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Permalink Signs of Life From the Mermen

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I don't know when this happened, but apparently the Mermen updated their website. It's got some pretty cool stuff on it now, and the best part: they say they're starting to work on a new album. Shocked

Monkey Groovy I'm excited. Groovy Monkey

Who's with me?

I'm with ya, Wooza!!! They've got a gig at Ocean Beach @ the
SandCastle Classic coming up, and a gig up at Don Quiote's in
Felton. They are rippin' with Allen back on bass!




Last edited: Oct 02, 2007 23:18:38

Not to nit-pick, Robbie - but it's Ocean Beach for the Sand Castle Classic, not Pacific Beach. Sorry San Diegans, congrats San Franciscans!


Wooza, are you on the Mermen Yahoo group.
if you really like them I suggest it.

Ferenc, Bob and I are on there.
don't know who else from here is though.



Not to nit-pick, Robbie - but it's Ocean Beach for the Sand Castle Classic, not Pacific Beach. Sorry San Diegans, congrats San Franciscans!


Duh!!! Major brain fart on my part. Duh Sorry for any confusion I may have



Not to nit-pick, Robbie - but it's Ocean Beach for the Sand Castle Classic, not Pacific Beach. Sorry San Diegans, congrats San Franciscans!

I was about to lose my Sh*t when I initially read Pacific Beach. Then I checked the website and saw it was SF, not SD. Oh well (sigh). No big deal Robbie. It actually woke me up at work Wink
Anyways, great to hear they're active and on the move. Can't wait for a new disc.

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Wooza, are you on the Mermen Yahoo group.
if you really like them I suggest it.

I used to be on there for a little while, probably a couple years back. I remember losing interest though, but I can't remember why. Not that that indicates a lack of enthusiasm though. I'm thoroughly stoked that these guys are back at it for real now.

Anyways, great to hear they're active and on the move. Can't wait for a new disc.

Recently Jim was looking for a studio assistant becuase he said he was preparing to record a new CD. That is great news! They have been featuring some new material in their live shows for some time now.


Wooza, are you on the Mermen Yahoo group.

I used to be on there for a little while, probably a couple years back. I remember losing interest though, but I can't remember why.

Most of the chatter on the Mermenlist is lifestyle oriented rather than direct discussion of the band. There are some really interesting people-philosophers, scientists - who regularly contribute. Makes for great reading, even if the band isn't active.

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yes but Dave A. of the insects said that some of those people are way out there, and for him to say that really says something about them.

I get tired of the 2 foot long posts, my eyes glaze over and I clink to the next post.

some of those people love to read their own posts and thik how witty they are.
not hating, just saying.......



yes but Dave A. of the insects said that some of those people are way out there, and for him to say that really says something about them.

I get tired of the 2 foot long posts, my eyes glaze over and I clink to the next post.

some of those people love to read their own posts and thik how witty they are.
not hating, just saying.......


Yeah, and they use really big words!!!
Just bustin' on ya Jeff Wink
But, you have to admire how passionate they are about the band!

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Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

I appreciate the enthusiasm for the band.

its just their (want) of using big words that I don't understand
(yes I admit I didn't go to college)
that puts me off.
its like "oh if you don't know what I'm talking about then your beneath Me"
mentality that irks me most.



Unfortunately, I can admit that the snooty Mermen fan mentality used to rub off on me a bit. Not the "I'm better than you" stuff but the "this is the purest form of oceanic amniotic art" bit. I think it's cause I got really into them when I was just starting off as a surf fan and they were the first band I got REALLY into and I wanted to feel like I really "understood" the stuff. I'm off that shit now. This site has been a big help. Angel

It's weird that Mermen fans use big words and get all eloquent and philosophical and judgmental and stuff, yet when you show up to a Mermen gig, it seems that so many of their fans don't even know how clothe themselves or bathe.

I've been riding BART (i.e. Bay Area Rapid Transit, i.e. the subway) lately and I've been using my wife's ipod. I've got Food For Other Fish on there and I must say, it's excellent subway zone out material. Glad to hear there's more from them to come.


drummer-Lava Rats

It's weird that Mermen fans use big words and get all eloquent and philosophical and judgmental and stuff, yet when you show up to a Mermen gig, it seems that so many of their fans don't even know how clothe themselves or bathe.

Thats funny,
Matt Kora and I sometimes joke that we can smell the Patchouli oil thru the computer when reading their posts.



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