
sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
305 days ago

dp: dude
286 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
241 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
225 days ago

GDW: showman
176 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
98 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
91 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
77 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
57 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
8 days ago

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Yes, we got hacked once. One has to be careful that when logging on you're on the real myspace login page. Hackers try to simulate it to get your password, which I believe happened to me. Fortunately Wannes told me about it shortly after and we changed our password. It hasn't happened yet. Very embarrassing though. I've since been more patient when I receive those messages, I send a note out to them to let them know what's happening. If it occurs more than a couple times then buhbye.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Our myspace page was recently hijacked and I didn't even realize it. I thought it odd when surfing buddies were posting comments about free Macy's gift cards and I know they only shop at the local surf shops even if you gave them a free macy's gift card. But I didn't give it much thought.

Clint Beachwood pointed it out and sent me instructions on what to look for and how to resolve it. (Thanks Clint!!!)


Yeah, I've been getting the Macy's gift card messages quite a lot from different "friends". I'd hate to delete the friend if they were simply hacked themselves. Surfgitar, can you share the info Clint gave you?

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

I have gotten "buy at macy's" or "I won the lottery" bulletins from PollodelMar

This is shocking! Why didn't you tell me I was hacked? I figured it was just happening to other people... I think it is definitely good etiquette to tell people they have been hacked, I had no idea. I am going to change my pw right now. How on earth did somebody guess my pw?

I had to set my "Comment Approval" to manual because I was getting so many Macy's cards ads.

About the "private profile"- a lot of times they are users under 18 and they automatically have their space get set to "private"


Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Ferenc, dont sweat, Im not 100% positive it was pollo, Ive had them from MANY surf bands. and I didnt send emails to every profile I got these from. not because Im rude, but because there wese so many, on one day I saw more than ten bulletins I knew werent from the rpofile owner. I just figured this has gone to hell, oh well, I didnt realize there was hacking goin, thought it was just some glitch.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

You're right, of course, if I sent an email to every "friend" I got a Macy's card from, i'd be spending too much time on myspace.
i think the hackers must have some other way to make false comments. I got one comment that was absolutely undeletable! Even when I clicked the"Delete" button, it took me to a BS webite.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

For the record, I haven't seen one from you Ferenc.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Yeah, I've been getting the Macy's gift card messages quite a lot from different "friends". I'd hate to delete the friend if they were simply hacked themselves. Surfgitar, can you share the info Clint gave you?

YES. Here it is...

Hi guys... I got this from Brian Wilson's Band MySpace... it's pretty amazing:

How Hackers get on your page......PASS IT ON
We're not sure this is how it happens, but it does make sense. At least one of the Brian Wilson Band's members pages has been hacked (posting Macy's cards comments). The advice below makes sense (especially about having different passwords). Take Care!

Have you noticed weird bulletins posted by your friends lately? Instead of surveys and games, it looks like they're advertising ring tones for songs they don't even like, or telling you to smoke pot when they're not even a pot smoker? You may also see comments advertising a macy's gift card worth money or receive a video in an inbox message. Video's don't travel through inbox messages unless they are from hackers. If you receive or see one of these don't click on it and don't try to respond using that link, but do try in a separate message all together to let your friend know, it probably means their MySpace profile has been stolen, and yours could be next.

Profile thieves are stealing MySpace profiles left and right so they can spam other people, and in some cases, they manage to steal more than just your MySpace.

Here's how they usually steal it:

They post a message, bulletin, or comment containing a Flash file. It might be disguised as a game, or lately there's one that says, "Click here if you like to smoke pot." But in reality, it's just a trap to steal your MySpace.

Without you realizing it, the Flash file automatically redirects you to a different website where the thief has set up a copycat of the MySpace login page. What it looks like to you is, "Oh, stupid MySpace logged me out again." And so you enter your user-name and password, and bingo -- they just stole your profile. Since you were on a copycat site, it didn't log you in. It just stored the email and password you entered in a big file, and now that profile thief is going to use your account to spam people.

But the danger doesn't end there. The person who stole your profile knows that you can always change your password and lock them out of your account. So now, they try to take over your profile entirely. If they see your email address ends in or, they go to your email login page and try to log in to your email account with the same password. Many people use the same password for their email account and their MySpace profile, and if you're one of those people, now the thief has access to your email, too.

