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Permalink Announcement for Surf Guitar 101 festival, July 26-28, 2024

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Caution - long, rambling post.

I think I'm going to split this into days.

Friday. Flew in from Denver to LAX. NEVER AGAIN! I hate that airport and they confirmed it. Cheap tickets are no bargain when you get to ride two busses to ground transport. (that's the only negative the whole day, BTW)

Lyft ride to Dons Turf Motel. we pull up, and as I'm getting out, who should be standing there? Now other that Bob Berryhill for the Surfari's! I jump out and stick out my hand and say "my name is Chris, it's a please to meet you Mr. Berryhill! Which, looking back, might have seemed kinda stalker. But he shook my hand, and we talked for a about a minute. Then, the rest of the family/band came out and I got to meet Devin, Joel, and Jane Barryhill! I've seen the other incarnation of this band, Jim Fuller's version, and meet all those guys, but never Bob. I tried to not take too much time from him and said goodbye. Checked in and went to my room.

Ordered a Lyft to go to The Golden Sails for a meet and greet. As I was standing there, who should be in the office checking in but Richard Hawes, (Richard here on SG101 I believe). We have known each other for quite a long time, and played in a band together (twice) at SG101 and Instro-Summit,(thanks Eddie KAtcher!)and hung out at an event or two. Richard couldn't share my ride, but we promised to meet later. (more on that in a bit)

Lyft driver quizzed me on the weekend, he'd heard The Surfaris were playing.

Arrived at the venue. Walked in, and saw Duff Paulson (drummer for a 100 bands) and Marty Tippens. Shook hands and as always, Duff treated me like a long lost friend. We chatted for quite a while, and several more times throughout the weekend. He's always super happy to see me, I think because played is Torquay song "Tide Pool Q" in The Aquasonics. I like Marty and we've met several times, but he's more reserved.

went into the venue and saw BTD who was more frazzled than I thought he should be. I asked why and felt bad when he said too many people were texting him because I texted him earlier about what time things start.

Saw Ran Mosessco. Introduced myself again and he said "I know who you are." Helped Ran set up an amp. Got in the way. Stepped off the stage.

At some point Richard Hawes arrived. He was hanging out with Sticks Sketchin and Jet Powers, Drummer and supported for The Penetrators. I'd met Elliott "Sticks" before, but never Dan "Jet". Very cool guys whom I would hang and mooch rides the rest of the weekend after Friday........

I was sitting at my table eating a burger, and Padraig "Patrick" came up and introduced himself. He recognized me from Youtube. We chatted for a few minutes, and first bumped a few time after that. Very nice guy who looked like he was having the time of his life.

Huge shout out to Ran for the backline - It's AWESOME! Early Blond Showmen's and vintage tanks thru one or 2 15" cabinets. The sound was perfect. I was a little worried it might be too loud, but the venue is set up for music, and you could find your comfort level. Up front, loud, but not painful, in the back, quieter, but still present. Perfect!

Friday Night Bands:
The Manakoorahs - The perfect start to the weekend. Cool Exotic vibe with just enough reverb to keep the surf dudes happy. Lap steel, Bass VI, percussion, made this set stand out over the weekend. It also didn't hurt that I'd met most of these guys over the years. Jeremy DeHart, Elliott, and Gary Allen. I got to meet the rest of the band over the course of the weekend. I really liked it. More about this band later.

Insect Surfers - what can you say about Dave and the band? Really fun, and I think this was my favorite performance from them of the 5-6 I've seen. I always have fun watching them, and Dave Arnson was as animated as ever, and played great. Really liked the newer guitar player too, who, as it turns out isn't that new. I just haven't seen them in about 7 years.Shout out to JonPaul Balak for his first of 6 (?) gigs that weekend!

The Mermen - never seen them live, always wanted to. it was crazy cool. Distortion and feedback substituted for reverb. Tons of echo. Jim Thomas is the master at riding the feedback. It was awesome! And, it was 3 hours. They played one set, and then another. I started to fade, and thought I should head back so I could be fresh for the next day. Caught a Lyft and went to bad.

How can day 2 be better? Just wait!

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Last edited: Jul 31, 2024 19:49:25

Thanks, Jeff, Patrick, Eric!
Jeff, we'd love to do it again!
Patrick, I spoke with Freddie a couple of times over the weekend.
BTW, my name is Victor actually, but no worries!

