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Permalink The this time it is for real Official SG101 T-Shirt Thread

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nice, the lettering is off though - If you'd do the letters by hand and maybe tweak a bit, it's beginning to look a bit like a Rick Griffin design

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I've been meaning to do a back of the shirt design and wanted to use an old Fender ad with this guy surfing while playing a Jaguar, the ads were from the 1960's and they all ran with the same caption "You wouldn't part with yours either"

I felt inspired by Surfbeatniks back design to complete the T shirt.


can we take a poll on which is everyone's favorite?

can we take a poll on which is everyone's favorite?

We are waiting till Oct 15 as per mom's post above.

I also think we should avoid using an existing design for liability as well as just wanting to be original.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Here's a design that is all original...I thought that since the site name denotes a basic classroom setting for all things related to surf guitar...I would propose this idea...

back (or front)






The shirt color could be anything...IMHO, faded colors look best!

What do you'all think?

  • Surfbeatnik


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Nice Surfbeatnik!!!!!! I had a few laughs over what's on the blackboard! the historic "trad. v. prog debate" only comes second term right? ...

Did you draw the prof guy yourself? do you know Joost Swarte, looks a bit like his style of drawing. I mean that as a complimet, btw!

it's all too much to choose from, really.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

First of all I would to say that all the submissions are amazing! I would purchase whatever the group voted on as a whole. Because I have little to zero talent in graphic art production I am unable to make an entry, but could someone try to draw one with what I would call a "chest band or belly band" that wraps around the shirt with various guitar shapes. This is the best way I can describe it.


If you'd do the letters by hand and maybe tweak a bit, it's beginning to look a bit like a Rick Griffin design

Good eye WR, that was exactly my intention, I just didn't have the time to finish.

Nice artwork surfbeatnik, for anyone who hasn't noticed yet, Surfbeatnik is Duff Paulsen, drummer/guitarist of the Torquays, he also did the artwork on their CDs

I like Duff's new one alot, that is cool + funny, and I think most will like it,

I am torn between that one and the tiki guy now.



Man, they're all so good.

So far, I really like the "back to school" kinds of designs, so I'm torn between Duff's and the dissected Jazzmaster (apologies, I don't remember whose that was).


I liked the tiki, but the back to school shirt really nails it for me with the "101" thing. Good show, surfbeatnik.

For me it's a toss-up between the tiki and the back to school one.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Thanks for all the nice comments folks!

Did you like the equation... Leo Fender + Dick Dale = reverb ?

Yup, I drew the original art for this and the previous (wave guitarist) idea. The professor and the guy on the wave is a sketch over a photo that I took of Armin Brown and his Jazzmaster at a recent Torquay gig...

I agree, that maybe we shouldn't consider a design that has the potential for future copyright issues (my submission of the exploded Jaguar)
...especially if thousands of these shirts are sold!!!
Although, I could re-draw the guitar schematic differently, so as to avoid that problem...if desired.

I still prefer a small logo on the front, with the big art on the back...sorry BTD...(haircut?) Laughing

  • Surfbeatnik

I just lift my hair if somebody asks to see it.
the exploded Jag is taken from a fender shirt huh?
think I've seen that one before.



Im all for a big front design - I just cut my hair real short again, but it just seems better to me that way. no biggie.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

i personally like the bigger design on the back, but i can do the first run of t-shirts both ways. carol

I love surfbeatnik's "class room." Even Rip couldn't have topped that one..........ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

+1 for surfbeatnik's classroom. Really nice with a very cool vibe.

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I like Surfbeatnik's other design with the guitarist on the wave. It has an interesting shape and more of a focal point. The classroom is funny but from an aesthetic point of view I like the other design better. I wouldn't want someone staring at me long enough to see all of the details on that chalkboard.

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