a huge part of Rock and Roll history for his role as an A&R rep as well as band leader. He also was one of the first guitarists to really play the Strat to it's fullest capabilities, and he started out as a piano player.

This is a real pity as he was finally making some strides with a comeback career - well, at least he was starting to get some recognition in the U.S. press for his recent musical output.

I am reading this thread as I am recording my radio show. I usually do it live on Friday mornings, but I can't do it lately due to work responsibilities. Had I checked out the site before I left I would be doing a 3 hour tribute to Ike Turner. I guess that will have to wait until next week.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

Ike also played amazing lead guitar on early Otis Rush sessions...amazing stuff.

Yes, I have a few things-- "Double Trouble" --his tone and attack are so intense. "All Your Love" (I Miss Loving) Often covered, never equaled.

I also have about a half dozen things with the Kings of Rhythm, but none of those you mentioned. I really like his straight blues playing as well, like on "Matchbox" and 'Down and Out' (all also from his Cobra Records work).

RIP Ike, that was a hell of a showman and if I could play a fraction as well as he did, I'd be a happy camper.

Ron-Rhoades that is one hell of a cool story, I would've been in just as much awe as you blokes were facing pro's like that asking to borrow 'our' gear.

Hell yeah, way to go.

The first rock concert I ever saw was held at the old Atlanta Crackers' baseball stadium on Ponce across from the old Sears building. On that bill was Ray Charles and Ike and Tina Turner. I think it was the summer of 1958 or maybe '59. Their energy blew everyone else off the stage. I was around twelve or thirteen at the time.......ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I stood next to him in line at Sam Phillips' wake. Never a sweeter guy. It must have been the coke and the booze (if it's true) that brought out his violent side. He loved his fans and people in general-no pretensions or arrogance-just loved to play.


Made me order Ike's Instrumentals which I've been thinking to get for some time.


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S


Made me order Ike's Instrumentals which I've been thinking to get for some time.


I just got that fairly recently - it's friggin' unreal.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

That collection, Ike"s Instrumentals, shows he wrote the book on what would become electric guitar flash riff essentials! Was it 1954? Don't forget the song that would kick off the Rock and Roll era, Rocket 88, written by, and played on piano by Ike. R.I.P. Ike.

R.I.P Crying


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