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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Why does stuff go out of print. 2nd mortgage needed

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Why does stuff go out of print? Probably costs money to press 1000 albums and 5000 cds. Some get sold, some end up as promos, some end up 2nd hand.
I would wager most cds and lps were sold at shows.
When stuff like the Fathoms Fathomless goes OOP or Creature Feature or and of the Cossacks stuff (endless list) who owns the rights to re-release it? Who has the masters? Why do I need a second mortgage to buy copies?Why is the guy on Amazon selling them for $40 - $100. I have been listening to surf for some time and to tell the truth I must not have been the fanatic I thought I was. i missed a lot of good bands material until 9 years ago. Problem is, there was so little pressed to begin with that if were asleep at the guitar, you missed it.
My advice is if you see it or hear it, buy it. Check the second hand places to find the stuff. I just wish some of this stuff was still available. I mean how could the Fathoms see the all the kudos over Fathomless and not reissue. It has been OOP forever.
I guess the main issue is, the stuff didn't sell $50,000 copies in the first place so why issue more. Not my thought but it does cost money to do even cds, money no one will likely recoup. I guess there needs to be a new release section.

yeah most of the cds you mentioned have been put out by lables, and either don't wanna spend money to re-issue them, or have gone outta business. Its a shame that when a company goes outta business that the band can't re-release the cd, but its still Illegal.



Depends if the band owns the masters (and still has them).

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