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Permalink The Cavefish take a crack at "Nitrus..."

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Our drummer went off on this song, and it was a bit hard to keep up, but I don't think we did that bad...(?)

The Disasternauts

Not horrible though, great energy!!

Our drummer went off on this song, and it was a bit hard to keep up, but I don't think we did that bad...(?)


I'll take "not horrible" over "Wow, that sucked ass" anyday. Thanks.

Normally, we only do one DD song per set, but we were trying to make up for time when another band didn't make it...that said, here's "Miserlou" and Link's "Jack The Ripper:"

The Disasternauts

Butch, thanks for the videos. You guys kill it! I love the energy on both sets. Your take on Miserlou and Jack The Ripper is pretty good too. I might be wrong here, but I think lot's of people here lean a bit more to the Trad side of surf when it comes to what they like, and I love Trad too. But I also love the raw energy of surf punk, and I tend to lean more to that side of the spectrum when it comes to the way I play. I think you guys are killer.

Have you released an album yet? Are you working on one? Fill me in.


I'm Batman...No not <I>that</I> Batman. :p

Yeah, we're definitely not trad, thats for sure (lol).

Thanks for the props, Ace, we really appreciate it. One of the tunes we did in that same set was a cover of a Maiden tune we renamed "Number of the Beach," - folks went nuts. I get off more on doing stuff people don't expect us to do as a surf band. We do mostly instrumentals, some trad stuff (DD, Link, Ventures, Astronauts stuff), and some heavier stuff like Dead Kennedys, older B-52's and Rev Horton Heat and some of the ore out-there MOAM songs. We're kinda all-over-the-place. We refuse to do "Walk Don't Run" or "Wipout" though, yet we still do "Miserlou" cuz it's gets the chicks dancing like Uma.

The Disasternauts

That's cool. Reverend Horton Heat! Yeah man, saw them live a couple times, when the Rev stands on Jimbo's upright bass and shreds while Jimbo plays it is crazy! What RHH songs have you covered? "Marijuana" is one of my favs! Twisted Evil DK's are gods! As for Moam? First time I heard "Alpha Surfari" my jaw hit the floor!

Keep it up! If ya have any more tracks I'd love to hear em.


I'm Batman...No not <I>that</I> Batman. :p

We do "Big Sky" and "400 Bucks" when the mood strikes us. We break out the themin for "Planet Claire," which is fun...there's s'more tunes on, just type in a search for "cavefish." I think the other two I put on there were originals.

The Disasternauts

Man, I could listen to Blood on the Jetty, and Fins of Fury all day. In fact I must have played them 30 times yesterday alone!

Would you say that The Ghastly Ones were an influence on you guys? I can cetainly draw a connection there to your sound. Which is seriously a compliment.

Lets us know when you have more.

I'm Batman...No not <I>that</I> Batman. :p

Ok I was alittle off, maybe it was just the Nitrus song. But you guys are pretty good. I could sit and watch/listen to hawaiian shirt/mellow surf music all day. But That's not what I really like. And I think that it's heavy surf like this that'll bring more people from metal/punk/garage side of things into surf music world.
The Only downside was I couldn't really hear the Rhythm guitar, but that's understandable considerig where the video camera was.
Is your rhythm guitarist a chick? I couldn't quite tell.



Ace: Altogether, there's 4 vids on Youtube, just do a seach for "cavefish." Yeah, we love the Ghastly Ones too(we do cover "Haulin Hearse" on occasion). The psychobillies eat the Ghastly Ones tunes up. Thanks again for the props on the originals. There's 6 of them now, hopefully we'll have 'em recorded soon.

Jeff: Thanks also..."Nitrus" was one we kinda threw out half-cocked since we were given more time to play than anticipated (to cover time for the other band that didn't show). Our rhythm guitress (not a misspelling, my own word) is indeed a chick, she tends to hide onstage somewhat as she tends to gets stagefright. We should have some better quality recordings done soon.

Personally, I'll play/listen to the heavy surf all day long. More often than not, we end up booked with psychobilly bands, punk bands, occasionally metal bands, which suits me fine. I love surf, I listen to surf religiously, but I also love old-school punk, stoner-rock, metal, psychobilly...I'm a schitzo like that, musically.

The Disasternauts

cool thanks for all the info, I'll be on the lookout for your stuff one day.

I thought that she was a chick but it was real hard to tell on the U-tube vid. wish more chicks would get into surf. Like some say. Surf shows are usually a sausage fest.

I actually might be starting a stoner rock band, and mixing in surf/spghetti/and middle eastern influneces also. But no I don't smoke
weed, just like the tunes.



Sry this isn't exactly surf related...