Chris, great meeting you and you are right, I did have the time of my life! I hope to see you at some of these festivals in the future.


Sonichris wrote:

Friday. Flew in from Denver to LAX.

Another attendee from Colorado? How did I miss that?

Purchasae Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Issue 3
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Digital
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Instagram
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Facebook

stepintolife wrote:

Sonichris wrote:

Friday. Flew in from Denver to LAX.

Another attendee from Colorado? How did I miss that?

I stopped by your booth several times, missed you every time.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Sonichris wrote:

stepintolife wrote:

Sonichris wrote:

Friday. Flew in from Denver to LAX.

Another attendee from Colorado? How did I miss that?

I stopped by your booth several times, missed you every time.

Sorry, I missed you. I was running around enjoying the show as a fan, taking pictures, and conducting interviews.

I live in Parker. Are you anywhere near there?

Feel free to email me:

Purchasae Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Issue 3
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Digital
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Instagram
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Facebook

Sorry, I missed you. I was running around enjoying the show as a fan, taking pictures, and conducting interviews.

I live in Parker. Are you anywhere near there?

Feel free to email me:

I'm in Littleton.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Sonichris wrote:

Sorry, I missed you. I was running around enjoying the show as a fan, taking pictures, and conducting interviews.

I live in Parker. Are you anywhere near there?

Feel free to email me:

I'm in Littleton.

Small world. We go to Littleton each week for church.

Purchasae Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Issue 3
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Digital
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Instagram
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Facebook

Thanks, to all, for the wonderful reviews, reports, videos, etc. Much appreciated!


I am really sorry to read this. Some of us surf nerds would have been delighted to meet you and talk. Maybe next year we can have a “meet and greet”. I would be glad to organize it, check with the hotel on maybe meeting by the pool an hour or two before the first band, etc.

rfcii wrote:

I was there all three days and without knowing anyone in person, it was a bit overwhelming. I had one of the reserved seats and did talk to the folks at my table, and they hadn’t heard of the forum. They also didn’t seem especially into surf music per se, but we’re digging hot rod culture, rockabilly, tiki, and other adjacent stuff, and that is great. But I was really hoping to talk deeply with some like minds.

It was difficult to find space and time to talk with the crowds and noise - but none of this is a complaint, it was a cool experience. I did let a couple of the recognizable musicians know how much I enjoyed their work, and I threw around my merch money to support them although I don’t need much stuff.

I was hoping to connect with some of you who know so much and patiently answer questions, but that didn’t happen. I was thinking it could be cool to have a different wristband (or extra wristband) for forum members. Or maybe a designated time and place for a member meet n greet? I found it a little difficult to start engaging with random people, especially when they were part of a group. My go to was asking where they were in from, but I wasn’t able to really connect. Probably a me thing - I don’t usually go to events like this. But it was cool to meet the couple of you that I did, and the music was great! I made field recordings of the Scimitars set, the Q&A session, and the Atlantics tribute set. When I get home I’ll figure out how to get them posted somewhere, although it looked like some big guns were doing more serious recording.

I’d also repeat my thought from another thread that I’d be especially into more seminar/workshop style programming such as music theory/technique, gear show and tell, more focused history, etc. I realize I’m probably in the tiny minority of attendees but I was really hoping to nerd out and elevate my understanding of the genre and scene, but instead I just saw some great performances- which is great! Well worth it. But, that was my experience and those were my reactions. I doubt I can justify the expense of attending again, but I do have deep appreciation for all who made it happen and I hope they continue to do so.

Saturday -

Met up with Richard Hawes at the local diner, right next to the Starting Gate, where several SG101 festivals were held years ago. Met up with Sticks and Jet after breakfast and headed to the venue.

First up was the film "Sound of the Surf". I've been waiting for 17 years to see it. It did not disappoint. Really good. John Blair announced all the music rights have been cleared, and he's officially looking for a distributor. Looking forward to maybe some extra footage on the DVD version. Hint hint.......

There was a mix-up with Willy Glover from the Pyramids, so the talk with him was postponed until Sunday.

First band of the day, was "Strings Aflame" from Mexico. Wow! One of the big surprises of the weekend. I've seen some YouTube of them, but they were even better in person. Just great! Emilio gets my nod for most tasty rhythm playing of the weekend.

