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Permalink JD McPhearson

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A good plug for the Surfy Bear


Canadian Surf

Last edited: Jan 20, 2025 12:38:27

JD's new album Nite Owls is loaded with surf! I get a whole Richie Allen thing from this track.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

JD is the real deal! Incredible guitar playing and guitar tones on all of his albums! Saw him live last year and he and his band were fantastic!

Thanks for the reminder to buy that Nite Owls album! He won me over with his Socks! Christmas album a few years ago. What a musician.

Sonichris, I hear what you mean regarding Richie Allen in that track but to me there's more of a Jerry Cole sound to it. Maybe a mix of both. Whatever the inspirational content, the song is great!

Redfeather wrote:

Sonichris, I hear what you mean regarding Richie Allen in that track but to me there's more of a Jerry Cole sound to it. Maybe a mix of both. Whatever the inspirational content, the song is great!

I agree - maybe even more after my drive to work. Jerry Cole Surf Age song came on and I re-thought my previous comment.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Last edited: Jan 20, 2025 13:11:40

Correction on my earlier post. Definitely surfy. I think I was confusing him with someone else. He is relatively new to me. Thanks for the education. Will listen to more of JD


Canadian Surf

revmike wrote:

Correction on my earlier post. Definitely surfy. I think I was confusing him with someone else. He is relatively new to me. Thanks for the education. Will listen to more of JD


I hope you don't think I was trying to be harsh, or correct you. I'm glad you brought it up. When I first heard JD's Nite Owls album, I was expecting Americana, not any surf sounds. I listened to it fairly passively at work, and immediately had to go back for a second listen. The surf sounds, along with a bunch of other influential sounds, make this one of my favorite albums in a very long time. I hear surf, Phil Spector, LInk Wray, Beach Boys, and a bunch of others. And I hear something new every time I listen.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Here's the whole album. No excuses now!

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

I think I am most excited by the use of the SurfyBear to get those 80s new wave tones. Brings me back!

Sonichris wrote:

revmike wrote:

Correction on my earlier post. Definitely surfy. I think I was confusing him with someone else. He is relatively new to me. Thanks for the education. Will listen to more of JD


I hope you don't think I was trying to be harsh, or correct you. I'm glad you brought it up. When I first heard JD's Nite Owls album, I was expecting Americana, not any surf sounds. I listened to it fairly passively at work, and immediately had to go back for a second listen. The surf sounds, along with a bunch of other influential sounds, make this one of my favorite albums in a very long time. I hear surf, Phil Spector, LInk Wray, Beach Boys, and a bunch of others. And I hear something new every time I listen.

No worries, I didn’t take it as being harsh, or nasty. I had only heard a vocal tune or two and thought that might be his sound. Glad it was pointed out to me. I have been enjoying the instro stuff immensely.

Canadian Surf

Thank you SG101 for the nudge!!

I became aware of JD a few years ago. It was around the time Joel Patterson blew up with his phenomenal LP "Hi-Fi Christmas Guitar" and it seemed JD's Socks was getting around then too. I listened to the first couple tracks of that album then, but admittedly, I was so smitten with Joel's work, I never gave JD an honest chance in hind sight - not Socks nor his earlier work.

Suffice it to say, Nite Owls is AMAZING. Real good the first time through and just keeps getting better. SOOOO Good!

And, I could not agree more with Chris/Sonichris... "The surf sounds, along with a bunch of other influential sounds, make this one of my favorite albums in a very long time. I hear surf, Phil Spector, LInk Wray, Beach Boys, and a bunch of others."

Anyhow, thanks for the 411, Rev / SG101!!



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