The Wretched Edsels – Self-Titled CD EP (Self-Released)
The first physical release from this LA quintet is a four-tune EP with an 11-minute runtime. My first impression was, “This sounds like California.” It’s chill. It’s calm. Can you picture a barefoot walk along the beach with palm trees waving gently in the breeze while the waves crash against the shore?
Musically, I pick up strong Latin flavors in “Echo Mountain,” and “The Sleepless Motel.” “Carm and Claire,” two characters in the Hulu series, The Bear, is a bit more vigorous and has stronger rock ‘n roll influences. The longest track, and the only one with vocals, “A Turk in Seville,” has a more Mediterranean sound, as you might expect. The twin guitars offer a fuller, integrated sound while the rhythm section provides a steady, propulsive pulse.
The CD is nestled in the pocket of a gatefold sleeve which is adorned with images of various Edsel automobiles. For lovers of history, a photograph of Edsel Ford graces the back cover. Elsewhere, the band's logo takes its cues from the discontinued Ford brand.
Pick up the CD or digital downloads at
As reviewed in Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Issue 2
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Last edited: Oct 08, 2024 17:01:06