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Permalink Upgrade from fender Jazzmaster 60s hot pickups

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As I go on with my Jazzmaster Vintera 60s modified. I think that I want to at least investigate the possibility of getting some pickups to improve the tone I get.

I find the treble strings get ice picky and the overall clarity could be improved. Getting some flat strings (11s) made an improvement.

Does anyone have any recommendations? Fender, Seymour Duncan’s, Lollar etc

they have to be great for getting a surf drip

Last edited: Aug 20, 2024 07:38:11

My journey into offset Fender guitars began back in the 90’s, when I acquired a couple of 1960’s Jaguars. (Back when they were relatively cheap.) Although I still really like them, I expanded into the Jazzmaster realm in the early 2000’s.

In 2004, Fender released a run of MIJ Jazzmasters (and Jaguars) and I picked up a Candy Apple Red model. The pickups they used at the time had Jazzmaster bobbins, but they were wound narrower and taller. Kind of a cross between a traditional Jazzmaster and Strat pickups. For a lack of any other way to describe them, they sounded kind of wimpy.

My reference point at the time, for what I considered to be the desired Jazzmaster tone was Danny Amis (AKA Daddy-O Grande) of Los Straitjackets. He was also playing an MIJ Jazzmaster with flatwound strings. I was leaning towards a set of Seymour Duncan Vintage pickups; one night after a show here in San Diego, I asked him about his pickups. He told me he was using The Duncan Vintage models, and that sealed the deal.

I don’t know exactly what tone you’re after, but I’ve also strung my guitar with 11s, and between that and the Duncan’s, I’m pretty happy with the sound.

As far as particular brands, I don’t know how much Fender, Duncan’s or Lollars would cost you over there on the other side of the pond. (If the price is a factor in your overall decision.) If The Creamery or Bare Knuckles makes Jazzmaster pickups, I’d look into them, as well. They are all good pickups, and I think that you’d probably he happy with any of them. Happy hunting.

-Cheers, Clark-

-Less Paul, more Reverb-

I asked Lollar and they said either their ‘58 or ‘63

I like Q-pickups from Croatia. I have their 58-63 black bobbin set. No experience with Lollar, but I often read their JM pups have a modern sound.

Drip comes from a reverb tank.

Reverbenator wrote:

In 2004, Fender released a run of MIJ Jazzmasters (and Jaguars) and I picked up a Candy Apple Red model. The pickups they used at the time had Jazzmaster bobbins, but they were wound narrower and taller. Kind of a cross between a traditional Jazzmaster and Strat pickups. For a lack of any other way to describe them, they sounded kind of wimpy.

The trick to get Japanese Fender Jazzmaster pickups to sound great is to just roll down the tone on the guitar (I have it at 5) AND roll down the treble on the amp (I have it at 3 and bass at 6). Here's what my 100% stock 2004 Candy Apple Red Japanese Fender Jazzmaster sounds like on a recording using only a Fender RI reverb tank and a Fender RI Deluxe Reverb amp. Strings are Pyramid Gold flatwounds 011-048 which of course are important for the sound.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

DrippyReverbTremolo wrote:

Drip comes from a reverb tank.

But I’ve read (maybe from this forum) that someone had some Fender PV ‘65 pickups and they struggled to get any drip after switching to them

Just wondered if anyone had a 60s modified JM and changed the pickups?

Any Seymour Duncan antiquity ii fans?

Yes, you can hear them in action on this old video of us, with me on lead...

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

DannySnyder wrote:

Yes, you can hear them in action on this old video of us, with me on lead...

The tone sounds great I think I might get the Antiquity II’s. And you’re a great surf guitarist

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