Jeff, if you like stoner rock...Check out Dead Meadow. I don't like to pidgeon hole them into that genre, cause I think they are much more than that. But, regardless you have to hear these guys. Start with "Shivering King and Others". Then maybe get their new one "Feathers". They'll have a new album out soon too. If ya like Pink Floyd, MC5, early Blue Cheer, you'll love these guys. Also to note is Brian Jonestown Massacre. And also The Walkmen. And lest I forget Mogwai. They do Instro's and some vocals. Their album "C.O.D.Y" which stands for "come on die young" is one of the greatest albums ever made, IMO. No one sounds like them. A true sonic soundscape.

Butch, I hear ya man. My musical tastes are all over the place. I find I'm really influenced by the Minutemen, Clutch's "Elephant Riders" (probably changed the way I play forever)...Acoustic Folk new and old (Beck's "Mellow Gold", Decibully, Simon and Garfunkel, Neutral Milk Hotel, Elliott Smith, Nick Drake, The Shins). "Real" Country (Hank Williams, Roy Orbinson, Johnny Cash, and alt-country like Lucero, and Ugly Casanova). Rockabilly (The Van Orsdels, RHH, The Dempseys, to name a few). Punk (Agent Orange, DK, Minutemen, Fugazi, At the Drive-In, Dropkick Murphys, Link Wray, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop and the Stooges, to name a few). Metal (Slayer, Metallica, Strapping Young Lad, Sepultura, Nailbomb, Megadeth, Ministry, Skinny Puppy, on and on...). Reggae (Marley and Wailers, Peter Tosh, Sublime, The Specials, anything really). "Real" Blues (Dude, there's too many to mention).

Also have to mention some other really important bands to me; Karate (one of my all time favs), Cursive, The Von Bondies (Gods!), Joy Division, Nirvana, Pinback, Modest Mouse, Motorhead, The Yardbirds, Zepplin, Sabbath, MC5, Cream, The Police, The Moody Blues, Hendrix, The Beatles, and Pink Floyd.

And now, any and all surf I can get into my ears...Surf is gonna change me forever, it's already started. I've been lacking something in my musical tastes, and now I know what it is. It's Surf, and I'm hooked for life now.

Ok, I gotta stop cause that's like only a portion, and this is getting way too long. Shocked


I'm Batman...No not <I>that</I> Batman. :p

You sound alot like me, Ace, musically.

So you're a Van Orsdels fan, eh? That's good to know - we're getting them to play here (my town is north of Palm Beach by like an hour or so) in early June - plenty of time to plan a pan-Florida trip for a psychopunkasurfabilly's gonna be outta control. More details as I get 'em.

The Disasternauts

Butch, that's awesome! A chance to see your band and TVO on the same bill! Let me know and I'll be there.


I'm Batman...No not <I>that</I> Batman. :p

Wow Ace, great to see you are all over the place, seems most surf fans
have very ecclectic tastes, Welcome to the Music Obssed club.
Great info on Dead Meadow and others, I will make a note of it.
I just got some hard to find Fu Manchu, High on Fire, and the New Nebula, not to be confused with the Surf band the Nebulas. I can't get enough of this stuff. That's why I'm thinking about the crossover, mix my 2 favs togehter, hope it works????



Jeff, I wish nothing but greatness for you. Really. Thanks man, for the kind words! Ya know I've been into music before I could walk, or even talk. My very first memory is of "adjusting" my dad's hi-fi receiver, it had the metal faceplate and big shiny dials. I must have been three years old. And no one in my life has “officially” welcomed me to the club that I’ve been a self-initiated member of for so long, till now. Thanks again. That made me smile. Surprised


I'm Batman...No not <I>that</I> Batman. :p

Same story for me, I kept walking past the stereo wanting to touch it at age 3. My dad new if He didn't show me how to use it, I'd mes it up.
Showed me how to tune in the radio( old school dial, with meter).
Play records, and put an 8 track in( now I feel old).
Even when there is no music playing around me, I hear music in my head. That's why I need to start a band. to get it out of my system.
I feel like I'm gonna explode if I domn't start playing.


Jeff, I wish nothing but greatness for you. Really. Thanks man, for the kind words! Ya know I've been into music before I could walk, or even talk. My very first memory is of "adjusting" my dad's hi-fi receiver, it had the metal faceplate and big shiny dials. I must have been three years old. And no one in my life has “officially” welcomed me to the club that I’ve been a self-initiated member of for so long, till now. Thanks again. That made me smile. Surprised



This is my first post here, and I can already tell that I will like this website. You guys seem really cool, and it's good to know that I am not one of the only fans of other music that likes surf. I'm just getting into surf, and I find it hard to believe how underappreciated it is.

hey jeff, i also have music constantly going in my head even when there is none. i've often wondered if this is normal or do most people walk around with silence?

Welcome, opivy21!

I'm new to surf music myself, and yup, everyone here is great. Lot's of great info is shared with the newbs, at least no one has yelled at me for asking a redundant question. Not yet... Laughing

Welcome to the group,

I'm Batman...No not <I>that</I> Batman. :p

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