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Permalink Bands touring CA - Summer 2008

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Dude, you are. My band toured in 2005 as a three piece. People said they liked us. It is interesting, I knew we weren't very good back then, but I thought people liked us. Now i know we are good but I don't know how many people like us.

You can listen to our entry(the 'verb) in the 2005 SG101 music comp things. If you are anywhere near that I'd say go for it. Only Mr_Reverb can listen to that MP3, everybody else don't go and listen. Go to instead.

wait i can't find it. but yea ur right i know a bunch of people will like us but i'll always get nervouse in a room full of musicians listenin to eveything u do wrong!!! but i know we will get better and hopefully do some shows or something. oh and get a name hahahhaa by summer 2008 ..




Combo Tezeta IG


mmmmm i wonder...if we get good enough...

Zanti, learn a dozen songs then call 925 Gilman Street and get on the calendar. You'll do great there compared to all those crappy punk bands.

haha yeah we thought about that, theres this place here in richmond called the burnt ramen we were thinking that was a good place to start, but shows there are RARe haha like once every 4 or 5 months haha but yea we'll seeee




Combo Tezeta IG

It doesn't matter if you mess up or make mistakes. Just don't play poorly. Mistakes can be endearing to the crowd. Just don't look angry if you mess up. Make it look like it doesn't happen often.

Also, start booking soon if you plan on going in June or sometime like that. Also determine how many dates you want to play and where. Personally I feel you should be ambitious in your schedule. Make it a tour not a couple of dates.

yeah we dont really know where to book and we dont have that many originals, mostly covers and stuff. BUT WE WILL PLAY SOMEWHERE BY 2008 MARK MY WORDS!




Combo Tezeta IG

You can book shows by going to the website for the clubs that you enjoy seeing live music at. Let them know what you are about and they will give you some shows.

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