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Permalink The this time it is for real Official SG101 T-Shirt Thread

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Stormtiger's got a good point. Maybe just keep one important fact or equation about surf music on the board or something. Or maybe all it really needs to say is the name of the site.
I really like the guitarist in the lab coat though. Gotta keep the lab coat.

I also think Duff's second design with the dude on the board is concise and to the point, I like it.

The one with the chalk board is terrific but perhaps too much detail, maybe that on a button up Hawaii type dress shirt would look cool.

Also the green from the original "Tiki" guy one is a great colour for a shirt, faded and lived in.

Well, if nothing else, we're getting closer to the finish line.

Now I vote for the chalk board by surfbeatnik. Confused

How will we ever make up our minds with such great ideas by everyone?


deleted, south seas huma

Last edited: Oct 04, 2007 09:10:47

Maybe just keep one important fact or equation about surf music on the board or something. Or maybe all it really needs to say is the name of the site. I really like the guitarist in the lab coat though. Gotta keep the lab coat.

I also think Duff's second design with the dude on the board is concise and to the point, I like it.

Given these comments, and others...tonight, I'll re-work both the wave riding guitarist (put a lab coat on him!) and the classroom (simplify the chalkboard!)

My day job consists of designing projects for clients so, I am used to revisions...but, can't please everyone…hopefully though…you can please yourself and the majority.

Also, I'd like to officially withdraw my first submission (jaguar schematic)...I don't want to get Brian or myself in trouble! (copyright/ethical issues)


  • Surfbeatnik

re: voting- when all the revision business ends, we can just take a poll to see which is the most popular.

Also, fwiw, I like shirts with the design on the front (not just a little pocket logo). It makes the shirt a little more engaging to others, and especially with these great designs, they will be conversation starters.

Lastly, maybe the runner-up design could be used as the cover to the 2007 SG101 compilation.


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I like shirts with the design on the front (not just a little pocket logo). It makes the shirt a little more engaging to others, and especially with these great designs, they will be conversation starters.

+1 on that. I like to look at my shirts too Smile

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I like shirts with the design on the front (not just a little pocket logo). It makes the shirt a little more engaging to others, and especially with these great designs, they will be conversation starters.

+1 on that. I like to look at my shirts too Smile

+1 .

I aslo like the filled out chalk board. no need to see it all at once? cool thing about that design is it's a cool image when looked at in a sec passing by, AND it's a cool design when you examine it up close. Cool

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I like shirts with the design on the front (not just a little pocket logo). It makes the shirt a little more engaging to others, and especially with these great designs, they will be conversation starters.

+1 on that. I like to look at my shirts too Smile

+1 .

I aslo like the filled out chalk board. no need to see it all at once? cool thing about that design is it's a cool image when looked at in a sec passing by, AND it's a cool design when you examine it up close. Cool

What they said.

I am super sweet

Yea that lab dude and blackboard is the cream.
I agree with Ferenc about it being on the front for conversation, but I see that on the back of a shirt for some reason. I'd buy 2 of each.
Cream shirts with black graphics Idea
The green its pictured in is cool too.
Black would look neat too. Hope we can pick when the time comes.

Either way its an awesome contribution to the spirit of the site.

Liking that chalkboard one!


I did a few small revisions...added glasses to the prof...added some cords.

These are versions of the "front only design" and for budget concerns, it can be black ink only on white shirts as shown. I personally prefer the black/white ink on faded color shirts.





If chosen, the artwork is good to go!


  • Surfbeatnik

Awesome... Love it!!!

is the little petrogliff taken from the HBISM ??

is that a legal issue?

I dont care, but just to be safe.




as a science teacher/surf guitar enthusiast, I find this design to be "most excellent"!


is the little petrogliff taken from the HBISM ?? is that a legal issue?

Big Tiki Dude!

We, and the HBISM might have a legal problem with the ancient Hawaiians...

The ancient Hawaiians left us more accurate evidence of their sport. Petroglyphs of surfers, carved into the lava-rock landscape, and chants that tell the stories of great surfing feats, carried a symbolic lore throughout the generations. Some of these chants date as far back as 1500 A.D., which leads us to believe that surfing may have begun long before this time in the Polynesian culture. What we do know about the origin of surfing in Hawaii is that it was part of the Kapu system of laws, which held Hawaiian royalty above the commoners in the kingdom. Chiefs used surfing and other Hawaiian sports as competition to maintain their strength, agility and command over their people.

In reality, that image of the ancient surfer figure is in the public domain. Whereas, my professor guy belongs to Me and SG101!

  • Surfbeatnik

ok ok thats what I figured, but wasn't 100% sure.,
just thought I'd ask.


see ya manya silly guy,


I love the design! The "petrogliff" is our bass player!!

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I'm locking this down as we have reached our deadline. Continue discussing the designs in the poll thread.

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