And check this out -- once they have access to your email, they can start sending lost password requests to PayPal, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, eBay, or anywhere else you might have an account, and they can now reset your passwords on other systems, and even change the email address on your MySpace profile to their own address so you can never log in again!

Don't be fooled into thinking that MySpace will let you back in to your profile once it gets stolen and you can no longer log in.

If this happens, MySpace will ask you to send a digital picture of yourself so they can see if you are pictured in the account that you say was stolen. If the spammer has deleted all of the face pics in your profile (which they usually do), then MySpace won't do anything at all because you have no way to prove the profile is really yours.

But if they see your picture in the account you say was stolen, MySpace still won't give you access to the account -- they'll just DELETE IT. And now the spammer can't use it anymore, but you will have lost all of your messages, photos, and comments and you'll have to start all over again.

Protect Yourself from Profile Thieves - Change your MySpace password right now - or right after you think you may have entered your password into a website that may have stolen your password. If you do it right after they stole it, they will not have the time to use your account information. Even if you haven't seen weird bulletins yet, your account info may have been stolen already and the thief just hasn't used it yet. They steal thousands of profiles at a time, and yours could be sitting in some spammer's list just waiting to be hijacked.

Change the password to your email address right now. It's no good just changing your MySpace password, because if they can get into your email account, they can still steal your profile.

IMPORTANT: Make sure your new e-mail password and your new MySpace password aren't the same ! (your online banking account should obviously have a unique password that you don't use anywhere else) So you need three unique passwords at least: one for unimportant websites like myspace, one for your e-mail, one for your online banking. If you think myspace is important - make that four.

Never click on a link in a bulletin, message, or comment that looks suspicious. It's probably a trap to steal your profile. If it EVER looks like MySpace has logged you out, don't enter your email and password. Instead, go to your bookmarked to make sure you get on the real MySpace website and not a copycat site.

If you see weird bulletins showing up from your friends, message or e-mail them right away to tell them their profile has been stolen and advise them to change BOTH their MySpace password and their email account's password. Most people don't see the bulletins their account is posting until it's too late. Again: tell them to make sure to use different passwords for both.

Repost this page by clicking C and then COPY AND PASTE the whole message into a bulletin or blogpost.

Let's keep profile thieves from stealing our profiles and our friends' profiles!

Hope it's helpful.


gee and I am missing out on all this fun



So yeah, I make them a friend, hit refresh on their page, then decide to keep them or delete them.

That's exactly how we handle it.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I delete any and all of those Macy's gift card type comments

I have a hard time understanding why some bands don't delete spam comments in order to what I assume is to increase their total number of comments... Keeping the spam comments would definitely not make them more popular.

Anyway, besides the spam, I think the MySpace comment feature works well as an easy way for people to let bands know what they think of their stuff. We even saved a selection of comments for our website:

The Wavers wrote: your surfin' is bigger!!! when you will come in italy??

Los Longboards wrote: The Surfites rock!

psychogreg81 wrote: GREAT SOUND - VIVA LOS SURFITES

viv wrote: You play a very romantic kind of surf!!

Michael T. Kirstein wrote: The Surfites are rockin' in Stockholm!

Moncada wrote: You guys rock!

Fuzz Face wrote: Great sound!

mark wrote: You guys are awesome!

Danger and the Daredevils! wrote: You boys are astounding! Long live Big Daddy Roth! Long live the Surfites!

Scuba Matt wrote: Hey Surfites excellent disc. I got mine Saturday. Cool stuff. Keep it drippin.

Cool Cat wrote: Reminds me of the old days!

DJ Mr.Splendid wrote: Great Stuff ! Always loved the Daytonas but you sound even better. I hope you'll make it to Berlin one day.

Radio Rumpus Room wrote: We are hugely diggin' -- and playin' -- the Surfites disc. Spot-on surf'n'drag sounds by folks who obviously understand this stuff.

Andy wrote: Surfs up dudes! Surfs up!

Mollythemonster wrote: GREAT BAND!!!!!

THE HANGEE V wrote: Your cd is still on my player!

Surf Rock Cafe wrote: Thou Shalt Drag - is a masterpiece!! Great work!

mµshaboom'°' wrote: heyaa! very cool sound!! i love it!

Trevor wrote: I have your CD and I'm listening to it now as I post this! Awesome Dudes!

