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Permalink Evel Knievel

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Tip a glass to the man who tipped many a motorcycle in his day. You have to respect the deeds of a guy jumping anything you could think to line up on a heavy ass Harley Davidson.

Evel Knievel dead at 69



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I remember watching the Snake River Canyon jump on ABC when I was a kid.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Baja Marty is a Huge Evil Knievel fan,
I called him to tell him tonight,
He got a bit choked up.

I was just reading a article about him last night in a mag.
the Man broke something like 48 bones,
and that wasn't anything to do with what killed him.



Guess he's not going to be able to spend any of that Kanye West settlement money now...

Evel was my hero when I was a kid too... I remember a few days after Christmas one year setting up a ramp and jumping my Evel Knievel stunt cycle through the bass drum on my brothers cheap ass Sears drum set...
He just wouldn't stop playing the damn thing... Now I'm a drummer... go figure...

Thanks Evel!!!


Tip a glass to the man who tipped many a motorcycle in his day. You have to respect the deeds of a guy jumping anything you could think to line up on a heavy ass Harley Davidson.


I 102% agree!!! As someone who spent my youthful years racing bikes and airing them out over assorted jumps and hills, Mr Knievil elevated himself to hero status in my eyes for attempting impossible jumps with impossible equipment. Modern day stunt jumpers, even his own son, pale in comparison. RIP


I remember watching the Snake River Canyon jump on ABC when I was a kid.

That was huge. But probably one of the biggest build up/anti-climaxes in entertainment history.

Larger than life and a true pop culture icon.

Evel Knievel stunt cycle

That toy rocked!

RIP Evel! Inspired many a track by one of my earlier electro bands.

Ive got the reissued Toy as well, made from the original castings.

Last edited: Dec 01, 2007 10:40:39

Evel definitely had a set of big ones.

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................


Evel Knievel stunt cycle

That toy rocked!

Yep, probably my fav. toy ever! (besides the Millenium Falcon) Wink

The Secret Samurai Website
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RIP Evel. Crying

I'm another that grew up watching his stunts and wondering what it took to hang it all out like he did regularly. His influence was directly responsible for a few broken bicycles in my neighborhood, a result of our garbage can jumping contests.

I guess I've always viewed him with equal parts bewilderment and respect. He was rough around the edges but he had a big heart, and even bigger stones.


No, Ladies and Gentlemen, He's ok, He's got up again! Laughing Laughing Laughing

Forgive me if this is long.....
I grew up idolizing Evel Knievel, and half of my life was because of him. he is directly responsible for my Bicycle riding, racing and own acts of daredevilry. We used to watch him on "Wide World of Sports", then go out and build ramps for our Big Wheels, and the later, our bikes.

in the 90's, I started racing BMX bikes again, and Evel was making his presence known in the US again - all my BMX gear was a tribute to Evel - red/white/blue leathers, Evel painted helmet, even my bike was painted like Evel.

I own several DVD's that showcase him, and I still look up to him in many ways. He was he was a larger than life character in everything he did. He wasn't a good guy in a lot of ways, but he had a vision of what he wanted, and he went out a did it!

He reminds me of someone else I admire - Dick Dale. Two men who do things their way, no matter what anyone else says. I imagine to do the things they did, it takes someone with that type of personality. Both are very charismatic. Both are showmen -

"Evel said " people always ask me, 'why did Evel Knievel do what he did' and I say 'I did what I did, I do what I do, because I'm Evel Knievel, and I don't question it" I don't even know what that means.....

He also said " there were jumps where I knew I was absolutely going to crash, but what else was I supposed to do, give 'em their money back?" he was one tough dude.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"


I remember watching the Snake River Canyon jump on ABC when I was a kid.

That was huge. But probably one of the biggest build up/anti-climaxes in entertainment history.

Larger than life and a true pop culture icon.

I remember that, even over this side of the lake it was big.

Plus I think Evel led on to this other dude called Dangerous Dave or something, anyway he was funny as all get out.

Somebody could probably write a pretty good essay about the affects that Evel Kneivel, Star Wars and Mad Magazine had on those of us born in the late 60's / early 70's.


He is out of my generation but I am indebted to Evel for being the impetus behind Super Dave Osbourne.

Is Super Dave the one responsible for a skit where he's riding on top of an RV with lawn furniture, astro turf and a little white picket fence which then goes under a low bridge?


That sounds like Super Dave to me.

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