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Permalink '69 Gibbs vs SurfyPan Extra

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here's a short video i made of a '69 Gibbs reverb tank versus a SurfyPan Extra - both through the same Surfybear Metal.

I'd say they sound pretty much the same to my ears. Thanks for making the comparison video.

The Gibbs definitely has a shorter tail, thus reinforcing my belief that vintage is the best way to go.

Nice comparison. Newer pan, tighter sound. The Gibbs springs have been rattling around for decades.

Craig Skelly

Little Kahuna
The Breakaways
The Curl Riders

I actually have a ’69 Gibbs in my Fender ’63 reissue, and I recently bought a SurfyBear Metal with a SurfyPan.

I will say this: the SurfyPan is more than satisfactory, it’s great.

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Redfeather wrote:

The Gibbs definitely has a shorter tail, thus reinforcing my belief that vintage is the best way to go.

Shorter tail and more defined, brighter drip.
It's really hard to recreate the sound of Miserlou (single version) with modern day pans. The SP Extra comes close though.

ELZEB wrote:

Shorter tail and more defined, brighter drip.
It's really hard to recreate the sound of Miserlou (single version) with modern day pans. The SP Extra comes close though.

Some months ago I visited a friend that owns a '62 Showman (6G14A) with a single 15" tone-ring, and a vintage Fender reverb unit with a Gibbs reverb pan. I pluged in vibrato channel a Fender '65 Jaguar and started jamming the Misirlou intro and it was the closest thing I have ever heard to the original recording, even though it was a Jaguar and not a Strat. At first I thought it was the amp but when we switched the reverb tank to a home-build clone, with the standard Accutronics pan, the sound changed completely and did not resemble the recording at all. For the record, similar change was when we switched to the normal channel - the vibrato channel was more edgy and had more prominent EQ that made the tone overall punchy as it is at the recording.

Anyways, it was a nice experience to recreate the original tone as close as possible, but I don't think it is worth the effort to find and pay for an original Gibbs pan, especially for me that I don't live in the US. I am really happy with my Surfy Pan extra which is miles better than the stock Accutronics and I believe it takes me like 90-95% close to the Gibbs sound...

By the way, does anyone have a Gibbs tank for sale? Big Grin Just kiddin'... (or not) Laughing

I managed to find a Gibbs pan in France but the impedance values are wrong. I have to turn the knobs way up to make it squirt but the sound is there.

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