Lalle G.Rockt wrote: Super Music

Geisya Pussy wrote: GREAT The Surfites!!!!!

Kelly Krakatoa wrote: Great, Great, Great SURF BAND!

Chica Z wrote: Love the music!

SurfGuitar 101 wrote: I dig your new CD!

The Krontjong Devils wrote: BIG POUNDER IS A HIT!

Fujiyama Monsters wrote: The Surfites is cool surf sound!!!

Grumpy Gus wrote: You guys give me a little vacation to the beach everytime I listen to ya.

Trevor wrote: Can't wait to get your CD's!

Pauly Poo! wrote: love your sound, i've just ordered your cd can't wait to get it!

The Octomen wrote: Got my copy of Big Pounder reserved at I can't wait you fellas are awesome!!

Max Mala wrote: buen trabajo!


Kemakeur wrote: Great retro surf,,clasical,,we are your fans.

Coral Reefer wrote: great tunes!


Oliver wrote: very good music!

Outsyde Inn wrote: "Thou Shalt Drag" is a blast!

The Del-Vamps wrote: The Surfites rock the surf scene!

Natali wrote: Surfites, one of the best surf band!!!

3 Balls of Fire wrote: ya'all rock!!!!

Pigi wrote: Finally I got the cd, it's fantastic!!! You are the "new dimension"!!!

Peterson 62 wrote: I received your Cd today, haven't heard the whole thing yet, But what I did hear, This CD is kickin.... Great Job Guys

Craig wrote: wuts up man ur guys music is sick

Backwoods Beachparty wrote: the disc is killer!

Marcus Maximus wrote: Cool tunes...

The Secret Avengers wrote: Very a great sound!!

Surf PHX wrote: i think you guys are great!!!

Kevin Edward Herdeman wrote: killer surf action!

The Lightning Rods wrote: Haloooooooooooooooo, 'Surfites, kowabungaaaaaaaa, congratulations on your stoking superb looking CD

Herrera & The Handouts wrote: Dig your sounds!

Silver Freaks wrote: Your songs are great!!!!!. your video is so fun. I feel fine, with your sounds i´m surfin the waves!!

Surf Kamikaze wrote: Just got your Album... and.. WOW! Yes!.. it's a real BIG Pounder!! Keep on with your great work!

Los Torperros wrote: great sound there

Supa Sank! wrote: Really cool sound.

Nitro wrote: The Surfites are the Real Deal. .

The Star & Key Of The Indian Ocean wrote: I 've just have your album , Great music !

The Thunderchiefs wrote: Bitchin' new LP!!! Big Pounder! it's a HIT!

Margo wrote: Please come to central Massachusetts sometime!

Kung-Fu Monkeys wrote: YEEEEHAAAAAWWWWW...Great Great sounds .

Nuuska wrote: cool music & great songs!

Miss SpacePafpaf wrote: I love your music!

Tiki Tena wrote: I just got my CD two days ago. It's EXCELLENT! I'm in trad heaven with this CD. I totally dig the drippy surf/drag sound you've got going. I think the new CD is a must-have for trad fans.

Zuckmaster wrote: I definitely love your fat SurfSound!!! Are you planning to play in Germany? I would be there...

Lifeguard Knifefight wrote: This new stuff totally rules! I'm ordering a copy!

Pigi Hangeev wrote: Yeah! Can't wait to hearin it!!!

Kevin wrote: Bravo Surfites! Love the CD.

Erik / DJ viking wrote: the CD sounds GREAT!!! I will get a order for these BIG waves...

M.G. wrote: The new CD is BITCHIN! GREAT job, fellers!!!

J L wrote: Love your sound!

Scuba Matt wrote: You Guys Are Great. Excellent Tone and Original Songs

SuRfJeS wrote: hi, your music is very good, is cool, and surfer_ funny, yeea. you are the # 1 my favorits.

Bill wrote: can't wait till your album comes out!

THE Concaves wrote: Really like your music. Yous have a great classic surf sound.

Kahuna Kaventzmann wrote: Hey, congratulations! Miles Kooch-ee-koo artwork is a great choice for the album cover!!

Backwoods Beachparty wrote: killer tracks!

Loka wrote: I do really like your sound.

1,2,3,4 GO!!! wrote: great sounds around here....

