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Permalink Surf Music Retrospective - Then & Now

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This is a music video I put together out of pics from the surf bands, Rich Kirkpatrick & pics I took. It start out with some historic older surf band pics & progresses to the current bands. Most of these pics were taken in or around Huntington Beach. So, help me name that video.


Last edited: Sep 16, 2007 10:45:29

Tim, that was really cool man,
brings back alot of great memories of those shows.

how about call itl
So. Cal. Surf Safari

I dunno, maybe thats lame.



So. Cal. Surf Safari

I dunno, maybe thats lame.


Not that bad. Not lame anyway. Safari might be a bit overused. So. Cal. Style? A So. Cal. Run? The So. Cal. Way? So. Cal. Retrospective? Eternal Beach? Maybe give a date range, too?

Nice to see the Aquasonics so well represented!

That music video is outstanding!! Thanks for sharing.

How about "Reverb 409"

Lots of excellent suggestions so far. Keep em coming.

How about "From Suits and Ties To Hawaiian Print Shirts-A Surf Music Retrospective"? Very Happy

2 Thumbs Up Thumbs Up excellent video and an honor thank you for including The Verbtones.

How about this for a title "Then & Now surf music Retrospective" Idea Question


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

That is cherry!
Best 7 minutes of my day, believe me!

"Chronicles of Surfnia - A Retroverbtive"

Thanks Surf City Video Cool

How about "From Suits and Ties To Hawaiian Print Shirts-A Surf Music Retrospective"? Very Happy

Laughing Sounds pretty good to me!

Science friction burns my fingers.

Awesome Vid Rock
I also thank you and feel very honored that you included the Secret Samurai.

How 'bout: "Reverberated. There and Back Again"

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Nice job Tim.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

That's a cool video Tim!

Are you thinking of making more? I know there are tons of pix of so many more bands that Rich has that are worthy of such a video!


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I just did one for The Eliminators. I'm still tweaking it. I'd like to do more but it is very time consuming. Hopefully I'll see Rich this weekend in HB & we can discuss some projects. Between the two of us, we have a ton of material. I'd love to put one together from your party but not everyone likes the camera & I respect that.

I just did one for The Eliminators. I'm still tweaking it. I'd like to do more but it is very time consuming. Hopefully I'll see Rich this weekend in HB & we can discuss some projects. Between the two of us, we have a ton of material. I'd love to put one together from your party but not everyone likes the camera & I respect that.

I can understand that. It sounds like a fun project though. I just hope to see more of these. It's like flipping through a photo album. Thanks Mr. Kahuna.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Great job Tim,
I need to get a camera, because although I have been to many of the shows that those pics are from, there are way more shows that are not represented that I go to , and nobody else is at.

its the Tree in the woods thing,
if there is a surf show, and nobody but bigtikidude is there, did it really happen?



its the Tree in the woods thing,
if there is a surf show, and nobody but bigtikidude is there, did it really happen?

We know it happens, because you always lecture everyone about it afterwards. Laughing


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

somebody has to do it.



We know it happens, because you always lecture everyone about it afterwards. Laughing



"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

its the Tree in the woods thing,
if there is a surf show, and nobody but bigtikidude is there, did it really happen?)

And vice versa, I'm sure. Definitely get a camera. If you figure out how to take a picture of a drummer let me know.

Take a video camera and interview the band.

That was great, can I have some more please...

Title - Surfside Stories

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