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Permalink Rant: Where's the love? Where's the support? Interest?

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This is an extremely varied group, with people all over the world, different backgrounds, ages and musical experience, from those who derive their sole income from music, others who have never picked up an instrument, and everybody in between.

My own background is that I've got a wife, kids, responsible day job, but play in a couple of local bands for fun and occasional profit. I manage to play out 2 to 4 times a month, which is great.

There's a handful of instro bands in town, and they tend to know each other and are generally friends. In addition, I've had the chance to meet surf musicians (or fans) on occasional travels through various parts of the USA. Most of the people I deal with locally, and that I've met elsewhere, have been pretty decent people, as well as interesting and fun and creative. This has included musical heroes, as well as others in pretty much the same boat as me.

I think I have an appreciation for anyone who plays any kind of music, compared to anyone who doesn't play at all. And, I will have a certain minimum degree of respect, or at least, indulgence, for other suf bands, even if the music they play is not exactly my cup of tea, simply because it's a relatively specialized genre, one which I generally enjoy, and so, I'm going to cut other bands in the genre a bit more slack than I might otherwise.

I tend to prefer to keep the whole thing on a friendly level, even if it means overlooking or put up with what I may perceive as musical mediocrity at times, just because it's a relatively small world, and definitely a very small genre, and personally, I much prefer modesty, and low key professionalism, to bands with chest-thumping we're-great-eveyone-else-is-shit-attitude. I get enough of that in my day-job, and elsewhere, and the last thing I want to do, is deal with it when I play music. Maybe that's a luxury I have, that comes from not having to make a living at it, but some professionals can be the sweetest guys, while some hobbyists can be some of the most difficult people to deal with.

Anyway, generally speaking, I like the approach that Big Tiki Dude and Tiki Tena bring to the music, I wish I could devote more time and money to it myself, but I've got a few other things going on that occasionally require attention too. I'm not complaining-- life is good, as they say.

Getting back to the varied nature of the membership here, I think there's plenty of room for decent reviews and comments about other music, that could be very helpful in spreading the news about bands we might not otherwise get exposure to. I think the approach and level of discussion is generally very positive in the world of SG101.

But, because of the varied nature of the membership and their varied personal tastes and circumstances, I think the reviews have to go beyond simple expressions of subjective likes & dislikes ("I think this is great" or "I think this is lousy", by itself, isn't going to communicate too much). And even critical reviews can be written in a way that is respectful of what a band may be trying to achieve, even if they fail in the execution, or whatever.!/rockinrio.delrosa!/TheHighTides!/pages/The-Blue-Demons

Spot on Rio! Well said.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Spot on Rio! Well said.

One reason I love going to Canada.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Anyway, generally speaking, I like the approach that Big Tiki Dude and Tiki Tena bring to the music.

Yup... They convey the essence of surf music and its vibe. I don't know them, but I can sense it through their postings.


Thanks Surf Guitar, that really means alot.



I really disagree with the sentiment that there is no good surf right now. I have a guess as to why it seems this way: surf and garage had a little bump in the 90's, but that's over and even worse, most garage bands are starting to go in more of a punk and thrash direction that cuts off surf from a larger audience.

For such as niche genre, however, I think there's a stunning amount of good material around right now, but it's not immediately obvious who sounds the best. Sure, the proof is in the pudding, but older bands have the advantage of more reputation from more namedropping, shows etc. , and without the larger garage rock crowd paying attention we're left with us, reverb central, cowabunga etc., all of these with their own personality and biases.

I think Ivan's right on target. If this is the music we love, we should support it. I'm guilty. I shop mostly used and I listen to a lot of (bad) other music for my radio station, so I rarely squeeze in a new release. I feel particularly guilty as a DJ, because it should be a good medium to get others aware of newer surf releases (although let's be fair, most of my material is self-bought and I'm a college student with pretty limited income. I don't want to be tacky, but having some new releases sent to the station as promotional material would help that aspect)

One thing that might help: I don't know how well reviews would catch on, but I find that I often forget about new releases coming up. It might be helpful to, somewhere on the site, have an upcoming releases overview to help build anticipation and remind the forgetful.

And finally, in efforts to get myself motivated, I'm placing an order on the new Fathoms record that I've been pretty psyched for, rather than waiting for it to go for ~$8 used somewhere

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

BTW Ivan, sales of the Madeira discs have been just fine - if any of you don't have 'em yet go to OR, send me an e-mail ( and I'll make you a deal for the purchase of both discs.

Just thought this was worth repeating. I have contacted Sean at Double Crown, and he gave me a great deal on both Madeira CDs. If any of you have ever wanted these, I really recommend taking advantage of this offer now.

Buy a 'Verb CD from Sean as well. Sean has always been great to us.

I come to SG101 mostly to read and share ideas and stuff with peers about gear, techniques etc. I don't really want to hear everyone's opinion of what bands they like and what bands they don't like. It's all subjective, so I usually stay out of those conversations.

That said, I do appreciate reviews of CDs, shows and the people who are willing to take the time to do it, so it would be cool to have a section devoted to reviews of CDs, shows etc.