Brettly wrote: Big Pounder is one of my new favorite surf tunes. You guys certainly know how to do it up right with the reverb drenched guitars!

M.G. wrote: Looking forward to the new CD!

Tarra Rubato wrote: Your sound is hot!

The Delreys wrote: You guys sound great.. Keep it up..

Brandon Johnson wrote: your music is epic i must say.

Los Lovers wrote: Hey kids! We love your music

The Skull Surfers wrote: Cool stuff Surfites!! Love the tunes!

Rob and the Invisibles wrote: You guys sound great. I love "Big Pounder".

Paul Paterson wrote: Cool sounds.

Chongolio wrote: I am lookin' forward to hearin' your new CD!

Jon wrote: Will there be pre-order available for the album?

Al wrote: your sounding great, I hear the waves in Sweeden are pretty good if you have a warm wetsuit!

Waikiki Kuks wrote: Your sound is SOOOOO WET!!!! I like it!

psicoastenia wrote: fantastic sound!

Jason wrote: Your music is excellent !!!!!

Nitro wrote: the Surfites are smokin' !!!

Brit wrote: you guys are awesome!!

Pigi Hangeev wrote: Hope Santa C. bring your new Lp under my christmas tree!

Mark Baertschi wrote: Hey Surfites, I dig your sounds!!

Twang wrote: You guys ROCK!

The TakeOffs wrote: You guys sound GREAT for not having any waves!!

Alix® wrote: Awesome music...

The Shankers wrote: You guys sound awesome

fictivesquid wrote: Some really rightous twang, dudes!

sTeven with a v wrote: greaT sound, inland surfing sucks eh!! oh, for an ocean!!

Jon wrote: This is great!

Phillip wrote: The Surfites are one of the tightest surf bands out there!

Judy Jetson wrote: The surf is soundin' mighty fine in Sweden!!

The Bomboras wrote: Cool sound. You guys kinda remind me of the New Dimensions.

Dunlop Devils wrote: Hey guys, great tunes!

Teenage Cavegirl wrote: Your cartoons are pretty I love it.

The Retromantics wrote: Great tunes!

Ghoulapalooza TV wrote: So, how does one say "You guys are frickin awesome!" in Swedish? Great stuff!

Devlar Surf Sessions wrote: THE SURFITES ROCK!!!

Big Toe wrote: I dig your groovy sound!!

Shawn Conn wrote: Sweet surfin sound that I love!!

Bedford wrote: You guys rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Born Losers wrote: That's a really Kool Sound you have!!

Cheepskates Live wrote: Great tunes and REVERB!!!!!

Clarita wrote: Classy style! I like it a lot!


The Sidemen wrote: GREAT stuff!

The Tremulators wrote: You guys sound great!

Wheeler wrote: You guys rip.

Girl without a planet wrote: Love the sound!

Pigi Hangeev wrote: Please, let me know when your lp is out, I look forward to have it!

The Solar Waves wrote: Hey, good stuff! Sounds really cool.

JL Nitro wrote: TOP FUEL RULES and so do the Surfites!!!!!

Ines wrote: awesome tunes!!!

Jimenez Del Oso wrote: Your country is cold, but your music is something hotty¡¡¡¡

Eddy Tornado et les Scandaleux wrote: Great stuff, you Surfites!!

The Phantom Keys wrote: Amazing surf superreverb!! tunesss!! We dig it!!

Haley wrote: Love your music... authentic sound and very cool!

The Thunderchiefs wrote: Ya'll shoot the curl with the best off em'. I dig the Griffin-esc cartoons!

Mr. Gasser wrote: You are surfy finky kooly kool dude-e-O's!

Black Dolly wrote: Luv your music! Come soon in Italy!

Lucky 13 wrote: Great stuff!

Nostalgic Pussy wrote: I love your music.

Green Circles wrote: You gremmies really are out of control. That's a great track you've loaded here.

Nico wrote: I dig your sound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Octane 365 wrote: The Surfites are Outa-Site

Vegas Art Boy wrote: Great sound!

Amity wrote: Hop on over the pond to Texas...will ya?!

The Ricky Band wrote: u rule

Mike wrote: I grew up on The Lively Ones, Dick Dale, and the Ventures. You guys keep their sound alive with your style of music. Keep it up.

Jude wrote: Cool sounds!

Dark Knight wrote: You Guys sound Great!

