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Hey this goes out to Huntington Cads fans. I had heard the guys did some post cads songs without Shag. Anyone have any of this stuff. Apparently they called the band New Sounds Unlimited or Limited.
Cheers Surfside Matt

Nice! Do you have any links to their new project? I did a quick google and didn't come up w/anything. I'd love to hear what these guys are up to!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

I heard it was just Chris Barfield and Jeff Utterbeck - the New Sounds Combo? I don't think they've recorded anything. BTD would know for sure, though.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

I have not seen them live, but have heard some of the songs .
Its a bit more jazzy. not as Shadows or Exotic sounding.
I have been sworn to secrecy to never share them.
I had heard that The Bass player Steve Hill was involved,
but not sure if he's still around.
They did some Shows at Canter's Deli in L.A. in the Kibitz room, bar next door.

I keep bugging Jeff Utterback to let me know when they play. So I can see it.

But I still wish, and Dream for a Hunt. Cads reunion.



Every cut on the Cads' "Go Exotic" is perfection. If only they had released several albums.

Every cut on the Cads' "Go Exotic" is perfection. If only they had released several albums.

Agree Although I think I like Introducing the New Sound just as much!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

when you say several do you mean more than 2.

there was the 2 albums,
2 45s, and numerous songs from comps, and a few tributes cds.

so that basically 3 albums worth,
but yes I do wish they had done more.


Every cut on the Cads' "Go Exotic" is perfection. If only they had released several albums.


there was the 2 albums,
2 45s, and numerous songs from comps, and a few tributes cds.

Hey Jeff, besides the two EPs, the only compilation tracks I know of are the following four:

Gonzales - An Evening in Nivram: The Music of the Shadows
Sha La La - Swinging Creepers: Tribute to the Ventures
Arabesque - Shots in the Dark
Mr. Midnight - Secret Agent Sounds

Do you know of any others? It would be really cool if somebody could compile the EP and comp tracks on one CD.

The Huntington Cads were great, I miss them. I pulled out their two CDs for the drive down to Indiana tomorrow. A perfect opportunity for another listen, since it's been quite a while since the last time.


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Do you know of any others? It would be really cool if somebody could compile the EP and comp tracks on one CD.

The only other one I know of is "Ann Isabel" on the Tiger Mask comp. It's really short, though - maybe a minute and a half, tops.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

The only other one I know of is "Ann Isabel" on the Tiger Mask comp. It's really short, though - maybe a minute and a half, tops.

Damn, I don't have that one.


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

They did some Shows at Canter's Deli in L.A. in the Kibitz room, bar next door.


Hello? what's this? Canter's Deli Kibitz room? Why didn't Mel know about this? We need to book a show there.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Danny Oi Vey, its right in West LA just south of the Jewish area of Beverly Hills, I told ya you needed to do some shows in that area.

next time, get in touch with Dave of the Insects I bet he can hook you up with some contact info. for that place.



I did a comp of all the tiki tones and Hunt. Cads rarities (45s or comps)on a cdr, I have to dig it out to look at the tracks, I'm kinda forgetting right now. but I think there might be one or two more.



I have never heard it but its Chris and Steve and says the drummer is from Untamed Youth. He doesn't look familiar.

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