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Hey all, frequent lurker, first time poster. Thank you all in general for the wealth of knowledge here.

Figure I might look to you all for some expertise to exercise this static out of my V2.0 classic. I get terrible hiss (see video) whenever I turn the mixer up, regardless of cables/amps/guitars/power supplies (including factory supplied outlet), so seems to be pedal. First question I guess is, am I over reacting and this is just a thing and part of the charm with these? If not has anyone dealt with this and found a solution?

I’m kind of wondering if I got a lemon. For full transparency, I made the mistake of cheaping out and buying a discounted “new” v2 when they came out with the v3 on reverb from overseas to USA (although from a reputable surfy industry dealer in europe). If it was a local purchase I probably would have gone for an exchange at this point, but the being on a different continent / language barrier situation makes that a bit more challenging for my situation. Have thought about bringing it to my amp tech to see if he could tinker it out, though not sure if that’d be a cost effect endeavor either. Wondering if changing out the pan might be my next step before I just bite the bullet and get a v3.

Don’t know if my video is attaching - link -

Have you reached out directly to SurfyBear? They have excellent customer support.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Have you tried plugging into an outlet that is on a completely different circuit breaker? Could be electrical interference from something on that same circuit. I’ve had that happen before with amp hum. You might also try putting a ground lift on the plug and see if that makes a difference.

We are here to help...

Oh and I just watched your video. Have you tried putting it on the floor like everyone did in the 60s instead of on top of your amp? The reverb pan can basically be like a giant guitar pickup or radio antenna and is susceptible to all kinds of interference.

Last edited: Oct 25, 2024 00:41:26

I can confirm that, when I first got my SB I thought something was wrong with it but I just needed to get it up off the top of my amp. Since I did it's been perfect!

Last edited: Oct 25, 2024 05:26:17

I didn’t watch the video, but all bets are off if you put an external reverb on top of your amp. Dick Dale used to suspend his from the ceiling, with bungee cords.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

You guys are awesome, thanks!

The answer was to take it off the amp hahaha. I may have to look into the bungee cord from the ceiling option one day =).

Thanks all!

On a related note - has anyone had any experience putting the new extra pan in a 2.0? Noticeable upgrade?

It is easy to swap in the SurfyPan Extra into v2.0. We don't use the terms "upgrade" or "better", because the regular SurfyPan is still preferred by some players. If you consider yourself a trad player that wants that sound, plays through a Showman or other vintage or vintage style amp, and plays in a band with at least one other guitar, you may like the Extra. If you play in a modern surf trio, you may prefer the original Surfypan. It's a personal preference.

Awesome I’m going to order one for the option - thanks!

Also - I’m a huge fan of Satan’s Pilgrims - hope to catch a performance someday!

Always nice to read a story with a happy ending. Cool
Enjoy your new Surfy Bear Reverb!

Last edited: Oct 27, 2024 11:58:35

TraderNicks wrote:

Awesome I’m going to order one for the option - thanks!

Also - I’m a huge fan of Satan’s Pilgrims - hope to catch a performance someday!

Oh cool! Thanks. I was out of commission for the last couple of days while The Ghastly Ones were in town. We had a big, big Halloween show last night with SurfyBears all around.

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