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Permalink Southern California Fires Jan. 2025

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A couple of other countries who have implemented desalination:
1. Sydney, Australia
2. Israel - A hot rumor is that the Israelis actually refilled the Sea of Galilee from the Mediterranean Sea via desalination. The Sea of Galilee is actually a lake. It is known as "Lake of Gennesaret".

And I'm reminded of a TV commercial I saw in the 1970s. It had a scientist type reporting that a certain New England town could not drink a glass of water. All that was around was the sea.
He went on about how science provided fresh water.
What made an impression on young me was his closing line:
"Sometimes the answer to a problem is all around you"__ as he looked to the ocean.

There you go, California.
J Mo'

It may be early, but our drummer suggested Backline care
Offer free mental health and resources for music industry professionals

May be something to look at to help with dealing with their loss. I believe the services are free for those who qualify.

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


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Great addition Art, thanks for posting!


That’s so awful, hope you and your families are safe. Material things may be restored.
Surely ready to help if I can do something.

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Johnny, please present your design for the desalinization plant and critical mapping of the pumping and artery network. Also, present the 10 year budget needed to get the project off the ground. Don't forget to properly size the pumping systems to include all of the elevation changes and friction loss. Sounds like a great idea!

The Kahuna Kings

Last night produced a fairly long lived firenado. More climate of catastrophe.

The Kahuna Kings

I have to think better engineers than myself have a better handle on what you seek.
I could contact more appropriate personnel who have better desalination expertise in Australia, Aruba, Israel, and Saudi Arabia but - better idea since you expressed interest:
I just know it has been done - for decades. Last I looked, sea level is sea level. I don't see anything all that uniquely prohibitive on an engineering level with regard to implementing it in California.
Maybe take a broader view of things, Strat. The U.S. has railroad, highway, electrical grid infrastructure, etc. Since our country is surrounded on three sides by oceans and seas, it could well be worth it to network desalination plants throughout our coastlines.

Gone would be most droughts, fretting over snowmelt and rain frequency, relying on the Colorado River urine stream - in other words -> ADEQUATE WATER SUPPLY.

We harness oil from the ground to power our economy; so why not harvest the water supply that, again, is all around us.
And maybe a by-product of desalination:
As we drink, irrigate, fight fires, etc. with that purified water from the oceans, maybe "rising sea levels" that have certain groups knickers in a twist might actually level off or (gasp!) recede. Then those same groups could warn us of "receding sea levels" Laughing
Sound good?

J Mo'

Last edited: Jan 12, 2025 09:26:27

It's an interesting discussion and there is a great article on the subject including the 12 existing DeSal plants in California. A good discussion in a science group. I just don't think that blaming people for a disaster caused by blow torch winds and a crackle dry environment is appropriate.

The Kahuna Kings

WTF guys? The next person that talks about desalination plants in this thread is getting banned.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Not mentioning anything Brian doesn't want to see anymore but I did read the article you posted - while I was having some coffee and munching some sea-salt potato chips.
J Mo

LA Times has posted a list of various free to discounted services including free meals at listed restaurants, free childcare, discounted hotel rooms, etc.


Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
Wake up Jimmy! It's Christmastime! (2024) - Agent Octopus (Single)
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

SG101 Festival 2025 Click Here!

We (Colorado and Denver/Boulder) went through this 2 years ago, almost exactly to the day. The first response is "who do we blame?"

But, the real truth is that this a tragedy that can't be stopped. Crazy wind made it impossible to fight the fire effectively. I know many fire fighters, who are far far tougher than any of us here, and all they could do was the best they could, which at times was basically watch it burn. It's easy to point fingers, and arm-chair fire fight. Sometimes mother nature is a MF'er who can't be stopped.

I'm hoping for a quick end to it, and for all my friends in CA to be safe.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Last edited: Jan 12, 2025 17:57:35

Latest I've heard:
Normans Rare Guitars in Tarzana are under an Evacuation Warning - so far.
And Guitar Center is offering grants to replace destroyed instruments due to the fires.

It's a surprisingly nice gesture by GC.
However, to be realistic -
An instrument can be replaced but a priceless high-end instrument that can 't and isn't going to be made anymore for a variety of reasons can have a substitution but never a replacement.

J Mo'

I live down the street from Norm's, a lot will have to burn before it gets to the boulevard. They were evacuating at the top of the hill overlooking the valley, but I believe they were holding the line at Mulholland. Friday evening the hillside looked like Mordor, but as of today I didn't see smoke in that area on my way into work.

Thanks for the update. Hope you and your family are safe!

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
Wake up Jimmy! It's Christmastime! (2024) - Agent Octopus (Single)
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

SG101 Festival 2025 Click Here!

The fires cause have still not yet been determined.
But there have been a few people men and women lighting fires
Saying they like the smell of burning leaves or they like causing chaos and destruction. Absolutely horrible people.


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