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Permalink Video of a Surf Cover

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This was originally done by one of the most popular surf bands. This cover brought a temporary resurgence in the popularity of surf music surpassed only by Misirlou being in Pulp Fiction.

You can't go wrong with either version.

that jesse and the rippers video is probably the worst video i've ever seen.
if that made a resurgence in surf music, well, we are all in a lot of trouble.

Oh man that's weird.

wow, I couldnt watch more than 5 seconds of that. Shock

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

ouch! dilemma do i cut of my ears or poke out my eyes first? Shocked Laughing Laughing

ouch! dilemma do i cut of my ears or poke out my eyes first? Shocked Laughing Laughing

Watch the second one and then cut off the ears and then poke out the eyes.

Lordy, that sure is something...

It seems like lots of people on Youtube either want to use or have used that as a wedding song. Wow.

Well, those clips ruined a perfectly good song for me. I actually like the Beach Boys original, but those were pretty sappy.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

wow, I couldnt watch more than 5 seconds of that. Shock

i made it through half of the first one, seconds of the second one. cringe

shudder cringe, 5 seconds of each.

Jake what is wrong with you son?
you have a sick mind.



Apparently, Jake has been been spending more and more time at

Damn you for burning that horrid image of Stamos in a candle-filled room into my brain.


So what's next? Billy Joel? Bryan Adams? Michael McDonald?


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.




I like my Stamos without a shirt. How do you like your Stamos?

I like my Stamos without a shirt. How do you like your Stamos?

i like my Stamos playing with the Beach Boys.
(as a side note, last summer i saw the "beach boys" play a set with John Stamos.)

I like my Stamos without a shirt. How do you like your Stamos?

up in a tree with rabies?

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

This song was fine in it's original context on 'Sunflower'. Carl had one of those honest voices that could sing a song like this without sounding Schmaltzy at all.

This version, however, starts off as loathsome drivel..... and when the appalling widdly 80's guitar stuff comes in it goes downhill from there.....

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

I thought Dennis sang on Forever? Anyways, the original is one of my favorite Beach Boys songs.

You may well be right actually Jake - it's a long time since I played my vinyl. But they both had that unaffected quality in their voices.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

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