Joined: Apr 06, 2006
Posts: 94

Posted on Sep 21 2007 06:13 PM
I usually look down and/or have my eyes closed when I play so it never bothers me.
If someone thinks we're special enough to snap a few shots, flash or not, be my guest.
— drummer-Lava Rats
Joined: Apr 27, 2006
Posts: 251
Auburn, CA

Posted on Sep 25 2007 11:26 PM
I say bring it ON!!!!!!!! It's kinda fun to stagger around on stage after being blinded by an unusually bright one (flash that is).
Seriously though, no problem here with flashes, or flashing...
Bob Bitchin
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25646

Posted on Sep 25 2007 11:32 PM
I'm all for more flashing at surf shows, hell I'd settle for once.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Sep 02, 2006
Posts: 3166
Denver, CO

Posted on Oct 26 2007 04:50 PM
I'm glad to hear that most bands are OK with it. I'm a bit worried about offending when I do it. I did once see that I had caught a subject badly, which worried has worried me since then. I also hate to get up in the band's face, because I'm blocking what others can see. Sometimes you can get a decent vantage point without that.
I try to make up for any interference by providing copies of what I take to the bands, where that's feasible. My impression is that they usually wish they got more of this, incidentally, though maybe from better photographers.
The only direct negative response I've gotten was at the Soiled Dove recently where someone who seemed to be staff told me to put it away or lose it. At least he gave me a warning. I was a bit surprised, though since it had never happened before. Anyway, the venue and/or the audience may have a say in this, too.
As far as phones, I remember Dick Dale calling out to someone "What, is your friend too cheap to buy a ticket?" He may have been just hamming for the phone, of course. I always figured that the phone thing was a pretty explicit sort of recruitment thing. "Hey, look! Next time you might want to be here in person. This is cool."
How about video - especially bad video from a digital camera? (Generally the sound is impossible inside with such a device, of course.)
I appreciate the hints on practice from the experienced folks!