This sounds like how I think about this place as well.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:49 pm Post subject:
Personal taste doesn't always matter. If I give an opinion about a CD, does that mean anyone will really care? Most likely not. I've only had a handful of people tell me they bought something based on my recommendation.

With that being said, I like to support the genre. It's not a big surprise that we all have our favorites for a variety of reasons. The beauty of this site is that it leaves the doors open for everyone to discover new things and discuss the old.


I couldn't begin to critique others ability due to a lack of confidence in what I do myself, perhaps if I sold 10,000 cd's and had a following plus the ability to rip shit like Slacktone Dave I might venture forth an opinion on others.

So, I'm quite happy to sit back and read, look, listen, learn and comment occasionally on things I know a little about.

I feel a little like a slacker but I HATE to write! I had to read all 6 pages before I could even comment. (Quite a few opinions, I must say) I like most instrumental bands but the only stuff I would ever comment on is European. Since I spend more time listening to this specific genre I might be able to overcome my reluctance to write.

The German band the Typhoons recently released a "self-made" CD called "Von Schulau nach Waikiki" that is very pleasing to my ears. I could not begin to write a review that would do it justice. I just know I like it.
Something about the translation of the West coast surf sound by a European band that find Irresistible.

I was disappointed by the new Moe Greene Specials "Open Road" most likely due to a number of vocals.

I thought El Ray's "Holiday on Ice" was a little uneven but I would have found it impossible not to add it to my collection.

The new Incredible Mr. Smith "Adventures in the land of Twang" is nice simply because of the steel guitar and Dusty Watson playing drums. Not as surfy as I would like. In fairness to Martin Schmidt I really like the last Razorblades CD which was very surfy(last years Dark side of the Beach)

I always enjoy reading Ivan's reviews and feel he should have a monthly column on SG101


I was disappointed by the new Moe Greene Specials "Open Road" most likely due to a number of vocals.

I didn't even know they had a new album out. I loved their last one, one of the coolest things I heard last year

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

I think that everybody on here ( even if they dont have it, or are not going to buy it) should mention if they have heard about a new surf cd coming out, and where/how to get ahold of it.

I was just recently hipped to another on line store.

but I haven't bought anything from them yet, as I am tapped out. And I need to get the Double Crown 2nd x-mas cd, and the Fathoms, and the Jon and the Nightriders first.

But if you know about surf cds, and places to buy post it.



Last edited: Nov 18, 2007 15:11:05

I haven't read this entire thread, but...I spend a lot less money on music now than I used to. I'm saving to build and furnish a house and have really only averaged a few CD's per year in the last several. When I was in college I worked as much as I did to support my "habit," which was not only playing but listening to lots of music, and I went out and bought or ordered new CD's every time I got a paycheck. After that hit the wall I have had to narrow my choices, and it usually winds up with me playing catch-up; buying CD's I meant to buy years ago and never got around to. I still read about the new stuff and make mental notes, but unfortunately it'll be a while before some of that stuff hits my player.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Has anybody picked up the Jon and the Nightriders re-issue cd yet.
or the Bel Airs Orgins of surf cd?

I also noticed that at the Crossfire Publications website there was 2 Tornados cds.



Has anybody picked up the Jon and the Nightriders re-issue cd yet.
or the Bel Airs Orgins of surf cd?

I also noticed that at the Crossfire Publications website there was 2 Tornados cds.


I ordered both the John & the Nightriders, and BelAirs CD's from
them a couple of weeks ago, but haven't seen them yet. Crying



yikes not good to hear that,
goood luck with those sir.



I got the origins cd a year or so ago, maybe more. great document and the booklet is worth the price alone, not really a surf cd you'd play often though. I wouldnt recommend it for anyone starting in surf, but as a "historic document" a must have for the seasoned surf fan.

the J&TNR stuff is on my wishlist but last year I havent been able to afford much cds

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Has anybody picked up the Jon and the Nightriders re-issue cd yet.
or the Bel Airs Orgins of surf cd?

I also noticed that at the Crossfire Publications website there was 2 Tornados cds.


Jeff, I heard back from Greg Russo @ Crossfire, and "Stampede"
by J&TNR was a preorder, not yet released, and The Bel Airs CD
is awaiting approval of the liner notes from Paul Johnson. Greg was
hoping to get them out in December, but I would guess it will be after
the first of the year.



Thanks Bob,
Doug from Reno was asking me about it today.



IT seemed like there were more surf bands in other countries lately. All the bands I loved broke up or reunited. I guess I am a traditionalist but not in the sense of hating newer stuff. I actually wish there were more covers of obscure stuff or more originals. We can't dwell on the fact that bands that broke up are not coming back. I think there are a lot of good surf bands out there and here's your space to talk about your projects. I just wish there weren't so many guys that did blues last week deciding to do surf cause they know the 4 or 5 token surf songs mixed with Taquilla and Green Onions.
Never Mind the Cossacks was awesons as was Big Pounder. I wish some stuff would come back into print. These yahoos selling it for tons of ebay and yahoo are high.

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