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Permalink Dick Dale tone , Boney Maroni

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Love his tone here… it’s definitely not “clean” and sounds ALMOST like metal distortion…

Check out his sound in this early, pre-reverb version of Shake and Stomp.

It's not really distortion but listen during the last verse, at 1:55, he hits these inverted 5ths (I bet that's where Ritchie Blackmore got 'em for "Smoke"!) as punctuation and you can tell his amp was just rockin'. Must have been loud as hell.

weird_oh84 wrote:

Love his tone here… it’s definitely not “clean” and sounds ALMOST like metal distortion…

Yes! That whole Live At Ciros album from which this performance is dubbed is full of that glorious live tone!

Redfeather wrote:

Check out his sound in this early, pre-reverb version of Shake and Stomp.

It's not really distortion but listen during the last verse, at 1:55, he hits these inverted 5ths (I bet that's where Ritchie Blackmore got 'em for "Smoke"!) as punctuation and you can tell his amp was just rockin'. Must have been loud as hell.

I really sounds like Japanese Eleki doesn't it? I also really like the drums on this one and the non reverb Let's Go Trippin'. Of course to me Dale and heavy reverb is really where it's at! Mr. Green

Redfeather wrote:

Check out his sound in this early, pre-reverb version of Shake and Stomp.

It's not really distortion but listen during the last verse, at 1:55, he hits these inverted 5ths (I bet that's where Ritchie Blackmore got 'em for "Smoke"!) as punctuation and you can tell his amp was just rockin'. Must have been loud as hell.

I always thought this and the cut of Deltone Rock were done by one of the DelTones. The use of the vibrato and play style don't sound Dick-ish to me, but I could be wrong.

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