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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink The Babalooneys: Late to the Party

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I'm not quite sure if I should take the title of The Babalooneys' debut LP, Late to The Party (they do have an EP and 2-track Single as earlier releases) as a self reflection of the band... or a prophetic, Nostradamus-like prediction about me.

I'm going with the later. My exposure to new releases is not what it used to be. Aside from just all around busy and whatnot, I continue to be less and less connected online via social media, streaming shows and the whole lot. No complaints, just is what it is. Some of you magazine, podcast and radio show folks have been on it, and apparently Surfer Joe Festival too (great these guys got to make the trip and play!)

Anyhow, I am really moved by the release. As suggested by the album cover and what looks to be some sweet vintage gear, these guys really scratch the trad-vibe itch in a great way.

In a nudge to my pals/band mates to check 'em out, I went so far as to say 'If you told me the first 2 cuts on the album (among a few others) were The Fathoms rumored/storied to be working on for an upcoming release, I'd have 1) totally believed you and 2) been StOkEd!! about it.' To me, many of these songs are that good - strong melodies, great playing and just really groove.

Also, appreciating that saxaphone in surf ain't everyone's cup of tea, I love me some well done sax in surf, and these guys (like The Fathoms) really ace it as a modern band. Not too much, not too little, and absolutely NOT Duane Eddy / Benny Hill yakety-sax (Sorry Duane, R.I.P.).

Another potential third rail... vocals in surf. These guys go there too. For me, they also ace it with a swell cover of King of the Surf. Boy can Sang and sounds GREAT on this lone vocal tune off the album.

If you're like me, feeling the album title is about you, not them, well, I can't urge you strongly enough to get to the party. I think it's gonna be Hoppin', Boppin', and RaWkIn'. You don't wanna miss it!

Listen at Bandcamp, YoutubeMusic or where ever you explore new-to-you music.



El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Oh man, YES!

I'm glad someone else is feeling the way I do about this album and wants to talk about it! The Babalooneys are fantrickintastic and this whole album is just awesome.

I'm really partial to an authentic 60s sound when it comes to surf music and these guys have it fully dialed in, right down to the mono recording. Every single instrument sounds exactly how I like 'em to sound.

I think the sax on this album is a particular standout. There's good sax, bad sax, and then there's THIS sax, which is utterly sublime. I don't know where you guys dug him up but this Martin Dorval character has really set the bar. A perfect example of his talent is "Wide-Track Weekend", where his lines weave so beautifully with the lead guitar. And my other favorite of his work is the closeout song, "Locked In", where the fairly simple music lets his playing really stand out and create a mood. There's a ravenous, feral edge to that sax that reminds me of Thom Starr & the Galaxies "The Nomad." "Locked In" could be 10 minutes long and I'd never get tired of it.

I hope folks will spring for this album and give them a good reason to make more.

Thanks, guys, for recording this for us! And thanks for your previous releases as well.

Absolutely in love with this record

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

I am not really a fan of trad-trad surf sound but this album is great. Good surf music is a good surf music, and this is an excellent piece. I have really enjoyed watching them last year in Livorno and this album is nice addition to these memories! I am also not really a fan of sax but here it’s an integral part of music and contributes a lot. I would also mention the perfect production, you just hear all these subtle nuances, emotions and movements.

What a great release!

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

They nailed the trad sound, performance and songwriting on this one. Proud of these Canadian musicians.


Canadian Surf

Probs my favourite album of the year, they nailed the sound and i love the trashmen cover on it.

A timely reminder to listen to this great album again - thanks! The tone is spot on, and there is some very nice songwriting. The band are super tight live too, as well as being sharply dressed.

Does anyone have any idea how to get the vinyl version in Europe? Was it distributed in the EU and/or UK?

Holy swallowtail !!
That is a whole lot of great classic/mordern mixed, surf sounds, as I’ve heard in a long time!
It has the Joelman seal of approval.

one of my favorite albums this year!

My latest LP Unknown Creatures by Otitis Media Records is available now on all digital platforms and colored vinyl. Listen and buy here:
Lessons, tabs and tutorials send an email to

Superb album! For me, this is the best surf release of 2024

The Miramars (2017-2022) /

My band, The Hydronauts, opened for The Babalooneys in October in Boston, and we all went out for dinner together afterwards at the legendary tiki palace, Kowloon.

The Babalooneys are a great bunch of guys and I now consider them my friends!


THE HYDRONAUTS…Surf Music from the shores of old Cape Cod.
CLICK HERE to check out our first album, Interstallar Clambake!

If any of you Babalooneys are one here, pleaes tell us about your recording process!

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