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Permalink surf guitarists glossary

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I would like to see a glossary of commonly used surf guitar terms for us beginners. It could cover everything from playing techniques to equipment terms to any related ideas. Maybe we could have an official one made or if we could have people contribute on this thread.

I would like to know good definitions of things like caps, tolex, etc, etc.

Everything and anything relating to surf guitarists, please contribute.


I could activate a so called "Encyclopedia" module that was designed for this purpose, but I'm not sure it was designed to handle user submissions. I'll look into that.

Another option that we have been toying with is to start a wiki.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

maybe we could do a tech glossary somewhere, but in all honesty, all that info is readily available on the web, and 99% of it is common stuff and nothing esp. for surfguitar. Marshalls use caps and tolex too Shocked Wink

anyway, anything more than a list of often used terms with a very short explanation seems overkill.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Well, I've checked the internet and local library for information on basic amp and guitar construction and have found very little. I appreciate all the expert advice on this forum, but honestly it often goes over my head. I need surfguitar101 for dummies I guess. Maybe all I need is to search for some more good reference. I'll try wiki. You are right. there is no need for replication here if it is already available. Thanks.

I mean, we would create our own SG101 wiki.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Well, don't create it for me if I'm the only dummy! Embarassed

LOL, no we've actually been thinking off and on about creating a wiki here. Mainly for a surf band database, but also for surf music and gear FAQ's. However what has been holding us back in the past is the realization that it would be a monumental effort that would require a small team of trusted editors.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

ahh, I see. It sounds cool. But you already do so much, this year I am thankful for Brian, and this site! That's a Thanksgiving reference for all of our foreign friends. Smile

Well if enough people are interested in helping with a wiki.......

(And thanks for the kind words.)

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'll help out. I do a lot with Wikis at work.

The Secret Samurai Website
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you know I'll kick in help. This January I'll be free the whole month, and would love to geek out some.


tenderfoot, what is it you are looking for? like you say, you might not have found what you are looking for on the net, but it's all there. as often, the problem isnt too little, but too much information. So here's a thought, perhaps a wiki is too much, and we just need a list of, say, 100 words with small defintions, where it is easy to find what you are looking for. do you have examples of what kind of terms you are looking for, apart from caps and tolex?

fwiw, a list like this might also come in handy for us not native english speakers, as I have to think real hard / look up words sometimes.

just thinking out loud,
Ill help out a bit if needed.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

WR, for years I have been plugging my guitar in, turning the on switch, and fiddling with knobs. I want to develop a more thorough understanding of the equipment, like many of you have. Reading the posts here has helped a lot, but I feel I need a primer, since I don't know what some things are and their function. Actually I know what tolex is so that is not the best example. But, I had no idea what caps were or their function. I was hoping to find a book that could lay out the basics of amp and guitar electronics. Many on here have suggested learning electronics in general, but that is a but overwhelming for someone who has little time and would rather be practicing. Right know I am reading through "guitar amplifer" on Wiki.

I also thought there might be people unfamilar with musical terms, although I do know that. So, I do know something!

Thanks for your help. Smile

I need surfguitar101 for dummies I guess.

This is usually called something like SG110 and noted as having no pre-requisites, as well as being "terrminal." "Credit is not given for both SG110 and SG101."

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