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Permalink have you had your ears checked?

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Just wondering. you have these insurance company paid "hearing stores" in the netherlands where you can get a free hearing check. Few weeks ago I was in hospital for completly different reasons and I passed one of those, so I went in and got me one of those free checks .... compared to their set guidelines, whatever they are ,I have average 18dB loss on one ear and average 8dB loss on the other. (they measure for different fequencies)
they coudlnt tell me exactly what that means other then that their "guideline" is "normal hearing at 18 years old" (as if any of the ipod generation kids still has 100% hearing at age 18 Rolling Eyes ) and that 35dB loss or over qualifies for a health plan covered hearing aid.

These days Im careful with my ears, I dont play loud, I walk away from concerts that are too loud etc etc, but I used to like it loud.

anyway, anyone else ever had it checked?

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

So, with jackhammer, heavy machinery, diamond saws, listening to loud music, playing loud music, using headphones at eye ball bleeding levels everything is supposed to be okay?

That constant ringing may go away someday, maybe...

In answer to your question though, I think I may be afraid to know the outcome of a test like that, as in, what I don't know, I don't worry about. Very Happy

I have tinitus, ringing n the ears and caused by years of loud musc. Although I rehearse with ear-plugs, I do have loss in the 8db range. But the constant ringing is very disconcerting.


Six or seven years ago at a Los Straits show, right during the crescendo to Telstar, which was probably one of the last songs of the night, my left ear noticeably popped. It now rings constantly. It is disconcerting and it has gotten worse over the years. I wear ear plugs ever since that, but wow I wish I was that night.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I've been checked out for other than music reasons. I had a bunch of ringing that is now gone thank god. And my hearing returned as well. I got custom plugs which I wear when we practice but not when we play.

I was still in the average range.

I can't hear when there is any other noise at the same time.
I've been tested and have some definite hearing loss.
I blame drum monitors. I've tried to avoid them throughout the years, but didn't back when I was younger and playing in various "louder" bands.

Last time I had my hearing checked I was in the normal range. That was probably about 5 years ago. My parents had the good sense to get me to use earplugs when I was in 7th grade and that's been huge. I actually prefer to use them now. I use the 20 dollar musicians plugs that do a pretty nice job. I wear them not only when I play but I bring them when I go see other bands play as well.


drummer-Lava Rats

I'm 42 right now, and I have mild tinnitus (persistent ringing ears) in both ears and hearing loss in my right ear.

Back in the olden days of drinking, punk rock and long nights, I would wear one "shooter's style" baffled earplug in the left ear, and nothing in the right ear. My right ear was my stage monitor/drummer ear, the left one was the one I was saving for a rainy day. Well, my hypothesis/experiment proved true: I now have one decent ear, and one that's totally messed up. In ambient noise situations, I have a hard time hearing certain frequencies, such as child and female voices on my right side. Also, when mixing music, I must be careful not to overemphasize certain frequencies in the right channel. Soon, I may need to get a hearing aid in the right ear.

During the late 1980s until the mid 1990s, I did a lot of frequent 4-track/ headphone/ late-night recording. The higher volume levels underneath headphones exacerbated the damage to my hearing. I believe that headphones are the main cause of hearing loss/tinnitus in music people.
I still use headphones occasionally, but at much reduced volume than previously: I prefer monitor speakers for most mixing. When mixing live sound, I use headphones to help keep the sound OUT! I do not use iPod style earbuds at all, I believe they do too much damage.

I'm definitely not trying to hijack this thread, but can you guys recommend a particular brand of ear plug?

The Secret Samurai Website
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Ruhar, that's spot on in this thread! Im curious about those $20 plugs Taylor mentions (btw, that's very cool of your folks and a reminder for everyone on this list with kids I guess) ... when I was in the store the employee told me they had specia musicians earplugs, which would cost over 100 euros a piece - I just cant afford that right now, but I was planning on getting those anyway as soon as I had the money. 20 sounds better though Smile

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

These are the ones I use. They reduce the volume by about 16db but not the tone. They take some getting used to. I use them at practice but not at a gig.


The plugs I use are very similar to (maybe even the same as) the ones surfgitar put up. I got mine at, though during a recent visit to the site I couldn't tell if they still had those ones in particular.


drummer-Lava Rats

thanks guys!

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

The last time I had them checked, they were fine if not above average.

but that was when I was 22 years old.

now at 35, they are getting bad.
the Frequencies and how quiet I can hear seems to be ok,
but I'm not positive.

But I have had the persistant ringing for over a year now.
I really need to dig out my shooting earplugs sonics.
they work good, just look silly.

But its better than holding up a animal horn to my ear and saying "huh?"



These are the ones I use. They reduce the volume by about 16db but not the tone. They take some getting used to. I use them at practice but not at a gig.

Thanks Surfgitar

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

A couple of things. Tinnitus can be hereditary. If you have ringing in your ears (like I do) ask your parents, siblings, etc., if they do as well. It won't change anything, but it may reveal some history. Turns out it runs in my family, but I only found that out after I woke up one day with it.

Second, mine will go away but is easily triggered by loud noise, or if I flick my ear (i.e. pulling off a t-shirt) so look to minimize trigger points. I wear protective plugs when mowing the lawn, or working with power tools etc. Look for different ear plugs for different applications and use them when appropriate.

My doctor attributes my hearing loss/ringing to years of loud noise exposure - not just loud music. Although in my opinion it's the loud music that's been one constant factor throughout the years. Wear earplugs when needed!


I use the generic Sonic II style earplug with sound baffle valve


I hear it's way better to get custom made plugs, though.

I use the Hearos brand also.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

That's some good advice, I'm going to try and locate those Hearos over this side of the lake.

Went to see Dick Dale a few years ago in Atlanta. Stood next the the stage with the wife and WoodyJ. Wore some real good earplugs but still had trouble hearing for 4 days afterwards. Luckily, the tests said I was okay but I wear much better earplugs now. BTW, Dick Dale was awesome!!!

Ron (ToneBoy)
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