Aqualads wrote: Putting the rock back into Surf Rock! You guys are awesome!

Jason And The Retronauts wrote: The tunes sounds great!!

Tiki Kim wrote: You guys have great music.

Hollywood Hank wrote: Sounds extremely great.

The Strange Tones wrote: Great tunes.

Firecrackers wrote: Love your sound.

Lizzy wrote: I'm liking your tunes. Keep 'em coming!

Steve aka Bananabobs wrote: You guys make Dick Dale sound like he played his axe upside down! You would rock the beach here!

The Exotics wrote: Sounds boss!!!

Pauly Poo! wrote: Hi Surfites, you sound great!

The Moon-Rays wrote: THE SURFITES ROCK, DADDY-O!!!!

TDDO wrote: Hey great reverberations you got there, really dig it!


The Monosylobics wrote: We freakin love you guys.

The Surf Piranhas wrote: Spectacular....! Wow... You guys rock...! Hot friggen reverb action to the max!

Reluctant Aquanauts wrote: This is great! Fleabag sounds like the Astronauts!!

Chongolio wrote: Oh man that reverb is so wet and heavy I needed a towel after listening. Dig your tunes, pack your amps and boards and bring it all over to America!

Redneck Zombie wrote: Greetings from France, hope to see ya play here soon, although we have not many beach down there...

I'm half the man I used to be wrote: Surf rock never die! Great tunes guys....

Escaton wrote: Nice tunes! Hope to see you surf sometime in Bavaria!

The Scaramangas wrote: The Scaramangas love your stuff.

Los Kahunas wrote: Great reverb sound! Wish to see you some day in Argentina!

Botan wrote: Your band is absolutely ROCKING!!!

The Sound Explosion wrote: What a great ultra reverbed surf sound you have!!! GREAT STUFF!!! It's nice to see you have an organ/piano in your line-up. Few surf bands have today and it makes your sound pure and original!

Allan Graves wrote: Very very nice music!!

Pigi Hangeev wrote: I look forward to having your new album!

Fuzz Daddy wrote: Take it easy and keep the waves coming. It sounds great!

Rude Rory wrote: You guys rock.

Just Mike wrote: Yep. I'm gonna shit reverb for a week, and i love it!

The Jet Set wrote: Yes! I've been soaked with reverb! Great tunes...

The Tormentos wrote: You sound really cool!!!!

Charles wrote: Your music is great, one of the best myspace music sites i've come across.

Pheck wrote: Great sound!!!

East Coast Tremors wrote: Sounds great.. reverb to the max!!

Creighton wrote: Creighton like The Surfites. They play the kind of Old Country rock n' roll that Creighton dig. Creighton like The Surfites.

Medusa wrote: Looking forward to your debut album!!

Claudia Cowabunga wrote: Great sound! Any chance you're coming to Holland?

Kreepsville Industries wrote: We really dig your sound!

Mexico wrote: you guys r awesome!

Laura wrote: Your sound is so beautiful!!

Little Wolf wrote: Yes! This is what surf music is supposed to sound like!

Mr. Bonz One Man Band wrote: Yes very authentik 60t'z sound i hope to see you soon here in france !!!!!!!

The Hangee V wrote: What a great sound you got!!!!!

Caitlin Scott wrote: surfites = perfection. ahhh come to america

Erik wrote: the surfites sounds GREAT!!!

The Swiss Family Skiers wrote: I dig the Daytonas, and Now I dig youse Surfites! I just can't get enough of that electric piano. You guys also nailed the Astronaut's tone! I can't wait to get my grubby hands on some of yer wax.

The Staggers wrote: Great sound guys!!!!

Satan's Pilgrims wrote: Y'all are doin' it right!

Backwoods Beachparty wrote: New songs sound great!

The Freakouts wrote: Wow.. you guys kick ass!

How's that for self promotion? Razz

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

How's that for self promotion? Razz

Nicely done, I personally would have thrown in some pictures, and put everything in bold, but you did a nice job.

As for myspace ettiquete, I only add people I know, and bands I like to my personal account, and we add everyone on the bands account.

I am super sweet

I personally would have thrown in some pictures, and put everything in bold

OK, here you go Laughing


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S


I personally would have thrown in some pictures, and put everything in bold

OK, here you go Laughing


Awesome, you should post that on your myspace.

I am super sweet

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