"Lords of Atlantis" was next. What can you say about this supergroup? Awesome! I loved it. JonPaul's second performance of the weekend, and his first of 3 I think on Saturday. Ivan and Dane are always good, and Jeremy's rhythm playing was spot on.

Martin Cilia was next, and maybe the only who could follow Ivan and friends. I've seen Martin before, so I knew what to expect. Really cool, and Ivan got up and gave us all a taste of the next days Shadows/Atlantics tribute.

"The Whys" were next. A crowd favorite for sure! So much energy from guitar player Ruiko who was obviously in her element. Everyone loved them and they were the talk of the weekend. I heard lots and lots of compliments from one and all.

"The Simitars" were up next. I had high expectations, and they surpassed them in every way. Excellent musicianship, cool songs, visually appealing. They had a belly dancer (Amy?) who came out about every other song and danced. She was very good and very popular. It was the perfect amount of dancer. I loved the low tuned guitars, and Ran is quite the player, which I sort of knew, but he proved it song after song. So fun! JohnPaul's 2nd gig of the day, 3rd overall.

"Dirty Fuse" was next. A 4 piece from Greece. They featured a sax player, the only one of the weekend, which added a bit of first wave to the sound. Not a lot of sax in modern surf. Nice mix of originals and covers, including several on the oud. I liked them quite a bit.

During the intermissions, usually 15 minutes at most, I'd walk around and talk to people I knew, or thought I knew. I'd also look at the booths set up on the sides of the stages, and talk to vendors. Bought some raffle tickets. Thought for sure I'd win something, but no dice. Oh, well.

Surfer Joe was next. Love this guy. He has done so much for the surf community, and his show is really good. I can tell they play ALL THE TIME. really tight. JohnPaul's 3rd Saturday show, 4th overall. Warrior!

Up next, one I was really looking forward to, Bob Berrhill's Surfaris. Anyone that knows me knows I am first and foremost a first wave guy. Love all of it. So any time I get to see any of those guys play its a huge thrill. I'd seen the other Surfaris, usually led by Jim Fuller or Jim Pash, and often featuring Paul Johnson. that band was "ok". Bob Berryhills Surfaris is a much more authentic version of the classic band. He nailed the 60's sound of the band. And they played a ton of lesser known early Surfaris songs. Devin Berryhill can flat out play, and Joel is a good drummer. Joel also sang some classics, which I bet some thought was cheesy, but I kind of liked them. This band plays a lot now, and I think the usual non surf crowds appreciate the vocals.

Coffin Daggers were next. Enjoyable set that I thought suffered from a bad mix on the PA. So, as much as I hate to say it, I didnt watch too much knowing they had a second set on Sunday of Eleki songs.

"Untamed Youth" was next. This is Deke Dickerson's surf band that he moved to CA from Missouri. And this was a highlight of the weekend. I've seen Deke a dozen times at least, from Deke and The Echo-phonics, to Dave and Deke Combo, Ventures-mania, as well as backing various people. This was the best Deke show I've ever seen. His guitar sound was huge, playing straight into reverb tank and Showman set on stun. Funny stories, he punked BTD a bit at first and did a terrible version of Good Vibrations before cranking up the surf. I'd seen Deke do bits of surf here and there, but never like this. It was awesome! Bonus points for beer tricks near the end of the set. Well done!

Final band of the night, and one that might have pushed me over the edge to go this year, "The Ghastly Ones"! SOOOO GOOOOOD! I have loved the look and vision of this band since I first saw their first album cover. What's not to like? Haunted Mansion looking guys playing wound up surf music. And who knew Dave Klein could play drums like that? Not me.

So, day 2 in the books. One of the most enjoyable days of music I've ever had. From 11am to after midnight, nothing but solid bands playing solid music. And huge props to BTD and the crew for keeping in on schedule. this could have gone off the rails easily, but they managed to keep it all in check.

Day 3 here I come!

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

psychonaut wrote:

Thanks, Jeff, Patrick, Eric!
Jeff, we'd love to do it again!
Patrick, I spoke with Freddie a couple of times over the weekend.
BTW, my name is Victor actually, but no worries!

Whoops sorry bout that.



Thanks for all the show reports everyone! So bummed I missed out, Covid strikes again. Still sick with it too....

