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Ryan, what did you think of the rest of the series? I dug the first one, kinda liked the third, but thought the fourth derailed everything. It would have been cool as a standalone, but putting everything else on hold for it just killed my interest. I actively hated the last two, and kind of wish I'd stopped reading after the third. </rant>

Yeah, I'm kind of right there with you. I really liked The Gunslinger. Its opening line is just classic! I believe he wrote that when he was 19 or something didn't he? The Drawing of the Three was really good. I also did like The Waste Lands, but not as much. That's where I stopped in this series.

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you guys make me feel like a big dummy for not wanting to read books.


Try it, you may like it. How about 'graphic novels'? Some of them are works of genius.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Jeff, you've got to check this one out...
I haven't gotten to it yet, but I hear its pretty crazy

The Secret Samurai Website
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if I was still into Motley Crue( only liked the 1st and 2nd albums)
I would get it.
but I really could care less now.

but thanks for thinking of me.



No prob man. I only liked "Too Fast.." and "Shout..." as well. The book is more about thier "off-stage" lives.

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not really on my nightstand, but the Bamboo coffee table in the frontroom.
But I gotta admitt, that I look at it more than I read it.
But I will read it eventually.

Yeah, I'm also mainly interested in the great pics.

I haven't gotten to it yet, but I hear its pretty crazy

I proofread that one for my work a couple of years ago. Pretty funny I recall.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

This is an interesting thread...I'm an avid reader: I like reading books as much as I like playing surf music.

I have several books that I'm reading right now...

"The Future of Freedom" by Zakaria

"Democracy and Education" by Dewey

The latest issue of Foreign Affairs

The Economist

"Ghost Plane" by Grey

I'm forced to read Dewey in school, a lot of it... awesome.
I'm working on my MA in Education, btw.

I'm currently reading "Somewhere in Brooklyn" by J.K. Savoy. I enjoy reading very much, I think it's a great habit, it improves your writing, talking and orthographic skills, plus it gives you a lot of knowledge on a variety of subjects. Most of my friends hate reading.

Augusto Vite

I'm reading "Execution By Hunger" by Miron Dolot. About the artificial famaine created by Bolshivik Communist leaders under Stalin that killed millions of Ukrainians in the late 20's and 30's.


I'm reading "Execution By Hunger" by Miron Dolot. About the artificial famaine created by Bolshivik Communist leaders under Stalin that killed millions of Ukrainians in the late 20's and 30's.

That sounds like a good read. I'm currently working on 'A Delusion Of Satan-The Full Story of the Salem Witch Trials' by Frances Hill. It's a really interesting, albeit disturbing look at that part of America's past, and I think the author is doing a really good job of writing an unbiased account of the events.

I also read the Colbert book--it was hilarious.



I gotta get a little geek emoticon.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

histories - herodotus
the aeneid
the illiad
the odes - pindar
the twelve caesars - seutonius

classical studies major, here i come!

imageI gotta get a little geek emoticon.

Nice, Brian! I've never really taken a look at PHP. Pretty much just Java for Web Dev.
Yeah, a geek emoticon would be apropos.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Nice, Brian! I've never really taken a look at PHP. Pretty much just Java for Web Dev.

It's actually kind of a sloppy language but it is finally evolving and getting some good OO features. If you are disciplined enough you can do some really neat things with it.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


I'm reading "Execution By Hunger" by Miron Dolot. About the artificial famaine created by Bolshivik Communist leaders under Stalin that killed millions of Ukrainians in the late 20's and 30's.

That sounds like a good read. ..............

I also read the Colbert book--it was hilarious.

Actually i'm reading it for the second time. After I finished it the first time I went around for months thinking I could not believe what I just read could happen. In the face of starvation and bitter cold, its amazing what humans will resort to to survive.



"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Just finished my first Clive Cussler novel, Polar Shift. I think I'm hooked.




I'm reading "Execution By Hunger" by Miron Dolot. About the artificial famaine created by Bolshivik Communist leaders under Stalin that killed millions of Ukrainians in the late 20's and 30's.

That sounds like a good read. ..............

I also read the Colbert book--it was hilarious.

Actually i'm reading it for the second time. After I finished it the first time I went around for months thinking I could not believe what I just read could happen. In the face of starvation and bitter cold, its amazing what humans will resort to to survive.

Very true, very true. I think I'll check that one out, actually. Along the same lines, I suppose, I bought a copy of Anne Applebaum's 'Gulag: A History' awhile back, but have yet to read it.

histories - herodotus
the aeneid
the illiad
the odes - pindar
the twelve caesars - seutonius

classical studies major, here i come!

Awesome, I'm a Roman histories major and I was a Latin major until I wasn't able to continue with that.

why weren't you able to continue? the head of the humanities dept. at my school is advising me against it. mind PMing me and giving me some thoughts on it all? i haven't found too many people to discuss it with.

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