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Permalink Chantays Pipeline 1963 TV appearance

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Hadn't seen this one myself before.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Very cool!! I also knew about this, but had never seen it before. It's really a shame they weren't actually playing - I would have loved to have heard how they sounded live back then.

But what's with the rip-off of the Shadows moves? I wonder if that was coincidental or intentional?

Thanks, Klas!

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I don't know if I dig the synchronized swaying, but thanks for posting I enjoyed it.

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

What was that from? The Lawrence Welk show?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

That was cool and sorta retarded. Larwrence Welk t.v. time after sunday night pot roast supper was my first thought. I guess watching it with grandpa would be kind of cool.

Twisted Evil > Angel

But what's with the rip-off of the Shadows moves? I wonder if that was coincidental or intentional?

I don't know if they got it from the Shadows but I think it looked very cool! I wish more surf bands would do that kind of stuff today.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S


But what's with the rip-off of the Shadows moves? I wonder if that was coincidental or intentional?

I don't know if they got it from the Shadows but I think it looked very cool! I wish more surf bands would do that kind of stuff today.

I highly doubt a group of kids from Santa Ana, CA would have been familiar with the "Shadows walk" back then.
The California bands obviously knew of the Shads, and covered their tunes, The Challengers do a great-Fingle Bunt as did PJ and the Galaxies.
The Sandells cover Driftin' and Jet Black, but two of them were recent immigrants from Belgium who brought there love of the Shadows with them.
Even though they might have heard the Shadows on records there were no TV or Film appearances of the Shads in the states for them to see.

The coordinated dance moves were a common thing for Rock and Roll dance bands back then. All a part of show bizz.

I agree Klas, it looks great! Thanks for posting the link.

The Thunderchiefs

Yeah, awesome video.

For any rockabilly fans:

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

Those are some crazy shirts the Blue Caps got on.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

The Chantays are nerd-tastic!

Science friction burns my fingers.

The Chantays are nerd-tastic!

Haha yup. It's cut out of this clip but right before they play Bob Spickard introduces each guy. Talk about awkward teenage moments.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

I realize it was the 60's but I can't believe that anybody would try to pull that off on's so bad. Very cool to see them though. God they were young when they wrote that...

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

I realize it was the 60's but I can't believe that anybody would try to pull that off on's so bad. Very cool to see them though. God they were young when they wrote that...

Have you seen the shit they pull off on TV today??!!

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Hadn't seen this one myself before.

Thanks for sharing that, Klas! Same with me, I had heard about this before, but it's my first time seeing it.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I realize it was the 60's but I can't believe that anybody would try to pull that off on's so bad. Very cool to see them though. God they were young when they wrote that...

Huh? What's the bad part?

Hey how hard is it to play and sway? Also it looks like each of them has a thinga majig hanging where the amp plugs in. Doe this mean they had wireles hookups for their guitars? You can see it when they sway back and forth, its flopping around.

Hey how hard is it to play and sway? Also it looks like each of them has a thinga majig hanging where the amp plugs in. Doe this mean they had wireles hookups for their guitars? You can see it when they sway back and forth, its flopping around.

It's not hard to sway unless your the drummer perhaps. I thinks that thing flopping around are their whammy bars (no not a pun). It looks like their not plugged in.

Watching it again I noticed the organist's little dance in the beginning. Cool

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>


Hey how hard is it to play and sway? Also it looks like each of them has a thinga majig hanging where the amp plugs in. Doe this mean they had wireles hookups for their guitars? You can see it when they sway back and forth, its flopping around.

It's not hard to sway unless your the drummer perhaps. I thinks that thing flopping around are their whammy bars (no not a pun). It looks like their not plugged in.

Watching it again I noticed the organist's little dance in the beginning. Cool

I think he was kidding about the "whammy"...

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"


I realize it was the 60's but I can't believe that anybody would try to pull that off on's so bad. Very cool to see them though. God they were young when they wrote that...

Huh? What's the bad part?

I'm with Ted, Where's the bad in that?

The Thunderchiefs

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