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Good job, Chris - I feel like I was there!

Thank you thank you for these great reports. I love reading them. You don't see this kind of stuff on FB, that's for sure!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Sunday Sunday Sunday!!!

Started out with a text from Richard to our little group of me, Richard, Sticks and Jet. "Breakfast with Ivan and Dane" Yup, I'm in. Richard and I headed out as the others slept. We met at a local spot near Golden Sails resort (that's actually the name of the place, local spot) I always enjoy interacting with Ivan, although I'm always intimidated by his intelligence and knowledge. I've met Dane a time or two, and it's always great talking to him. we were joined by Jeremy DeHart and Larry White (Moondog Larry). Also at our table was Victor and Peter from the Coffin Daggers. I'm a little embarrassed to say I didn't introduce myself - or learn their names even though we had a nice conversation. Breakfast was good and conversation really made me feel like I was part of the community.

Had a few minutes to kill before festivities started at 11, so Richard and I hit the pool at Golden Sails, where we found Ferenc (Pollo Del Mar), and Fritz (Fritzcat). I'd talked to Fritz a bunch thru the course of the weekend, always fun to talk with him. Was my first time talking to Ferenc this weekend. Jenny Lute was there as well, while her hubby Josh (Josheboy) was sleeping or something like that. Chad Shivers showed up and got distracted by one of the Surf Zombies who was sitting at a different table with his Fender Jaguar getting some warm up. The female guitar player from Dirty Fuse jumped in the pool before I could say how much I enjoyed their set, and it seemed creepy to tell here while she was trying to swim. did I mention she was Female? I don't thinks so. She is. There were several other female performers too - several Bass players, and a drummer. cool to see that. Also lots of women in the audience, and bit of a new thing for a surf crowd.

First up on the schedule was a talk with Willy Glover from the Pyramids and Tim Fitzpatrick from the Lively Ones. I got to retrieve Willy from the bar area where he was talking to EVERYONE, including Unsteady Freddie. Good to see Unsteady Freddie at an event. such a supporter. I don't think Willy thought I was really there to bring him to the stage. Smile I've met Tim Fitzpatrick several times before, such a gentleman. JohnPaul led the question and answers, and did a great job. Willy is a great storyteller, and Tim such a nice guy. Hard to believe, but they both said this was the first time they have met.

Next up, the Tribute to The Atlantics and The Shadows, featuring Ivan Pongracic, Martin Cilia, Dane Carter and Jonpaul Balak. I LOVE seeing Ivan and Dane play The Shadows, and adding Martin and JohnPaul was icing on the cake. Loved the Atlantic's songs as well. a really fun set with lots of energy. JohnPaul's 5th gig, as well as leading the Q and A.

Next up was "The Legends of Surf" jam. This year, 3 members of a band called "The Chancellors" along with Matt Quilter played most of the set. The Chancellors were Casey Kasem's house band at one point, according to Bass players Lee Rengert's very nice wife, who's name I can't remember. I talked to Lee for a minute, and asked if he could believe what surf music has become, and he said, no it's unbelievable. They were there for the whole weekend. Lee's wife privately told me that being asked to play this gig was so good for Lee, who had a stroke and this took him mind off it, and got his body and mind working again. touching story for sure. Tim Fitzpatrick got up after drummer Tracy Longstreth (Chancellors, Rhythm Rockers) played and did 3 Lively Ones tunes. Dusty Watson took Tim's place, Willy doing Penetration,and here comes Marsha, then Bob Spickard from The Chantays got up and played a few. Is Bob the happiest dude to ever play surf music? I think so , ear to ear grin the whole time. They finished with, what else, "Pipeline" my vote for best surf song ever. So good to see some first wave guys still doing it. It seriously brings a tear to my eye. I should have done a better job of meeting all the first wave guys who were there, but they all just seemed to vanish.

Buddy and Suzi Dughi then played a quick tribute to Duane Eddy. Those two always bring it and it was great.

Surf Zombies were on next. Iowa locals,and a favorite of Brian's here on SG101. I think they might have played Brian and Deborah's wedding? They did you proud, Brian. Really fun set. Sounded great. Who knew Iowa surfs? Bass player has it going on. Is this a family band? Or brothers at least? I didn't realize who they were until right before they played, although I'd seen them all weekend long. Then, after they played, I couldn't find them to talk to them. Cool band, and they had dancers, always a crowd favorite!

