You guys know that adbusters' initiative, "buy nothing day"? well, today was the opposite,
while on my way to pick up the korg delay I had coming in from the post office, i saw the mail delivery van around the corner form my house - asked if he had something for my adress, and, sure, he was bringing the fiesta red Jag from Japan I had won a while ago. missed today by a hair - the epi valve junior (for other than surf purposes) I ordered thru an internet store will be delivered tomorrow.
incidently, totday they also delivered the handmade table my wife and I had ordered form a carpenter. Oh, and my mom came by to take my daugther shopping for a bike for her (my daughter's, duh) birthday, which is in two weeks but my mom can't make it to te party.
all this stuff as bought/won/arranged over a period of 6 weeks, but for some reason, It all came together today (well, and tomorow) - so much stuff coming into the house I'd almost feel guity. I skipped desert to balance my karma
—Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."