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Click on the 'Fan Club' button and check out the trailer.

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

oops. fan SITE button, not fan club button.

jack white as elvis? or doth mine eyes deceive me?

i'm in.

me too. looks like a good one for the holidays.

jack white as elvis? or doth mine eyes deceive me?

Good call.
Guess I didn't recognize him, his face isn't quite as pastey as usual. Laughing

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Yep - trailer was funny - looks good. Cox looks disconcertingly like Gary Moore tho ........

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

"Thank you Eddie Veeder" What a line!
I'm in!


"it doesn't say cox, unless I say it tastes like cox!" Smile

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I caught an advance screening of an early cut - from that, my advice would be to not get your hopes up too much. It's definitely funny at times, just a total pisstake of Ray and Walk the Line, but Reilly's too good an actor for the part - all the scenes that art supposed to lampoon the more serious moments of those biopics don't feel like parodies, since he's the only one who plays them straight. Instead, it gets really awkward. I'm not trying to be a buzzkill, but wanted to throw in my $.02


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

I caught an advance screening of an early cut - from that, my advice would be to not get your hopes up too much. It's definitely funny at times, just a total pisstake of Ray and Walk the Line, but Reilly's too good an actor for the part - all the scenes that art supposed to lampoon the more serious moments of those biopics don't feel like parodies, since he's the only one who plays them straight. Instead, it gets really awkward. I'm not trying to be a buzzkill, but wanted to throw in my $.02


Yeah, I kinda wondered if Reilly is too straight for a lead role? Makes you wonder whether the lead was really intended for someone else, like Will Ferrell or something? Oh well, I'll give it a shot anyway...

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

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