3 Balls of fire were next - I missed the first half of the set because I HAD to eat. Caught the second half and wished I had seen the first half. I've seen them before, but this was better.

The Volcanics were next. I've seen Frankie and the guys 3 or 4 times? The first time at a Viva Las Vegas Pool Party set way back. I think all the previous times they were a 4 piece. I've always admired their dedication to first wave looks and sounds. But I think this was the best I've ever seen them play, and that's saying something. It was really good, and as a lover of 4 piece surf, I was a little worried they wouldn't pull it off, but they did. A really good set.

The Nebulas were next. HOOOOLLLY SHIIIIIT!!!!!! I sort of knew what I was getting into, but this was off the hook good. Since they all wear masks, there was no in between song banter, just song after song pummeling of the crowd. Tons of energy, and a great look. I started to see personality thru the masks? Entrancing - I can't explain it. Wow!

Up next, The Boss Martians. This is their return as a surf band, not a hot rod band or the many other versions of this band. Now I knew Evan Foster is a MONSTER guitar player, I even told someone who wasn't familiar with them. What I didn't know was how good he is live. This was a transformative moment for me. He plays with an intensity that I don't think I've never seen. Great songs, great playing from everyone. I told Evan later that this was one of the top three surf music moments for me - for a hot minute, I thought this might be number 2, the first seeing Dick Dale in '94. But, I've seen so much good surf over this weekender and my life, it's not fair to say number 2.

The Outta Sites was next. For those not familiar with them, this is Chris Sprague's band. Chris is usually known as "Sugarballs" while with Deke Dickerson as his drummer. He's also a Straitjacket. He's also a multi instrumentalist who can play guitar and bass as well as an ace at drums. Outta Sites is his garage band. This was a full instro set of some British instro and such. It was really cool, and they did a great job. I think I was still awestruck by Evan and The Boss Martians to fully appreciate it. He did some Trashmen vocals at the end of the set that seemed to irritate BTD, which I think was the point. Great set!

The last band of the weekender, Coffin Daggers! This was their second set of the weekender, and their Eleki set. Sound was 100% better, and it was great set. The little bit of Eleki that I know I really like, and they played a bunch of it. I need to listen to more Coffin Daggers and get more familiar with them.

So there you go, a band by band breakdown of the weekend. So much fun!

Take aways.

The bad: LAX sucks. Not too bad flying out, but a nightmare flying into. SNA or Long Beach from now on.

The good:
Everything else!
Don's Turf Motel is a good cheaper alternative. And I met a bunch of people who I now call friends, as well as reconnected with old friends. Still, next time I'll stay at Golden Sails, should next year be there. It's just easier to be on site.

If you ever thought " I should go to SG101 Surf Fest Weekender". Do it! It's always easy to make excuses for not attending. I was a little worried I wouldn't have a good time early last week. All those fears were erased as soon as I walked into the venue and saw several smiling faces. The overall cost wasn't all that much either, and I came from Colorado. Do it!

Stick your hand out and introduce yourself. That's always a good ice breaker. Everyone there has at least one thing in common, our love of surf music. Hand out and "my name is Chris" followed by "what did you think of that last band" or "are you local" are always good ways to start a conversation. In my life I've not always been the most outgoing person. I'm trying hard to change it and I like being more forward. If I can do it so can you.

Reconnecting with old friends, and making new friends is as much of a "thing" as seeing bands. While I was writing all this out, I kept flashing back to conversations with old and new friends about what we saw, and what we thought. That might be more valuable than the music. MMMMM, maybe not. The music was incredible!

Huge thanks to Jeff BTD, Ran, JohnPaul, Dorothy, Clint Beechwood and wife, and everyone else who helped put this on. I'm sure I forgot some names. I look forward to future weekenders. (anyone notice how I keep using the term "weekender"? That's what this festival has become, an idea that started almost 20 years ago with the first SG101 Fest. it's now become a reality.) Congrats to all involved and I look forward to being a part of future events no matter how big or small my part is. Jeff, you have your work cut out for you:)

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Cool review Chris, thank you!


Here’s some more from the TTR! I know Kyle had some Verbtones videos. Hopefully, he will share some here as well.


New music!


Great reviews and vids. Thanks all!


Tons of videos on fb


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