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Permalink Dave Wronski in letters in July Guitar Player magazine

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Have you guys seen this? Very cool! GP rules!

"Regarding your May 2006 cover story ("99 Ways To Play Better Now"), I'd like to commend you for including three tips from Dave Wronski, the relatively unknown and under-appreciated guitarist for the modern-surf trio Slacktone. It is both a blessing and a shame that I can fly to San Diego to see Slacktone perform at a small club, and stand right up front, admiring his Jaguar mastery from a mere three feet away. Because he plays surf, Wronski - who is every bit as good as the big-name, big-bucks players who wind up on your covers - is still something of a secret to those of us who follow and play surf-instro. I'm glad you gave him a touch of the recognition he deserves. And it doesn't hurt that his tips were original and very helpful.
Damian Fanelli
Cranford, NJ"

(Weren't there FOUR tips by Dave?)

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I think Damian is a member of the band Mr. Neutron...?

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

For those of us who missed the article, what three tips of Dave's were included?

GREGORY NICOLL, Southern Surf Syndicate Agent # 44

For those of us who missed the article, what three tips of Dave's were included?

Here you go, Gregorious:

  1. Thanks, Dude: "Spend at least 15 minutes per Guitar Player magazine learning something from a GP lesson. Some of the concepts I've learned by doing this have stuck with me for years."

  2. Pickup Balance: "To balance your pickups , plug your guitar into something with level meters, such as a 4-track recorder. Play each string individually, and adjust the pickup height until the level of each string hits the same point on the meters. Typically, you'll have to lower the bass side of the pickup. If your guitar's overall output is quieter than what you had, simply turn up your amp to comensate. The benefit here is string-to-string-clarity."

  3. Grease Up: "Want to make a solo greasy? Start on the 'and' of one."

  4. Classical Gas: "When playing while sitting, rest the guitar on your left leg - just like classical-guitar legend Andres Segovia. This way, the guitar will be in the same position as when you stand. You can even get yourself one of those little foot stands to reallyk anchor the guitar to your body when playing aggressive music."

Here's a bonus one from Deke Dickerson:

  1. The Pinky: "Use your pinky! When I first started playing, as older country musician told me to keep practicing with my left-hand pinky - even though it felt awkward - until it was second nature. That was the best advice I ever got. You were born with five fingers - don't forget to use 'em all!"

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Thanks, Ivan! Very Happy

I don't understand # 37, though. Can you explain it? Question

GREGORY NICOLL, Southern Surf Syndicate Agent # 44

I don't understand # 37, though. Can you explain it?

Rather than starting on the first beat, start between the first and second beats.

i.e. If the song is in 4/4 time, the measure would break down as One-and-Two-and-Three-and-Four-and ... I think.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

So basically this means to come in unexpectedly with the guitar solo, one beat behind where the listener might reasonably expect it to begin, right?

GREGORY NICOLL, Southern Surf Syndicate Agent # 44

Actually the and would be half of a beat behind, as in ska music it would be the up beat, or up stroke of the guitar.



Hey, someone posted my Wronski letter to GP! Cool!


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