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Permalink any Jim Messina/Jester Fans out there?

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Stormtiger wrote:

I could have done that in 1972 easily.

But you didn't. Laughing
And if you had, it probably wouldn't have gone over very well in 1972. There's plenty of music I love that makes me think "wow I wish I thought of that first" but I didn't, hence no limousine and private jet.

Actually I did play many dances in 72-73 doing surf instro as well as many Beach Boys songs, and it went over big time even then. I'm only saying Jim Messina improved as a guitarist after his teenage surf band. I don't think Malmsteen is complex at all, just fast and that's a huge difference.

[Yeah, so what? I can say the same thing about any Dick Dale song too. Or any Link Wray song. Or any Lively Ones or Surfaris or Chantays or Pyramids song. Messina's music is no more simplistic than any of them.

Agreed. Big difference between coping a riff technically and writing a memorable one and arranging it into a tune that gets emblazoned on peoples minds (40 years after its written).

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zak wrote:
[Yeah, so what? I can say the same thing about any Dick Dale song too. Or any Link Wray song. Or any Lively Ones or Surfaris or Chantays or Pyramids song. Messina's music is no more simplistic than any of them.

Agreed. Big difference between coping a riff technically and writing a memorable one and arranging it into a tune that gets emblazoned on peoples minds (40 years after its written).

OK, I asked for that. My apologies. I didn't mean to be so negative about an artist that other's like just because they don't appeal to me. And I wasn't trying to be at all boastful, I would expect most players here can easily pick up just about any surf song within minutes or less, which is kind of the nature of the beast.

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 20:28:00

Tamale Wagon!!!


Stormtiger wrote:
Actually I did play many dances in 72-73 doing surf instro as well as many Beach Boys songs, and it went over big time even then.

And which surf instros would you consider to be too complex to learn in a few minutes? I'm just wondering what your criteria is for high quality surf instros based on your dismissal of Messina's stuff on the basis that you can play it "within minutes of hearing it" as you say. It just strikes me as a rather odd thing to say when discussing surf music, where pretty much all of the so-called "classic" material is pretty simplistic on a melodic/harmonic level. I don't see how a genre of music which was predominantly played by and geared at teenagers could be judged by its level of "maturity" - do you see what I'm saying?

Now I don't see why you'd have to "apologize" to anyone for expressing an opinion on something as subjective as music, it's just an honest question.

I'm looking at your list in the "Top 10" songs thread and at least we can agree on Gear and Mar Gaya! Laughing

I actually found his stuff to be quite hard to pick out. The little nuances are what gets me

I think it's hilarious (but a good thing) that Messina used to deny that he had anything to do with the great Dragsters album.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

And which surf instros would you consider to be too complex to learn in a few minutes? I'm just wondering what your criteria is for high quality surf instros based on your dismissal of Messina's stuff on the basis that you can play it "within minutes of hearing it" as you say. It just strikes me as a rather odd thing to say when discussing surf music, where pretty much all of the so-called "classic" material is pretty simplistic on a melodic/harmonic level. I don't see how a genre of music which was predominantly played by and geared at teenagers could be judged by its level of "maturity" - do you see what I'm saying?

Now I don't see why you'd have to "apologize" to anyone for expressing an opinion on something as subjective as music, it's just an honest question.

I'm looking at your list in the "Top 10" songs thread and at least we can agree on Gear and Mar Gaya!

Mar Gaya for one was harder to learn than most classics for me. Taco Wagon also has more going on. But you are right, Zak most, if not all classic surf songs are very easy to learn, even the great has nothing to do with level of difficulty. I think it is the Jester's drumming that I have a problem with. The day before this post I was listening to the Rhino/GP comp and I FF when the Jester started. It's my problem.

I'm not apologizing for my opinion, just for injecting it into this thread for Jesters fans, no point in that. I do like Messina and for years I played exclusively through an old modified Princeton of his. Sweet amp. I couldn't get the owner to part with it.

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 20:25:42

Speaking of 1st wave teen drumming, how about this one for some totally furious action?

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 20:30:46

Yeah, it's Barakat (and Dave Tunno on the drums). There's another funny story in the CD liners, about how they performed Dick Dale's version of The Wedge but with their guitars behind their backs while DD was watching in the audience. Then they played their own version normally.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I liked the Jester at first but I got tired of the drumming real fast, same fill over and over. Very unimaginative IMO. .

From my perspective as a drummer, this statement befuddles me. The fills aren't exactly the same and even if they were, I can write up a list of 100s of other songs that have repeated drumfills. The drumming is "real fast"? The drums keep with the tempo of the song and the single stroke rolls are as integral to the tune as Messina's double picking. He was an excellent drummer and even moreso, considering how young they were.

Shawn Martin

He was an excellent drummer and even moreso, considering how young they were.

I don't take into account the age of the players, I either like it or I don't. What the heck, I can't like everything... I don't want to like everything.

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 20:30:50

"A-Rab" is soooo cool. The Jesters' peak. Ah, if they only kept at it longer, what could have been....


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It's not like there's over-the-top drums on all their songs, they have plenty of slower-paced material which displays more subtlety. The drums on something like "High Voltage" are hardly "the same fill over and over again" - he plays something completely different each time around.
It's wrong to dismiss Messina as a simple DD imitator, too - I never head anything like "A-Rab" from DD.

Uncle already!

Oh Larry, where the hell are you to defend your playing from over 40 years ago!?!?!

Also, there aren't nearly as many people named Larry as there should be.

I had a really poor quality CD-R of some of this. I thought it was great, really powerful. Any ideas where I can get a better copy (the CD-R is long gone) of any of their recordings?


Canadian Surf

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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 20:27:02

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